View Full Version : Tropical STORM MUI Side Images

October 4th, 2012, 09:00 PM
Stormy conditions predicted for the next couple of weeks, as the next series of “Storm MUI Side Images” are appearing on your favorite forum pages. This series of 6 colors are really not theme specific as you can simply match colors to one of your favorite theme styles, But I will tell you that the inspiration came from Faizalotai and his theme series “ADVOC”. I just fell in love with that start menu.. Font used is called “Borg 9 (http://www.dafont.com/borg9.font)”
Links to the other 58824 are located at the bottom of this post.

These modified .mui files will add pictures in selected resources alongside of your properties dialog windows such as Start Menu properties, Taskbar properties, Mouse & Keyboard properties, Sounds properties, Run properties, Folder Options properties, and a few more. The default properties window is still there, this mod just adds pictures on the side of the box which is how you get the name "Side images". These ready made files are written for English language only. Sorry.

***Before & After Screen shots***
***Click on screen shots for a larger view***
58813 58814

***Version1 is called a “Bleeding” text effect***
***Click on screen shots for a larger view***
58816 58817

***Version2 is called a “Stone” text effect***
***Click on screen shots for a larger view***
58819 58820

***Version3 is called a “Clear” text effect***
***Click on screen shots for a larger view***
58822 58823

PLUS, the images are now packed in a new easy to use, fully tested installer so you do not have to install these the manual way. With a couple of clicks, the Installer.exe will do it for you. That’s right, I said an easy to use installer. There’s no more hassle with replacing system files the manual way. Plus there is a Restore.exe to change the Side Images back to default.

When I made these I played with different text arrangements. Since I could not decide which version I liked best, I decided to just offer them all and let you decide. Each download has a folder for 32bit & 64 bit systems, instructions, screens, & credits. Had a lot of fun making these. Hope you have a lot of fun customizing your own operating system…

*** Credits ***
I need to thank several men for their help with this project, but the one thing that moves me the most is the sharing attitude of everyone involved and the opportunity to be part of a community that shares their talents and designs.
58830Compliments to Razorsedge for creating the ready made .mui files. Without his hard work to modify the original files, and his permission to add my own images, I would not have made these at all. All I did was make new .bmp images and put the two together. Also some of the icons from his awesome “One Vision” icon pack were used in a few of the images.
Virtual Customs Members-Razorsedge (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge)
One-Vision-the-Retribution-Icon-Pack (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/40474-One-Vision-the-Retribution-Icon-Pack)
58829Thanks again Faizal for the ADVOC theme series and the inspiration for these frames. And thanks for the help testing these.
faizalotai‎-s-Windows-7-Themes (http://virtualcustoms.net/forumdisplay.php/1053-faizalotai‎-s-Windows-7-Themes)
**NEWS FLASH** Life just got a little bit easier.
58828Thanks to the efforts of Greg (gsw953) and his development of a new installer for my MUI Side Images. Say goodbye to the old way of manually replacing system files. Now with just a couple of clicks, you can install my new side images without any hassles or worry’s about making a mistake. Many thanks to Greg for answering the call and offering his help.
gsw953-s-Windows-7-Themes (http://virtualcustoms.net/forumdisplay.php/1013-gsw953-s-Windows-7-Themes)
58827Credit go out to the very talented @Vigoni for his help with the new “Storm Banners” used here. And thanks for the help testing these.
Virtual Customs Members-Vigoni (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/214802-vigoni)
58826The cursor images are from R-GT, thanks for his excellent work with “Juicy Cursors”.
Juicy Cursors-R-GT (http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=cursors&order=9&offset=72#/d2sfz7x)
If anyone does not want to use this installer and would like to install these the manual way, please send me a PM.

***REMINDER*** If you have any problem with some of the images not appearing, you need to clear your icon cache again. There is a ".bat" file you can run and it is included in the "Extras" folder in a folder named "How-To_Rebuild_Icon_Cache".

*** LINKS to the other colors. Click on the links. ***

Hail-Storm-MUI-Side-Images (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/44294-Hail-Storm-MUI-Side-Images)

Thunder-STORM-MUI-Side-Imgaes (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/44725-Thunder-STORM-MUI-Side-Imgaes)

Rain-STORM-MUI-Side-Images (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/44995-Rain-STORM-MUI-Side-Images)

Snow-STORM-MUI-Side-Images (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/45168-Snow-STORM-MUI-Side-Images)

Fire-STORM-MUI-Side-Images (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/45507-Fire-STORM-MUI-Side-Images)

October 4th, 2012, 09:34 PM
HammerJack (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/200603-HammerJack), WOW, WOW, and WOW. Just Fantastic. Thanks

Harvey Sewdin
October 4th, 2012, 09:52 PM
this is just awesome man, love your work. nice color as well :smile:

October 4th, 2012, 10:01 PM
Very good job my friend.

October 4th, 2012, 10:12 PM
Excellent work Jack, you've done well on this project..bravo :givahand:

Big V
October 4th, 2012, 10:41 PM
These are awesome bud great job

October 4th, 2012, 11:57 PM
DUDE THESE ARE ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC !!!!! :money::money::money: 200/100 :P

October 5th, 2012, 12:10 AM

October 5th, 2012, 01:08 AM
Those are amazing bud! :happy: thanks ! :loving:

October 5th, 2012, 01:19 AM
Awesome man :tu:

October 5th, 2012, 01:27 AM
Speechless,great work,thank you for sharing

October 5th, 2012, 02:44 AM
:shocked:Man, these are getting more awesome with each version (color)!!!!:Peace:

October 5th, 2012, 03:05 AM
wow...my friend fantastic work thank you nice look

October 5th, 2012, 05:06 AM
nice work.. it looks awesome.. thanks

October 5th, 2012, 05:07 AM
cool buddy! :amazed:

October 5th, 2012, 01:58 PM
OUTSTANDING WORK!!:happy:Brilliantly done,thanks for sharing this,can't wait for the other colors to be released!:tu: :tu:

October 9th, 2012, 10:59 AM
:flirt: wow this is awesome :shocked: fantastic work thank you Jack very very very i like it :loving:

Chris Massagee
October 11th, 2012, 03:25 AM
hey i noticed in one of the .mui files (mmsys.cpl.mui) u have purple (image below ) is this right because the other .mui files do not .just thouight i would let u know incase there was a color error .


