View Full Version : found a tinny bug

October 11th, 2012, 09:48 AM
I found a tinny but.
when I go to the url: virtualcustoms.net I am not automatically signed in
but when I go to the url: virtualcustoms.net/forum.php I am automatically signed in
At first i thought it was a bug in my cookies but after I cleared them the bug is still there.
So I guess that there is a problem with automatic redirect from virtualcustoms.net to virtualcustoms.net/forum.php
tell me if it is fixed or if it is isseu with my browser or something.

maybe interesting to know:
I run windows 7 and use the browser chrome.

October 11th, 2012, 10:07 AM
OK yep I just reproduced this problem, it's because if you just type virtualcustoms.net it will use http://www.virtualcustoms.net/ but the site is not set to use www. so you have to enter http://virtualcustoms.net and that will avoid the problem.

October 11th, 2012, 10:17 AM
ok thanks for the solution.
Fixed my bookmark and now it is working like a charm again.