View Full Version : AutoIt Debugger

July 22nd, 2012, 05:22 AM
AutoIt Debugger

AutoIt Debugger is a graphical debugger for AutoIt (http://www.autoitscript.com/). The AutoIt forum page for the Debugger is located here (http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/21834-graphical-autoit-debugger/) and contains many screen shots and user comments.


* Debug code added automatically to the script being debugged.
* Displays next line to be executed.
* Breakpoints (using the checkbox next to each line).
* Variable monitoring, including ERROR and @extended.
* Variable value modification at runtime.
* Single step, step over and run modes.
* Debugging of #include files.
* Supports the command line arguments.
* Some script editing functions.
* Portable version (still needs .Net 2.0 on machine running the debugger).
* Freeware. AutoIt Debugger is free.

* Microsoft .Net Framework v2.0.
Not supported (this may change in the future)/What it will not do:
* You cannot debug code that is using the OnAutoItExit function.
* Variable monitoring of HWnd, Object, BinaryString and keyword data types is not supported.
