View Full Version : help Change Color

July 19th, 2012, 10:07 PM
Hey everyone so im working this theme from Mr.Grim. Its Blade Base. I have his permission to use some of his graphics. But i can not change the following things that you will see. can someone help me?

I changed the colors in there correct places in windows 7 style builder. Please help asap.

This is the bottom right of the taskbar
This is the start Menu

July 20th, 2012, 12:30 AM
Hey everyone so im working this theme from Mr.Grim. Its Blade Base. I have his permission to use some of his graphics. But i can not change the following things that you will see. can someone help me?

I changed the colors in there correct places in windows 7 style builder. Please help asap.

This is the bottom right of the taskbar
This is the start Menu

your first image the tasktray background u want to change the color on its an image you need to mod that is located here : Taskbar & System Tray > System Tray > Basic > Horizontal > TrayNotify > Background

Start Menu > Menus > Aero > ListView > GroupHeader
Start Menu > Menus > Aero > PlaceList:ListView > GroupHeader
Start Menu > Menus > Aero > KeyBoard:TreeView > TreeItem
Start Menu > Menus > Aero > KeyBoard:TreeView > TreeItem > HotSelected
Start Menu > Menus > Aero > Hover:TreeView > TreeItem
Start Menu > Menus > Aero > Hover:TreeView > TreeItem > Hot

Start Menu > Panels > Basic > Programs List > Panels > Programs List
Start Menu > Panels > Basic > Programs List > Panels > Programs List Extended
Start Menu > Panels > Basic > Programs List > Panels > More Programs
Start Menu > Panels > Basic > Programs List > Panels > More Programs Extended
Start Menu > Panels > Basic > Programs List > Panels > NSCHost
Start Menu > Panels > Basic > Programs List > Controls > More Programs Tab
Start Menu > Panels > Basic > Places List > Panels > Places List
Start Menu > Panels > Basic > Places List > Panels > Places List Extended
Start Menu > Panels > Basic > Places List > Panels > Logoff
Start Menu > Panels > Basic > Places List > Controls > Logoff Split Button Left
Start Menu > Panels > Basic > Places List > Controls > Logoff Split Button Left Extended
Start Menu > Panels > Basic > Jump List > Panels > Jump List User
Start Menu > Panels > Basic > Search > More Results

thse are the locations u want for the text colors in pretty much most of the start menu :)