View Full Version : Project Green Machine or "Orange Crush"

October 3rd, 2012, 05:19 PM
This a sneak peak at my newest project I started last week. Some of the parts are to be announced as they are currently under NDA so once that it lifted I will make the appropriate announcement.

Sponsors for this build. I am forever grateful to my sponsors as this build would never be possible without them. This list will be updated as I am hoping and anticipating some more great companies to help me out if all goes as planned.

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine/cm-nvidia-830.jpg (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine/cm-nvidia-830.jpg)
http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine/evga_desktop_1920x1200_wallpaper-289273.jpg (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine/evga_desktop_1920x1200_wallpaper-289273.jpg)

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine/patriot-memory_logo2.jpg (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine/patriot-memory_logo2.jpg)

List of parts to be used:

Case: to be announced
PSU: CoolerMaster
CPU: To be determined
Motherboard: to be determined (Either a Sniper or a Gigabyte UP7)
Memory: Patriot Viper Extreme 32 gb
Sleeving: to be determined
SSD's: to be determined
HDD: to be determined
GPU's: 3 EVGA GTX 680's Hydro Copper Blocks will be added.
Cooling: to be determined but Liquid
pump: to be determined
Fans: Coolermaster Sickleflows green


Keyboard: Coolermaster Storm Trigger (with cherry blue btw) :)
Mouse: Coolermaster Sentinel II advance
Headset: Coolermaster Storm Sirus

It will be a little bit of time until I can update this build log but it will be worth the wait I hope.

I have always wanted to do an NVIDIA themed build even thought there re so many of them out there. I have a deep rooted love for NIVIDIA so if that is the case I will be using this:

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine/MY-PAS-MINTG_03.jpg (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine/MY-PAS-MINTG_03.jpg)

If not and I actually get the motherboard that I really want the Gigabyte UP7 then I will of course be using this for liquid.

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine/mayhem-s-pastel-gigabyte-orange_02.jpg (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine/mayhem-s-pastel-gigabyte-orange_02.jpg)

October 3rd, 2012, 09:10 PM
Ah snap! We got another one! Tell me, Do they sponsor every single part for the builds? Do you spend any money on these builds and how did you get them to sponsor you? Every time I see the progression pics for I get so envious. And as for teh case, that is gonna be so friggin awesome when it's done.

Can't wait to see the build in action.

October 3rd, 2012, 10:36 PM
Ah snap! We got another one! Tell me, Do they sponsor every single part for the builds? Do you spend any money on these builds and how did you get them to sponsor you? Every time I see the progression pics for I get so envious. And as for teh case, that is gonna be so friggin awesome when it's done.

Can't wait to see the build in action.

No they don't sponsor all the parts in the build. I pay out of pocket for quite a lot of the parts almost all of them. However on this build I am working on getting a few more sponsors on board for the video cards etc etc.

How I got sponsored was I entered some contests at Intel Lanfest and just started networking meeting reps from companies.

The case isn't the one in the picture because the case I will be using has not yet been released and I am currently under NDA.

October 4th, 2012, 04:27 PM
wow cooooolllll!!!! :anger:

October 9th, 2012, 09:30 PM
Also wanted to give you guys the good news and an important update. I have been blessed by the modding Gods with my newest sponsor EVGA!


This mysterious box was on my doorstep when I got home from work just now:


I wonder what's inside?




Thank you so much EVGA I am forever grateful and I am sure Cooler Master will be too.

October 9th, 2012, 10:22 PM
odinlives (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/177549-odinlives), all i have to say is DAMN dude. nice, very nice. :what::what:

October 9th, 2012, 11:01 PM
Oh damn you! I just had to live in a place where no one appreciates tech as much as I do. Bah! no conventions or tech shows to go to so I can strut my stuff. But anyway, You have been blessed big time. With EVGA backing you, now there is no worry about the price of those graphics cards.

