View Full Version : Overclock Intel HD Graphics ????

October 5th, 2012, 04:25 AM
Before you all say its a waste of time, and I should buy a desktop. I all ready know this ! BUT> I would really like to overclock my laptop. Just a little bit. I have been reading online about people overclocking the intel hd graphics and getting some good gains out of it. I have a Samsung qx411-W01UB laptop and I would love it if some one could steer me in a tutorial on how to overclock my laptop. Just a lil bit. I have no problems with this laptop. Its Fast and reliable. but for some reason photoshop and after effects. just lag a lil bit. If anyone can help that would be awesome. Im tired of hearing stories about people doing it but no tutorials.

October 5th, 2012, 09:35 AM
I Think you might be out of luck mate on the overclocking a laptop if you can safely do it the oc'ing margin will be very slim as there design for minimal power usage also laptops run hot as it is oc'ing will increase temp's and reduce the life span of your laptop fast unlike desktops
witch have better ventilation.

im not saying it cant be done maybe a high end gaming laptop but then if you want that type performance you would go and get a destop.

best trying a site like this one and ask these guys but you'll prob get the same answer mate sorry..


October 5th, 2012, 02:56 PM
Ya I agree with everything your saying. and I have been reading alot about overclocking laptops. See although I agree with everything your saying. I have herd people overclocking there laptops and getting some good gains out of it without sacrificing the over all life of them. I was just hoping there was a tutorial on how to do it for my laptop. So I can overclock it in small increments and check it out . to see if it would benefit be or not. My laptop runs on advanced power mode all day and never get hot, not even a little warm. So I think this would be a good laptop to see where I can take it.

October 5th, 2012, 11:21 PM
well i looked into it mate and your CPU is not unlocked it has built in turbo boost goes from 2.4ghx to 3.0ghz you will find the overclocking settings aren't in the bios of your laptop also most of the settings in the bios is locked...

sorry mate but your defiantly out of luck on this one mate

October 5th, 2012, 11:36 PM
Well thanks for taking the time to look into it I appreciate it. Yes I looked in the bios and they are indeed locked. So unless there is some hidden software out there that will allow me to modify. Im out of luck. Well thanks again

October 6th, 2012, 12:20 AM
bout the only thing i can suggest for programs like photoshop and after effects

is setting the settings to minimum

set ram to 45%

disable open GL GPU Acceleration


also you might try this

setting Photoshops affinity to 1 core leaving the other core for system

and set the apps process priority to high



note: experimental ok

October 6th, 2012, 12:26 AM
Ya I have done most of these changes that you have shown me. I read online about the setting. I just figured with my laptops hardware it would not have an issue. See using PS and AE, its not bad. Its just once I start getting deep into the project and layers, its starts getting laggy a lil, Just a lil. But for me and for most of us it drives me crazy because I dont want to deal with that crap. I know desktop is the way to go. But I love laptops. I made myself a promise I would not buy a desktop, until I purchase my first house. (Im pretty far off that goal by the way) Anywase thanks again for the replies.