View Full Version : Update/new style?

August 16th, 2012, 10:50 AM
Hey did we get a update on the style or theme of virtualcustoms? Lol i got lost on here for a minute. Its more wider and smaller text on here. And where it usally shows how many unread post i have its no there anymore? Some advice or update link or soemthing would be great?

August 16th, 2012, 12:44 PM
Not sure which theme for the site you were using so cant comment on that, but maybe you deleted your cookies and it has reverted back to a different design. Or maybe you didnt know there were lots of designs to choose from. If not then check the bottom of the site for a drop down menu where all the themes are and choose one that suits you.

August 16th, 2012, 01:21 PM
Not sure which theme for the site you were using so cant comment on that, but maybe you deleted your cookies and it has reverted back to a different design. Or maybe you didnt know there were lots of designs to choose from. If not then check the bottom of the site for a drop down menu where all the themes are and choose one that suits you.

what theme he's using isn't the problem.
