View Full Version : PrivaZer

Dark Knight
August 22nd, 2012, 12:01 AM
I have been a hardcore CCleaner user for years but I decided to download PrivaZer the other day after reading reviews about it on The Downloadcrew website and give it a go. After installing I first ran CCleaner thinking PrivaZer would not clean anymore than CCleaner ........ well I was wrong, This free little program catches a TON more stuff that CCleaner skips over. So I decided to share it with my friends here at Virtual Customs.


If anyone downloads and tries it, I would be curious to get your feedback, as for me, I'm impressed. My system is leaner, meaner and most of all .... quicker.

Downloadcrew Review:
"PrivaZer is a surprisingly powerful privacy tool which can reveal the many traces of activities left on your PC, before helping to clear them up.
After running a thorough scan of our system drive (potentially a lengthy process, taking 1:57 even on our relatively unpopulated 240GB SSD), the program produced a detailed report of areas which required cleaning: everything from cookies, browser and instant messaging history, to the MFT, drive free space, our Registry and even RAM.
There's a huge amount of information here. Curious about your Registry issues, for instance? Click Registry > Traces and you'll see the program has run a low-level scan of your Registry keys: on our system this successfully identified a host of programs we'd uninstalled long ago.
The "MFT" and "free space" sections are similarly thorough, revealing the names of deleted files. JumpList scans detail the applications you've run and the files you've opened. And even apparently obvious sections, like "Cookies", are packed with information, listing regular and Flash cookies, DOM storage and more for multiple browsers.
And once you've finished browsing, all discovered traces can be overwritten with a click. Or you can have the data securely wiped using multiple passes, using one of seven industry-standard algorithms - it's your call."

Get PrivaZer Here : http://www.privazer.com/

August 22nd, 2012, 02:09 AM
Will actually give this a go have had a copy of it for a long while and never tried it I like u was a ccleaner man lets see what this little app can do thanks for the post :)

August 22nd, 2012, 02:13 AM
Wow Looks Gr8 Thanks For The Info I Will Stick to glary's tho

August 22nd, 2012, 02:14 AM
If anyone downloads and tries it, I would be curious to get your feedback, as for me, I'm impressed. My system is leaner, meaner and most of all .... quicker.

Thanks a bunch for this info, sounds great, maybe too great.
Hmm, is it freeware, or shareware??

August 22nd, 2012, 02:17 AM
Thanks a bunch for this info, sounds great, maybe too great.
Hmm, is it freeware, or shareware??

Freeware bud :)

August 22nd, 2012, 12:52 PM
one word WORTHLESS. i got my c drive rolled back at least 9 months. in the process of bringing it current now.

August 22nd, 2012, 12:58 PM
one word WORTHLESS. i got my c drive rolled back at least 9 months. in the process of bring it current now.

Not sure what happened for u there bud but I just used this app this morning and it did a hell of a job on my computer 6 gigs almost of worthless crap gone and its running like a dream snappy fast it showed me a lot of places where crap hides and I like the fact before u get rid of anything it has a see button beside each catagory so u can see all the stuff it wants to delete incase it did pick up something it should not lol wonderful :)

From waterfox it took off 700 + megs alone of crap I did not even know was there lmao I have to say this is a dam good app lol

August 22nd, 2012, 01:46 PM
Looks interesting, will give it a try :icon_cool:

WOW this thing found tons more crap over cc cleaner, also has the option for SSD or HDD cleaning :tu:

August 22nd, 2012, 02:08 PM
razorsedge (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge), i use rollback rx in place of the windows restore to keep this kind of thing from happening. mainly because unlike restore points that can get infected themselves rollback snapshots can't be infected. i ran privazer and it hung after doing the free space. i had the mouse but nothing else, so i hit the restart button and chose a snapshot i made prior to installing privazer but instead of launching into windows i got the bsod. i though i might have picked the wrong snapshot so i hit the restart button again and selected an even earlier point in the day, and got the bsod again. i have never had any program messup rollback rx. luckily i had one last resort i knew would work. i use the bootable version of partition wizard, made room on another driver, install a copy of windows to it, and allowed it to fix the original os's boot problem. so at least with where the ols os is now it should only take me 5 to 6 hours to be back to where i was. but i do have to caution agains anything that will mess up rollback rx. it is designed to be bullet proof, and privazer managed to get through. luckily i had just backed up all my firefox addons, settings, and bookmarks, and backed up the few items on my desktop.

August 22nd, 2012, 10:16 PM
Thanks for tossing this up, bud...
Im actually really impressed, myself...
Ive been using CC and Glary...
This little one snagged all sorts of trash lurking about...
Thanks again...

August 27th, 2012, 08:56 PM
I'm going to give it a try,thanks for sharing this

Dark Knight
August 27th, 2012, 11:52 PM
one word WORTHLESS. i got my c drive rolled back at least 9 months. in the process of bringing it current now.

Chucky, so sorry that happened to you, could it be that it had anything to do with Rollback Rx?

What I usually do with these types of apps is first make sure my system is not set to automatically go into hibernation or the HD's get turned off.
Second is to make sure all running programs and all processes possible are shut down so nothing interferes with the running of the program, especially when it comes to wiping free space because it can take such a long time on larger HD's.

I recall running into a similar problem years ago using a program we have all heard of called "Evidence Eliminator" , while running the software my system was set to go into hibernation after 20 minutes, needeless to say it went into hibernation while it was running and I wound up losing a bunch of data, now I make sure everything possible running is shut off and the system is set to stay on.

