View Full Version : Read only editbox help?

August 2nd, 2012, 12:38 PM
Ive been slowly tweaking a theme I really like and have run into a problem with some text being unreadable (I prefer dark themes but black txt on a lighter black background is next to impossible to see let alone read) Does anybody know where I can change the text color in the image to one that's easier to read?

August 3rd, 2012, 01:07 AM
Ive been slowly tweaking a theme I really like and have run into a problem with some text being unreadable (I prefer dark themes but black txt on a lighter black background is next to impossible to see let alone read) Does anybody know where I can change the text color in the image to one that's easier to read?

Hi Bud :)

unfortunatly that is one of those spots with the standard black text that cannot be changed there are a few spots in the visual styles that have standard black text and there is no way to change it just a bug that been around in windows os's for a very long time going back to xp days :)

August 4th, 2012, 06:59 AM
Bummer, thanks for the reply:)