View Full Version : Preview of theme

August 21st, 2012, 12:36 AM
Hey everyone i thought i show you a preview of a theme i was working on. But i couldnt complete cause it was all messed up. My file was completely fumbumbled. But it was looking good. If anyone wants to try to fix/correct it. i include the download for it


August 21st, 2012, 12:38 AM
looks nice, what problems are you having with it, you could always make style hacks of the parts that are OK and apply them to a fresh theme.

August 21st, 2012, 01:06 AM
looks nice, what problems are you having with it, you could always make style hacks of the parts that are OK and apply them to a fresh theme.
@Mr GRiM It keep goin to basic and not aero. then i ahve people telling me that there stuff missing. i dont know really. i liked it and everything but it wont load right
Well this is what the theme (http://creativx.net/forums/windows-7-themes/) file should look like

http://creativx.net/forums/attachments/customization/51504d1345507823t-theme-help-untitled1.jpg (http://creativx.net/forums/attachments/customization/51504d1345507823-theme-help-untitled1.jpg)

but his looks like this..

http://creativx.net/forums/attachments/customization/51505d1345507828t-theme-help-untitled.jpg (http://creativx.net/forums/attachments/customization/51505d1345507828-theme-help-untitled.jpg)