View Full Version : Adobe Flash and Shockwave sfx and addon maker

July 22nd, 2012, 01:03 AM
Added option to use use Binary\flash_links.ini file to provide another
links than internal ones ( so maker can be used with beta releases too).



No more 2 exe's X86_../X64_ ,just dual_Flash&Shockwave_addon&sfx_maker.exe

What it does:

automatic download latest versions of adobe flash player activex (ie), pluggin (ffox,opera,etc), shockwave player slim and full
automatic compress svcpack and silent installer for product you have choose adding version numbering ( except AIO's)
Also ENTRIES_.. files for svcpack addon are created automatic adding curent date and versions from downloaded files.
automatic create a file containing filename, size and md5 for created addons/sfx's
use software versions for registred users ( no adware inside )

How to use:
Download and extract package. Launch Flash&Shockwave_addon&sfx_maker.exe, make your selection then press GO button.
Wait for maker to finish his job. Some TrayTips will inform you about the stage of work progress. After finish message check the
output folder for sfx/addons. size and md5 information are stored into output\_size and md5_for_files.ini file.
Folders purposes:
Binary - contains all files needed for creation process. Allready exist in 7z archive.
download - downloaded files - are created automatic
output - contains finished addons and sfx's and info file - are created automatic
workingdir - used to compress addons - are created automatic

Note: when select one product both addon and sfx are created for selected product.
Silent installers are compressed as 7zip SFX method at maximum level (-mx=9).

Why to use this tool inplace of allready made addons/sfx's?
- no need to check on servers if new version are come. Allways can have latest final version.
- no need to wait on sharing servers or to write his stupid codes
- you are shure that is not adware/spyware inside.