October 9th, 2012, 11:10 PM
Oh damn you! I just had to live in a place where no one appreciates tech as much as I do. Bah! no conventions or tech shows to go to so I can strut my stuff. But anyway, You have been blessed big time. With EVGA backing you, now there is no worry about the price of those graphics cards.

Thank you sirSlaughter. Keep in mind that I do drive over 1200 miles to some of these events like last time it was all the way to the washington/Canadian border. Sucks there isn't more out there by TN thought.

I almost forgot to post up some samples I just got back from my powder coater for the case:



Big V
October 9th, 2012, 11:34 PM
Damn Odin your one lucky man to be able to get those dudes to sponsor you like that.
I really like that first green with the metalic flakes in it also.
BTW since you putting together this new rig i don't think you will be getting much use out of your last built.
I would hate for it to just sit around unused. It would be such a waste.... the staff is still open for donations :cheeky::peace::beaut:

October 10th, 2012, 03:43 PM
Damn Odin your one lucky man to be able to get those dudes to sponsor you like that.
I really like that first green with the metalic flakes in it also.
BTW since you putting together this new rig i don't think you will be getting much use out of your last built.
I would hate for it to just sit around unused. It would be such a waste.... the staff is still open for donations :cheeky::peace::beaut:

Thank you Big V! Yeah I am very grateful to them to even consider sponsoring me. I have heard people have tried many times and not been able to but maybe times are changing or the modding Gods are just on my side for this build...lol

I also really like the metal flake and I am completely undecided now as to which one to be the main color....

As for the cards I plan on using this one on the cards:(If all goes well, I will be buying a 3rd GTX 680 to run a triple SLI setup) I forgot to mention one important thing to you guys "This Mod will be featured at CES 2013 in January" :-D

Yeah my "red devil" as I like to call it hasn't gotten a lot of use lately but I am really hoping that I at least place in the top 3 with it for the modding contest on Cooler Masters site. They posted a shot of it on their facebook page and it received 1400 likes already compared to the other cases were posted. Not sure how the judging is going down but I think it will be a facebook thing in the month of December.

Big V
October 10th, 2012, 04:24 PM
If thats the case on voting let us know i'm sure a bunch of us from here would be happy to come vote for it on facebook

October 11th, 2012, 12:02 PM
If thats the case on voting let us know i'm sure a bunch of us from here would be happy to come vote for it on facebook


October 25th, 2012, 07:00 PM
Been awhile since I gave an update so wanted to let you guys know that it is official that I am going to be calling this mod "Green Machine" and Gigabyte will be sponsoring the build with at Sniper. Also once the NDA is lifted and the case is released I will start posting pictures of the build progress. I wish I could post them now but will just have to wait.

Also this case is not the one entered in the contest but it is the Red and Black Haf 932 mod I did for PAX Prime.

I just got home from work and I found another mysterious package that I was keeping my fingers crossed for, so without further ado I am officially doing 3 way SLI with this mod. Thank you so much EVGA for sponsoring this build, you will be proud when I am done with it.

They will look a bit more sexy once I install the EVGA hydro copper blocks.



Big V
October 25th, 2012, 07:17 PM
Odin maybe you should change the name from Green Machine to Green with Envy since most of us watching this build are gonna be that way lmao

October 26th, 2012, 08:01 PM
Cant wait for the end results. Got a bit of a Nvidia fetish my self cant remember if iv posted pics of my half hearted build here.

November 22nd, 2012, 12:58 AM
Cant wait for the end results. Got a bit of a Nvidia fetish my self cant remember if iv posted pics of my half hearted build here.

Lol it's a good thing...

Sorry for the delay in posting what I have been up to so here goes.....The NDA was lifted on the case so now I can post pictures. It is the Cooler Master HAF XB, sorry I couldn't post pictures of it until last week because I signed my life away and will always uphold my word to my generous sponsors.

Small update on the build log.

Got a huge package today from Frozen.

Swiftech Apogee HD Block (My favorite)
360 Rad
240 Rad
120 Rad
3 EVGA 680 Hydro Copper full coverage blocks. I received backplates from EVGA a few days ago.

