View Full Version : expstart.exe error on startup

July 11th, 2012, 05:27 PM
So I applied an icon pack with 7tsp and now I'm getting an error with expstart.exe each time windows boots up.
The error states the following: (giving me 3 errors)
Failed to update BITMAP '6801':24
Failed to update BITMAP '6805':24
Failed to update BITMAP '6809':24

So I've got no clue how to get rid of these errors, any help is much appreciated.

Thanks beforehand! :Peace:

Big V
July 11th, 2012, 06:00 PM
Those are the bitmaps for your start orb
What pack did you install bud?
I would run 7tsp again and use the system file restore to before 7tsp was ran
Also did you install over top of an already existing 7tsp pack with out doing a restore first this will cause problem also

July 11th, 2012, 07:07 PM
Those are the bitmaps for your start orb
What pack did you install bud?
I would run 7tsp again and use the system file restore to before 7tsp was ran
Also did you install over top of an already existing 7tsp pack with out doing a restore first this will cause problem also
I installed the Prometheus icon pack from razorsedge just as instructed. I removed the previous pack with 7tsp (was using Mark's Zero-G before). I updated my start orbs manually before running 7tsp cus the icon pack didn't include start orbs (so I left it unchecked in 7tsp). Otherwise my system runs perfectly. I just receive those annoying errors on startup. So the easiest workaround is to redo the installing process with the Prometheus icon pack?


Big V
July 11th, 2012, 09:27 PM
How did you update the start orbs? Did you use an app to change them? A lot of those start orb apps cause conflicts

July 11th, 2012, 09:31 PM
I installed the Prometheus icon pack from razorsedge just as instructed. I removed the previous pack with 7tsp (was using Mark's Zero-G before). I updated my start orbs manually before running 7tsp cus the icon pack didn't include start orbs (so I left it unchecked in 7tsp). Otherwise my system runs perfectly. I just receive those annoying errors on startup. So the easiest workaround is to redo the installing process with the Prometheus icon pack?

http://imageshack.us/m/534/857/infoqk.png (http://imageshack.us/m/534/857/infoqk.png)
hello Advy
anytime you can change your start orb with using application
Theme Resource Changer
just copy any start orb png or bmp file to your original theme directory
c/windows/resources/themes/your theme directory/explorer.exe
if are not created,add here new folder and rename it to explorer.exe
then copy and paste any start orb image and rename it to number 6801 6805 and 6809
what is Theme Resource Changer
you can download it and read other instructions how to use here
http://virtualcustoms.net/images/Forum_Pics/download.png (http://virtualcustoms.net/images/Forum_Pics/download.png)
http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/30902-Theme-Resource-Changer-no-more-dll-editing (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/30902-Theme-Resource-Changer-no-more-dll-editing)
or you can watch my youtube video here
video time 2:44
http://virtualcustoms.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=48540&d=1318781438 (http://virtualcustoms.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=48540&d=1318781438)
http://virtualcustoms.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=48512&d=1318717506 (http://virtualcustoms.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=48512&d=1318717506)

July 11th, 2012, 10:10 PM
Advy: Moonique's right. Use Theme resource changer for the start orbs. Much easier. In fact, it's much easier for the ex frame and shell32 images too. Use Greenfish to change bmps to pngs (it's a very useful free program for a lot of other things too). And, just change the icons when using 7tsp packs. I've run into trouble when having the 7tsp also change the logon screens. In fact, some creators recommend deleting the authui files to prevent problems. I think the authui files have something to do with the logons so I usually get rid of them in the 7tsp pack.

July 12th, 2012, 02:50 PM
How did you update the start orbs? Did you use an app to change them? A lot of those start orb apps cause conflicts

Updated with Restorator, the usual way.. replacing 6801, 6805 and 6809 with my desired orb file. Replacing the orbs was fine and the system didn't give me any errors after booting. Only after I installed the icon pack I started getting 'em errors.

I've run into trouble when having the 7tsp also change the logon screens. In fact, some creators recommend deleting the authui files to prevent problems. I think the authui files have something to do with the logons so I usually get rid of them in the 7tsp pack.
Haven't experienced anything like that.

So thanks :cheerful: guys but none of this gave me any help with my issue here. Changing start orbs was not the problem, problem was with the icon pack that messed it up somehow. So idk. And again, my system otherwise works perfectly and those errors don't slow down or do any harm to my system.. they just are.. there.. reminding me of some useless errors.