Big V
August 28th, 2012, 12:37 AM
Well I hate to say this but I gave this program a try and after about two hours waiting on it to work it's magic I was left with an extremely slow booting system along with a very sever lag totally across the board as far my system responding to anything I wanted to do.

Chucky I'm not sure what problems you encounter but after running the program my rollback rx snapshot was still intact and worked fine in reversing the mess that this app created for me.... not sure if that info helps any for you to figure out what happened bud

I think I will be going back to CleanMyPc after this mess for keeping my registry running smooth

August 28th, 2012, 12:56 AM
Well I hate to say this but I gave this program a try and after about two hours waiting on it to work it's magic I was left with an extremely slow booting system along with a very sever lag totally across the board as far my system responding to anything I wanted to do.

Chucky I'm not sure what problems you encounter but after running the program my rollback rx snapshot was still intact and worked fine in reversing the mess that this app created for me.... not sure if that info helps any for you to figure out what happened bud

I think I will be going back to CleanMyPc after this mess for keeping my registry running smooth

like i said above i'm sure it had to do with the fact that i kept forgetting to defrag, and when i finally remembered to do a defrag c was past the point of being able to be defragged. just a fyi never try to clean free space on a drive that can't be defragged.lollollol
according to speccy i installed 7 on 6/12/2011. i was rolled back somewhere patch tuesday 7/2011 and patch tuesday 8/2011. lollollol
i have to wonder if after i couldn't get back into 7 if i accidentally chose the wrong rollback snapshot. lollollol

August 28th, 2012, 12:59 AM
lol i can see why you guys had so much trouble i ran the app took 11 minutes to work its magic cleans 106gb of junk and my pc Runs smooth and faster then before :happy:

August 28th, 2012, 01:32 AM
Hey Guys :)

I am not sure why you guys have had issues with this app cause for myself it has been nothing short of amazing in the job it does for me I have actually run this 2 times in the past 4 days after my first go with it last week and man it does one hell of a job :)

Maybe I can just throw some tips ur way like the heads up I gave toady after using this app as it is a very intense cleaning app the first thing I did before I ran the first time was to go through each option one by one and set it up for what I figured I needed since it's an intense cleaner going with default options on this app is like a crap shoot lol.

This is what i set before I ran it and have run it this way since.


As you notice the first 4 options with the yellow shield I took off traces in the mft and such is some areas I really don't want apps going in anyways but the yellow shields also indicate that you should use those with caution as I read up on each one thats not part of what I need the app to do anyways as I was looking for a more powerful junk cleaner then cc those first 4 should be used with extreme care.

The other options are pretty basic as u see I have the cookies one disabled I clean my cookies manually in my browser and don't want them to be deleted all the time so I have to re-enter passes and such. The rest of them I did the odd tweak here and there for things I wanted kept or not thats all users choice really as the rest is just cleaning options so this may help any of you that are having issues with this app :)

August 28th, 2012, 03:20 AM
Running it right now----Seems to be a fantastic cleaner app so far. Thanks man!:tu:


August 28th, 2012, 04:03 AM
Thanx alot....I too am a Ccleaner user, but I will give this a try!

The Black Page
August 28th, 2012, 08:33 AM
i've ran this the same way razor advised here & so far so good.guts your rig way deeper than ccleaner & the ram clearing function is pretty handy considering 7's tendency to leak.it does appear to bite in some though,i wouldnt recommend running it during a defrag :Fright:

August 28th, 2012, 12:31 PM
razorsedge (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge) / Big V (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/155318-Big-V) i did read up on it before running it. the items with the shields i unchecked along with a few other items, with the exception of the free space ckeaner. i figured since i had been using the free space cleaner in ccleaner that there would be no problem using it in privazer. The Black Page (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/160367-The-Black-Page) truth be told when you're doing a defrag you should not be doing anything else until it's done anyway.

August 28th, 2012, 02:38 PM
Thanks works great...The only thing that i unchecked is delete Page files and i had no problems with my comp...:Peace:

August 28th, 2012, 03:55 PM
Ran this program and unchecked the ones with the caution symbols,clean tons of junk,everything is running smooth,nice share Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight)

August 30th, 2012, 08:38 PM
I've had two problems after running this "cleaner." I can no longer use my Sounds properties nor my Mouse properties. I can't open either through shortcuts nor through personalization. And, I can't even access Mouse properties by going to the microsoft mouse link in the programs menu. I guess this program "cleans" too much. I've been in contact with them and they haven't been able to find anything. They have offered to do a Teamviewer session so maybe tomorrow they'll fix it. In any event, I probably will uninstall this Privazer and stick with Ccleaner.

August 30th, 2012, 08:49 PM
I've had two problems after running this "cleaner." I can no longer use my Sounds properties nor my Mouse properties. I can't open either through shortcuts nor through personalization. And, I can't even access Mouse properties by going to the microsoft mouse link in the programs menu. I guess this program "cleans" too much. I've been in contact with them and they haven't been able to find anything. They have offered to do a Teamviewer session so maybe tomorrow they'll fix it. In any event, I probably will uninstall this Privazer and stick with Ccleaner.

seems to me it depends on a person system configuration. seems 50% it works for, 50% it doesn't work for.

September 21st, 2012, 03:51 PM
*jumps on the band wagon* I'm also a CCleaner man, through and through. I'll give PrivaZer a try now and see for myself :P

September 21st, 2012, 04:39 PM
Well, I've gotta say, I'm impressed and disappointed..
Impressed with PrivaZer, disappointed with CCleaner for not being as good as I thought it would be! xD

September 21st, 2012, 08:29 PM
Hey guys, have a look here: http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/43679-WiseCare-365-Pro-v-1-84?p=244441#post244441