"Also it is very close to being able to reveal what case I am modding and can't wait to share with you guys"

Here is a look at the blocks. Doing a lot of work on the case now things are really starting to come together.



Now to transform my air cooled cards...


It never ceases to amaze me how much thermal paste they put on GPU's...


I have to say they look a lot sexier now



Well I better get back to work modding time is wasting but just wanted to give an update. Cutting a lot of holes and planning my loop in detail now that I have all the parts.

I am predicting this case to be a huge success for Cooler Master especially with the price point. At first I was unsure until I actually started taking it apart. The motherboard tray is completely removable with only a couple thumb screws and it just has so much potential to really go any way you want with it.

Here is a first look for you guys like a run around of the case:





True hot swap drive bays are included.


Here it is naked with the side panels and top panel off to give you an idea of what can be put in this case:


You can see the SSD mounting rack here which is removed by screws and has several different mounting options stock without having to mod anything:


Top View:


Front Panel removed:


My first test of my equipment using air: (I overclocked the CPU to 4.9ghz and the cards and got 21093 in 3dMark11)

I will post some more pictures tonight after I finish cutting some holes for my 360 RAD which is going on the bottom tray. It barely fits with just enough room for me to parallel it with my 240 RAD which is mounting on the front of the case as you can see in these pictures. Also I want everyone to fully be able to see the Reservoir and the Mayhems Pastel Mint Green so I am actually modding the side panel to accept the Danger Den Res as also seen here.






Also I am a stickler for detail especially with a case that I am doing for Cooler Master and all the generous sponsors backing this build so I am modding the waterblocks and removing the Red leds and replacing them with Green that way EVGA's name will be illuminated Green on the waterblocks.


November 22nd, 2012, 12:59 AM
Here I have cut my top panel window, "yeah I like big windows" lol


Even though I am powder coating it I have a habit of taping before I cut...lol


Not bad for a rough cut. One thing about this top panel is you can't use a jigsaw to cut it due to the beveled honeycomb portion making it impossible to get a level cut so this was all steady hand dremel and then jigsaw to cut the rounded edges.


Here is the removable motherboard tray:


I'm using an Alphacool Ut 60mm 360 rad and it just barely fits. I mocked up my hose runs and it will work out perfectly.



Here I am just marking out the center so I can drill my pilot hole.


Next up I did a test run with my knockout punch to make sure it is going to cut properly since I bought it used:


There we have it, a perfect hole cut into an old case. Well that's it for now, gonna go finish cutting my rad holes.

Thanks for looking.

I wanted to give an update of what I completed today.

I cut the 360 rad holes out of the bottom of the case and was able to successfully cut out the red led's from two of the EVGA hydro copper waterblocks and replace them by soldering in Green led's. Now when you fire up the cards the top portion where it says EVGA is a nice Green color.

I have this weird issue with builds where they are based on a certain color but have a bunch of different color led's everywhere...lol

First I had to remove the feet so I thought I'd share with you guys how they are connected. Just have to peel off the rubber and remove one phillips screw..



Here you can see how it cut into one of the little uholes on the bottom tray. This wasn't a mistake, I had to offset the rad placement for the side where the flow is going to be since that side sticks out farther on the UT60 version of the alphacool.


A mock placement of the rad with fans installed to make sure my hole layout was a success....so far so good.


I won't be using those copper screws but have black ones going in after powder coating is done.

Here I have snipped out the red led from the hydro copper block:


Even though it wont be showing I decided to just use some green heatshrink to put over my solder points.




Well that's it for today. Tomorrow it's road trip to Microcenter to get a couple single slot spacing water sli fittings and I have to do the 3rd hydro copper block.

Well yesterday really didn't go as planned. I originally was going to go to my local MicroCenter since they seemed to have started to stock more water cooling fittings. I ordered online for local pickup swiftech lock seal connectors the 11-18mm but then when I checked my email they said they didn't have them.

