View Full Version : [help]about changing location button and image location in start menu

August 11th, 2012, 05:42 PM
Hi.. i'm new in here and i just try my own theme...
but i have a lot problem.. especially in start menu..

1. what should i do to move this button to the left or right??

2. i have changed this into "start menu>panels>aero>top>more programs" and "start menu>panels>aero>top>more programs extended",, but it won't changed =.=a
is there a mistake in here??

3. why the image background is diffrent between the otherside image background??

and 1 last thing...

4. picture in left is different with picture in right... what should i do?? resize the pic or else??

thank you for those who replied to my thread

August 11th, 2012, 06:54 PM
Hi and welcome to virtual customs,
Ok hope this helps,

1, you need to change the content margins of the log off panel, 0,0,0,0 , change the first 2 sets of numbers , example: 10,10,0,0 that will move left and right, the last 2 sets of numbers are for the up and down position.

2, looks to me like sizing margin is out, adjust the last 2 sets of numbers.

3, Start Menu > Panels > Aero > Top > Programs List > More Programs Tab

and that last one, that looks like sizing margins too, again the last 2 sets of numbers.

August 15th, 2012, 03:20 PM
thanks for your help :D

i'll try on number 1 and 3...
on number 2.. i found it on Start menu > Panels > Basic > MoreProgramsTab
and number 4.. is my mistake because the image was fail :p... the source is StartMenu > Panels > Aero > Top > NSCHost