View Full Version : New Harddrive windows 8 theme

September 17th, 2012, 01:03 PM
I've bought a new hard drive and im planning on putting Windows 8 on it, could someone point me in the direction of some windows 8 themes. I've already got my wcp theme patch, i just need some themes :shocked: Thanks to anyone who can help (:

September 17th, 2012, 01:14 PM
I've bought a new hard drive and im planning on putting Windows 8 on it, could someone point me in the direction of some windows 8 themes. I've already got my wcp theme patch, i just need some themes :shocked: Thanks to anyone who can help (:

well i think you out of luck on that plus i would bother with win 8 themes the code that makes it sort of work but buggy as hell wont be there when available for sale

September 17th, 2012, 01:43 PM
I've bought a new hard drive and im planning on putting Windows 8 on it, could someone point me in the direction of some windows 8 themes. I've already got my wcp theme patch, i just need some themes :shocked: Thanks to anyone who can help (:

grims tinkering around with it, but it's nowhere ready for primetime. on another forum they are working at pull code out of 7 to put into 8 to replace what microsour riped out.

Big V
September 17th, 2012, 02:40 PM
Guys i moved these comment to a new thread as they were totally off topic in the thread they were posted in