View Full Version : what happened?

August 17th, 2012, 03:52 AM
ok this is a weird thing and im not sure if anyone knows the answer on vc but thought i would ask..

so my pc has a native resolution of 1366x768 i run my hdtv as my monitor through hdmi. I had in the past just resized wallpapers to 1366x768 so i could use them. but recently i started making my own wallpapers in photoshop and i was making them at 1920x1080 so i could share them here on vc in a friendly resolution.. funny thing is they were all displaying correctly on my pc with no overscan problems.... that is until i was online today and saw a wallpaper i wanted to try.

normally i would right click and save as.... but the site was broken for downloads but it gave me the option to set as desktop so i did.. it was a 1080 wallpaper i think now none of my 1080 wallpapers display correctly anymore..... WTH? does anyone know why this happened? i hate resizing wallpapers just to fit my screen... i just dont understand why they worked fine before and now not at all. I have tried resetting my pc and changing the resolution back and fourth.. still 1920x1080 wallpapers no longer display correctly... weirdest thing ever... i was displaying 1080p wallpapers for over a week and changed them multiple times daily since i was making them like crazy. i dont know why they displayed correctly in the first place but now i really dont know why they wont display correctly after choosing set as desktop while online.

can anyone explain so i dont have to go back to resizing every wallpaper i get?

August 19th, 2012, 04:17 AM
ok this is a weird thing and im not sure if anyone knows the answer on vc but thought i would ask..

so my pc has a native resolution of 1366x768 i run my hdtv as my monitor through hdmi. I had in the past just resized wallpapers to 1366x768 so i could use them. but recently i started making my own wallpapers in photoshop and i was making them at 1920x1080 so i could share them here on vc in a friendly resolution.. funny thing is they were all displaying correctly on my pc with no overscan problems.... that is until i was online today and saw a wallpaper i wanted to try.

normally i would right click and save as.... but the site was broken for downloads but it gave me the option to set as desktop so i did.. it was a 1080 wallpaper i think now none of my 1080 wallpapers display correctly anymore..... WTH? does anyone know why this happened? i hate resizing wallpapers just to fit my screen... i just dont understand why they worked fine before and now not at all. I have tried resetting my pc and changing the resolution back and fourth.. still 1920x1080 wallpapers no longer display correctly... weirdest thing ever... i was displaying 1080p wallpapers for over a week and changed them multiple times daily since i was making them like crazy. i dont know why they displayed correctly in the first place but now i really dont know why they wont display correctly after choosing set as desktop while online.

can anyone explain so i dont have to go back to resizing every wallpaper i get?

Man I'm stumped. The only thing I can think is that the photo you set as your wallpaper wasn't set to fit screen. Usually when you are selecting a desktop background Windows will allow you to select how it is displayed. (exe. Fill,Stretch,Tile,Center...) I've never had this problem, but I feel for you man. Good luck trying to fix it. I'll keep thinking.

November 16th, 2012, 10:26 PM
ok this is a weird thing and im not sure if anyone knows the answer on vc but thought i would ask..

so my pc has a native resolution of 1366x768 i run my hdtv as my monitor through hdmi. I had in the past just resized wallpapers to 1366x768 so i could use them. but recently i started making my own wallpapers in photoshop and i was making them at 1920x1080 so i could share them here on vc in a friendly resolution.. funny thing is they were all displaying correctly on my pc with no overscan problems.... that is until i was online today and saw a wallpaper i wanted to try.

normally i would right click and save as.... but the site was broken for downloads but it gave me the option to set as desktop so i did.. it was a 1080 wallpaper i think now none of my 1080 wallpapers display correctly anymore..... WTH? does anyone know why this happened? i hate resizing wallpapers just to fit my screen... i just dont understand why they worked fine before and now not at all. I have tried resetting my pc and changing the resolution back and fourth.. still 1920x1080 wallpapers no longer display correctly... weirdest thing ever... i was displaying 1080p wallpapers for over a week and changed them multiple times daily since i was making them like crazy. i dont know why they displayed correctly in the first place but now i really dont know why they wont display correctly after choosing set as desktop while online.

can anyone explain so i dont have to go back to resizing every wallpaper i get?

Before I say anything else, I would like to say that I can barely keep up with what these guys and gals talk about here. Everyone here is so smart.
With that being said, have you checked your screen resolution lately? Recently I plugged my HDMI cable into my laptop to watch a movie on my t.v. When I did, something automatically changed my laptop resolution.
Look here: 59559
It's something simple, yes, and it may not be of any help to you. I remember what happened to me once. You never can tell, it may be something as simple as this.
I hope this helps.

November 17th, 2012, 02:16 AM
You say now that none of the 1920x1080 walls display correctly? At first I assumed you might have not blown the thing up to full size online....meaning you saved a small thumbnail, rather than a full image (because you said the dl option on the site wasn't working). My elderly father-in-law does this often. It causes the little pic to pixelate badly when applied as a background. You sure this isn't the case? I know it sounds a little "durrrr" for me to mention this, but sometimes the simple answer is spot-on.:??
If you're using the huge monitor when you dl these, you may not be able to tell whether or not you are getting them at (saving them at) the resolution you think.
I'm always having to tell my F.I.L. to right-click his images, expand them to full-size, before saving them. He has 100's and hundreds of tiny little sunset pics!---All of them about the size of a postage stamp---lmao

Big V
November 17th, 2012, 02:52 AM
Guys I hate to point this out but more than likely he has gotten the issue resolved by this time since the thread is over 2 months old lmao

November 17th, 2012, 04:12 AM
Hahaha!---I had no idea!---I just saw it in the sidebar, and offered my 2-cents! That's funny as hell!lmao


:laughing:Can I have my award e-mailed to me?


Big V
November 17th, 2012, 07:02 AM
1.Extend right arm horizontally palm up
2.Bend elbow rapidly till palm meets forehead
3.Repeat as needed
lmao lmao lmao