View Full Version : Not understanding the tutorials.

October 6th, 2012, 09:01 AM
All I am doing is asking for some help I followed the tutorails and used the installers and nothing is happening when I change the theme. I installed theme resource changer and moved the black aero folders into my theme folder.

I have tried everything. I have replaced all the dll's manually and used the installers. Can someone please point me in the right direction. If so I will post SS's if it really makes a difference. I have done everything according to the tutorials with installers and I cannot get anything working.

I have done this all day before posting asking for help and I find my post deleted instead of a simple reply. How hard is that to ask? I have worked on it since the morning till now and not able to get it working and have spent all day doing it before bothering people on this forum.

October 6th, 2012, 10:13 AM
Do a clean install, And do how I say,

Extract Theme Package
Disable UAC and Anti-Virus (specially BitDefender)
Run 7stp
Browse Theme Resource or so call called 7stp pack
Install it and when done restart and then restart again
Run Theme Setup.exe or something similar and when completed u will get ur theme.
Enable UAC if u want (I have disabled it) and Enable Antivirus

Big V
October 6th, 2012, 10:59 AM
showbe can you tell us what theme you are trying to install and one of us will try to wall you threw an install bud

October 6th, 2012, 07:37 PM
Dark Midnight. I have patched everything but cannot get it to work. I am about to do a system restore and try again from step one.

October 6th, 2012, 07:50 PM
Since I cant edit my post and my posts keep having to be approved I have to reply again... why is this? I have never used a forum that made me do this. Is this just temporary? It makes it a lot harder to get help right away like this.

I have AIM if someone can help me out on AIM message me at showbe345 I can send you screenshots or whatever is needed to help me guide through this. or use remote assistance ( I have never used this but if you know how to use it ill happily try it out )

I am trying to install Midnight by MR. Grim. I have downloaded Universal Theme PAtcher, Theme Resource Changer regedit file, Theme resource changer and the Midnight Patch. I also have VistaGlass. I have done all the patches but in the read me it says to put the shell32 dll in the system32 and systemwow64 or wahtever its called but the problem is their is no file called shell32 dll. The tutorials are so confusing it doesnt help in anyway except just basically going over what he typed in the thread. It would be a lot easier if it did it step by step so people could follow a long. I put all the required files in the requird spots yesterday but when I change the theme it doesnt do anything except change the wallpaper.

I dont understand what I am doing wrong. I have followed the instructions to the best I can only thing I dont get is the shell32 dll which has NO FILE named shell32 dll in the winzip file only shellstyle dll.

October 6th, 2012, 11:42 PM
hi mate try a video tutorial that way you can see what they do



October 7th, 2012, 03:38 AM
you will need to get shell32.dll from other pc from system32 and syswow64. When done copy it to your pendrive in two folder like x86 and x64, make sure u rename ur pendrive to somethig like VC Fix or something and insert it to ur computer where u get the problem. now follow the step given below :)
Boot using Windows 7 Bootable DVD
Hit Shit+f10
type diskpart
then list volume
then check which volumen has VC Fix or whatever u have renamed your pendrive to
once you found out type exit
and type

copy Q:\x86\shell32.dll C:\Windows\System32
copy Q:\x64\shell32.dll C:\Windows\SysWOW64

If you have SP1 installed you should get SP1 files if not get RTM files :)

To check if your files were copied type

dir /B c:\windows\system32 >c:\x86.txt[
dir /B c:\windows\syswow64>c:\x64.txt