Talk about being frustrated so I did what any good modder did and I picked up the phone and called Swiftech directly and they were nice enough to let me place an order with them and I made a road trip to Long Beach and picked up fittings directly from them....:)

I have all 3 680's now with Green Led's so the EVGA logo will light up green when powered on and here you can see the single slot spacing swiftech adapters installed. These are the best solution for this application.


I'm still waiting on 10 90 degree fittings from Frozen CPU but I did some mockup hose and fitting placements. Here is a shot to show just how close the fit is with the 360 rad on the bottom:


Now I am just waiting on my Swiftech pump I ordered from FrozenCPU, I went with the new MCP655-PWM.

I am going to work on the reservoir mounting today. Basically the handles on the case are removable so I will be utilizing this to make holes underneath the handle that way you won't see any outside screws or bolts holding the reservoir in place.

Small update, I had to redo my top panel window so here is the final version with window uchannel installed. It is going to work perfectly to show off the components at CES!



Here you can see my reservoir placement. I have actually mounted it to the side panel with some 6/32 countersunk style screws and tool less nuts. What I did was remove the plastic handle and underneath them there are two guide nubs of plastic so I cut these off and utilized the existing holes for my screws. This way there is no screws that will be seen on the outside of the side panel because they are concealed underneath the handle as seen here.



I have this pump combo coming with the new Swiftech MCP655 PWM installed but with the matte black kit .


Also waiting on 10 90's for the loop because this is completely custom and I do not like messy loops with hoses all over the place. Each hose run will be minimal to have the best performance and look possible with the choice of rad placements.


Also should be getting my Mayhems pastel mint green sometime next week as well.

Small update.....

I always like to pay close attention to detail on my mods so i have actually installed an acrylic window to double check the fit and functionality when removing and replacing the top panel. Everything looks great imo so here are some shots of the installation process.





I also spent quite a few hours measuring and cutting 3/4 x 1/2 hose and labeling them after I cut the appropriate lengths.

This build as with all of my mods uses a lot of 90 degree fittings and offsets so it has to be carefully planned out in order to achieve the clean look that I am aiming for as well as the performance that comes with it. I can't stand a bunch of hoses criss crossing all over the place in a case.

I really enjoyed this shot so thought I would share it....


And of course one of my signature things I am going to attempt to always incorporate into my mods is an actual functioning fill/drain port as seen here:



Well that's it for now, it's been a long day installing security cameras and then modded for a few hours so it's off to get some zzzzz's now.

So I met the fedex guy today and finally got that pump in that Andrew is considering. Also received my 10 90degree compression fittings and some m3 screws I needed. Here are some pictures of it.




Once I sleeve the cables with green mdpc it will look much nicer and I have to say it fits just perfectly down their next to that 360 rad.

Sorry for the double post but it would only let me post 40 pictures, I can't blame you for that, I think I have my forum set to 50 so thank you for at least having it that high.

November 25th, 2012, 07:06 AM
Ok so wanted to post a small update.

Sleeving is coming along nicely. If anyone has ever tried to sleeve a Cooler Master 1300W Silent Pro Hybrid you will not that the PCIe cables are one of the most challenging to sleeve in the industry. Normally I like to just do a set of custom extensions to keep the colors of each individual wire of the 6 pin and or 8 pins to give it a more fluid color scheme but this creates more cables to manage and I've been wanting to tackle this challenge on these PSU's so here are the results.

One thing I did was remove one of the + 2 dongles on each set of PCIe cables because I am using 3 GTX 680's so all I need are six 6 Pins.




I also sleeved the Swiftech MCP655 PWM so now I can break her down for chemical stripping and powder coat.


That's it for now so going to be sleeving up the rest of the stuff like all of my Excalibur fans and painting them as well.

November 25th, 2012, 08:40 AM
Looking like a great build so far mate, wish I had the money and the patience to do a project like this.

November 25th, 2012, 07:00 PM
Looking like a great build so far mate, wish I had the money and the patience to do a project like this.