October 22nd, 2012, 01:24 PM
simply perfect... excellent job my friend... thank you:loving::flirt:

October 22nd, 2012, 09:46 PM
hey i noticed in one of the .mui files (mmsys.cpl.mui) u have purple (image below ) is this right because the other .mui files do not .just thouight i would let u know incase there was a color error .

Hey buddy,
According to your screen shot that is the blue that is suppose to be in there.

Here is what the purple looks like;

Big V
October 22nd, 2012, 10:14 PM
Hammer i think what he is refering to is the color on recording text has a slight purple hue to it instead of blue
It can see a difference even in your screenshot preveiws of the different panels bud
Look at your previews with the playback panel showing it has a different hue on the text than the autoplay panel next to it
The playback panel has a slight purplish hue to the text while autoplay has more of a teal blue hue to it

Chris Massagee
October 23rd, 2012, 12:26 AM
Hammer i think what he is refering to is the color on recording text has a slight purple hue to it instead of blue
It can see a difference even in your screenshot preveiws of the different panels bud
Look at your previews with the playback panel showing it has a different hue on the text than the autoplay panel next to it
The playback panel has a slight purplish hue to the text while autoplay has more of a teal blue hue to it

yes thats what it is thanks lol

Chris Massagee
October 23rd, 2012, 12:27 AM
Hammer i think what he is refering to is the color on recording text has a slight purple hue to it instead of blue
It can see a difference even in your screenshot preveiws of the different panels bud
Look at your previews with the playback panel showing it has a different hue on the text than the autoplay panel next to it
The playback panel has a slight purplish hue to the text while autoplay has more of a teal blue hue to it

so i just went back to the same .mui file and rechecked it again and im not seeing the purple ,odd i think im losing my mind lol

Big V
October 23rd, 2012, 02:02 AM
so i just went back to the same .mui file and rechecked it again and im not seeing the purple ,odd i think im losing my mind lol
Thats definitely weird then because i can see it in the previews posted unless that is caused by the gradient overlay used in monitor display image used for making the previews

Edit = Hammer I just extracted the 64bit V1 of these and took a look using restorator and their is a definitely a text hue difference on all the images in the mmsys.cpl
My guess would be you created these on different day or a different session in photoshop as they are not far off from each other... either that or more coffee is needed and a good cleaning of the old spectacles lmao

October 23rd, 2012, 03:12 AM
Look at your previews with the playback panel showing it has a different hue on the text than the autoplay panel next to it
I see what you mean. The previews in the OP show a different tint between the playback & the autoplay. Hmmmm... Scratch-Scratch...
Here is the wall I made before it was added to the preview display and sure enough, it shows a different tint also. So it is not the preview display.

so i just went back to the same .mui file and rechecked it again and im not seeing the purple ,odd i think im losing my mind lol
No your not losing your mind.. One possibility could be you had the purple ones previously installed and the cache was still stuck on the other color.

either that or more coffee is needed and a good cleaning of the old spectacle
You know I'm half blind dang it.. Now my secret is out..

Guys, I made the images for the Mmsys.Mui first:

Then I made the ones for the shell32.mui last. And somewhere in between I made a tweak in PS and did not remember to go back to the Mmsys images and adjust. What can I say. I'm busted, lol...
I used to worry about the smallest details like "is anybody going to notice that I put an extra coat of paint on the ceiling in one room and not the other." Then someone taught me that if 100 people come into this house, how many are going to notice it. One? Two? So from then on I learned to live by the averages..hehehe.. So I say I just leave it and learn for the next time...

Big V
October 23rd, 2012, 03:39 AM
I see what you mean. The previews in the OP show a different tint between the playback & the autoplay. Hmmmm... Scratch-Scratch...
Here is the wall I made before it was added to the preview display and sure enough, it shows a different tint also. So it is not the preview display.

No your not losing your mind.. One possibility could be you had the purple ones previously installed and the cache was still stuck on the other color.

You know I'm half blind dang it.. Now my secret is out..

Guys, I made the images for the Mmsys.Mui first:

Then I made the ones for the shell32.mui last. And somewhere in between I made a tweak in PS and did not remember to go back to the Mmsys images and adjust. What can I say. I'm busted, lol...
I used to worry about the smallest details like "is anybody going to notice that I put an extra coat of paint on the ceiling in one room and not the other." Then someone taught me that if 100 people come into this house, how many are going to notice it. One? Two? So I from then on I learned to live by the averages..hehehe.. So I say I just leave it and learn for the next time...


Maybe you should consider making that 7th set I suggested bud in the other thread lol
It get deep extremely quick doesn't it bud lmao

I've done the same thing myself before bud going from one day to the next... I will look back at something i did a few days back and see something that changed in the next days additions to that project that was not there on the originals because i changed something and forgot i did it lol

October 30th, 2012, 10:52 AM
Thank You for the hard work. Looks really good.:happy::happy:

February 4th, 2013, 01:31 AM
WOW................:what:very nice! Thank you ;)

September 21st, 2013, 02:01 AM
great job rely like the blue thank you.