View Full Version : CleanMem 2.0.1 silent installer

July 22nd, 2012, 05:43 AM
Author: PcWintech http://www.pcwintech.com/cleanmem (http://www.pcwintech.com/cleanmem)
Size: 1.07 MB
License: Freeware
Requires: Win All

The people who will notice the biggest performance increase are ones who don't have a lot of memory installed. (More memory is always better!)

The reason is when your system starts getting low on memory Windows will start to move memory to the page file. The page file is ran off your hard drive. The hard drive is the bottle neck of performance on a system. So the slower the drive the slower the system goes as it tries to work with the page file. When you use CleanMem you help keep the system from using up all its memory. In turn Windows doesn't push anything to the page file, and we avoid the huge slow down from page file usage.

Why use CleanMem
To make sure the memory is being used in the best way it can and avoid memory leaks and such using up all the memory. Lots of people feel the memory is a resource and should be used as much as possible. however, eliminating , the left over trash is generally a good idea.

So how does CleanMem work?
CleanMem Works buy calling a Windows API. CleanMem doesn't change the working set of a processes. It simply asks Windows to do all the work. So Windows does the trimming, the moving and manages everything. This is why there is never any crashes of programs and any performance hit to the system. To put it short CleanMem doesn't work against the Windows memory manager, it works with it.


Major update. Make sure to uninstall any old versions of CleanMem first.
CleanMem is now 3.5x faster. CleanMem use to take 3.5 sec to do its job
and close. It now takes 1 sec.
Update to the mini monitor to show actual percentage of memory use. This
shows up in the tooltip text of the system tray icon. Since the tray
icon can only fit 2 chars the percentage is rounded. But in the tooltip
it will show the current. Example: 35.635%
The system tray icon only changes when the percentage changes. When a
user would update the colors of the try icon the change wouldn't happen
till then. Now when a user changes anything for the system tray icon it
will update immediately.
The system tray icon didn't render properly if your system was set to
less than True Color (32 bit) This has now been fixed.
Added global hotkey support to the mini monitor. The user can now set
what keys to hit to run CleanMem.
Added a GUI for the settings of CleanMem. CleanMem now stores all
settings in one ini file instead of multiple text files.
Minor tweaks and fine tuning to the mini monitor.
CleanMem setup now auto detects if a system is 32 or 64 bit and selects
the correct install option during setup.
CleanMem setup support silent installs.


July 22nd, 2012, 06:50 AM
thanks a lot for this post!