Thank you mate! :) If I didn't have so many companies sponsoring me with this build there would be now way possible I could afford all of this hardware. I have actually spent a little over a thousand though out of pocket though and it has made things a little tense at home with the missus. I just have this vision that when certain doors in life open with opportunities they don't always reopen so I am trying to just do the very best I can in hopes of this opening other doors that will bring people into my life that are willing to pay to have a custom mod done for them or their company. Keeping my fingers crossed.

December 29th, 2012, 02:06 AM
Wanted to give a small update on the reassembly process.

I bought a special tool today that cuts perfect circles from 1" to 6" to cut new stickers for the Excaliburs. I went with 3M DiNoc fiber to give it just an added touch.

After I started assembling it really annoyed me that I knew that you could see the few bare wires on the Excalibur fans so I am sleeving all of them because this needs to be as close to perfection as possible. One down 8 to go...lol

Last couple builds I was smart and precut all of my 3/4" hose and labeled them so I could just grab them and install them as I build which is the best way to go imo.

Can't wait to fire this up and overclock it to at least 5.2ghz and run some benchmarks in triple SLI!













January 2nd, 2013, 04:58 AM
Quick update. Case is assembled besides installing the acrylic windows which will be a breeze tomorrow.

I have to fill it up with mayhems pastel mint green and just power it on. I do a basic pressure test instead of leak test, especially because with this build you don't have the luxury of running a leak test due to the massive amount of cooling I have crammed into this mod.

Sorry the pictures don't really do this justice.













Thanks for looking. I will post up some pics with the liquid running and probably do a short video.

January 3rd, 2013, 11:44 PM
Here is a small video clip of the case run around. The pastel mint green turned out a little light but Mayhems is overnighting me some dye to fix it.


Big V
January 4th, 2013, 01:54 AM
Awesome looking build bud have you thought about maybe adding a couple of small green led's in that pump window to maybe highlight it, that is if you have the room for them in that area it looks pretty tight space wise. Hopefully the dye will cure the liquid coloring issue as it looks a bit funky currently with that yellowish hue to it. But overall you have really made a beautiful system bud You should be very proud of that build Odin and we will be wishing you luck at the upcoming event.:no1:

January 4th, 2013, 03:31 AM
WOW............talk about jealousy! Sure awesome build that is gunna be. Can't wait to see it done! WOW!:what:

January 5th, 2013, 12:12 AM
Awesome looking build bud have you thought about maybe adding a couple of small green led's in that pump window to maybe highlight it, that is if you have the room for them in that area it looks pretty tight space wise. Hopefully the dye will cure the liquid coloring issue as it looks a bit funky currently with that yellowish hue to it. But overall you have really made a beautiful system bud You should be very proud of that build Odin and we will be wishing you luck at the upcoming event.:no1:

Thank you Big V. Mayhems coolant and dyes has the best customer service ever! I spoke with Michael L. Woods and they are in the UK, he contacted a supplier here "Performance PC's who overnighted the dyes.

I added 14 drops to 1000ml of coolant I had extra that was completely yellow and voila......a perfect pastel mint green. I did the same for my loop and it turned out beautiful.




Big V
January 5th, 2013, 12:56 AM
That looks more like it odin that previous color just looked like someone with a really bad infection pee'd in your reservoir lmao
Wish you best of luck bud and i'm open for donation after the comp lol (Guys got to try)

January 7th, 2013, 03:00 PM
That looks more like it odin that previous color just looked like someone with a really bad infection pee'd in your reservoir lmao
Wish you best of luck bud and i'm open for donation after the comp lol (Guys got to try)

don't you mean sh%t brown, or are you reserving that color for me Big V (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/155318-Big-V)? lol

seriously though odin (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/177549-odinlives) i'll have to keep them in mind when i finally do my liquid cooling. that really does look perfect.

January 7th, 2013, 11:06 PM
Odin.........you've got another show stopper going on............Just Awesome work my man!

January 15th, 2013, 08:45 PM
These are some semi-final pics of the Green Machine in the sunlight. I'm not a photographer so this is the best I could do with a 5mp camera.

