View Full Version : Skype

July 26th, 2012, 07:51 PM
Hello guys.
i am a very big noob in modding system and from scripting to.:(
and i would like a great Gothic skin für skype in red/black because i have a Red/black win 7 thema activate.
cane any create a skypeskin/theme? the normal color is so boring:D

mfg darknes90

September 17th, 2014, 12:21 PM
Sorry for necroposting, but it's possible to make custom themes for skype? Or change the default on Dark for use it with your fantastic themes... :'(

September 17th, 2014, 03:40 PM
Sorry for necroposting, but it's possible to make custom themes for skype? Or change the default on Dark for use it with your fantastic themes... :'(

Thanks to microsoft buying out skype the answer to your question is no. Firstly ms removed the ability to customize skype which was already there, but that does not stop us from trying to customize it still.

I tore skype apart and found the script files in the exe where you can customize it but the problem is that ms digitally signed the skype exe so you can't even change the icons without breaking it and all it will do is start to fire up and give you an app crash error and close down.

Sry for the bad news we would love to customize skpye because ms made it so ugly but it's not able to be done right now.