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4376.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4373.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4370.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4369.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4368.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4366.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4365.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4364.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4362.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4361.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4360.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4359.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4358.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4356.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4355.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4352.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4351.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4348.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4347.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c124/sober4today/Green Machine Final Pics/100_4346.jpg

Thanks for looking.

January 15th, 2013, 08:55 PM
Another superior performance from you...........Awesome details and craftsmanship...........

Big V
January 15th, 2013, 09:00 PM
Now I'm just totally green with envy
Awesome looking system bud
So when is the event that you built this for suppose to take place?

January 15th, 2013, 09:53 PM
Thank you gentleman. @BigV it was modded for CES which is now over. I spent the last week in Las Vegas Nevada visiting all the suites of the major computer component manufacturers and attended some really great private parties for Cooler Master, Patriot Memory and Intel.

This was the Cooler Master Party:

Here is the new mech keyboard with solid aluminum and handle.


This ice sculpture wasn't cheap I presume:


Big V
January 15th, 2013, 10:27 PM
Does she come with the keyboard???
I'll take a half dozen if so :devil::cool2:

January 15th, 2013, 10:38 PM
Does she come with the keyboard???
I'll take a half dozen if so :devil::cool2:

lol unfortunately Holly doesn't come with the keyboard.

Harvey Sewdin
January 17th, 2013, 09:42 AM
Wow dude, i missed the new update. This looks so awesome man, everything matches together perfectly. I am stunned of your setup, great work man, hats off :Smile:

January 20th, 2013, 08:11 PM
Wow dude, i missed the new update. This looks so awesome man, everything matches together perfectly. I am stunned of your setup, great work man, hats off :Smile:

Thank you Harvey this was a long and difficult one to accomplish but in the end it was worth it.

Harvey Sewdin
January 21st, 2013, 11:25 AM
Thank you Harvey this was a long and difficult one to accomplish but in the end it was worth it.

Yeah bud, i see quality in it, i started some small modding myself hehe and i can tell you that. All the things matches perfectly. It was true worth it :smile:

January 28th, 2013, 09:50 PM
Damn Odinlives thats a really nice build and the case is really nice I was trying to talk a buddy of mine into buying one of the HAF XB cases the other day, how is was it to work with with all the wc loop and the triple cards ?

February 4th, 2013, 02:48 AM
Damn Odinlives thats a really nice build and the case is really nice I was trying to talk a buddy of mine into buying one of the HAF XB cases the other day, how is was it to work with with all the wc loop and the triple cards ?

Thank you mate. For the price point this is an excellent quality case with many different things you can add on or remove as you wish.

As for how it was to work with all the custom water cooling I have modded into this build; it was extremely challenging as you can see by the build log but well worth it in the end. I think I will be the only person for quite some time who actually installs a 360 Radiator that is 60mm thick like the one I used here. A couple 240 Radiators would have been a cake walk....

If you are going to water cool one of these the best advice I can give you is plan everything out before hand because every piece has to be put together in the correct order because of the design of the case.

Big V
February 28th, 2013, 01:44 AM
Big congrats to Odinlives
His very own rig featured on the cover of CPU Mag


I was browsing another site that offered e-mags and recognized the cover pic right off the bat lol
Lets all give him a big hand

February 28th, 2013, 01:51 AM
:-D................Way to go Odinlives...............proud to know you!

February 28th, 2013, 02:18 AM
Looks killer Odinlives , very cool bud, congrats !!! :shocked: :money: :smile:

February 28th, 2013, 05:59 AM
Big congrats to Odinlives
His very own rig featured on the cover of CPU Mag


I was browsing another site that offered e-mags and recognized the cover pic right off the bat lol
Lets all give him a big hand

Just wanted to say thank you Big V for posting that. I got the good news a few weeks back and it was a hard secret to keep. Really excited that I made it this far in such a short time. You can check out the digital print here:

Page 51-54 and they did a small interview with me.

February 28th, 2013, 11:53 PM
Great job