View Full Version : Water cooling: Need help

October 23rd, 2012, 11:24 PM
Alright, I made this thread here. I have no experience with water cooling. However, I am going to hopefully get the new Phantom case for Christmas. Hopefully.

What I need is a description of what I need, and a few brands so I can have an Idea of what I want.

I mean I know of one brand that sells a kit all together, but I wanted to get an opinion or two. I know quite a few of you went with water cooling. I just need some direction. I'm not gonna get any better if I don't try and stuff. So I already have done a full air cooling setup, I just want some water cooling solutions.

Cooling liquid would be good to link as well. I want to keep the black and green theme that I had with the case, But with the new 820 it has built in lighting that changes to different colors. So that means I can go with other colors. This won't be built until far into the future, Probably by the beginning of next year. I'm going with performance first such as a new GPU.

With that said, can you guys give me a little guidance?

October 24th, 2012, 01:56 PM
well it depends on how much you want to spend really do you want a full custom kit or closed circuit like a corsair H100 i have a h100 and its awesome highly recommend and they have gr8 warranty mines 5 yrs a basic custom kit would be the bigwater range by thermaltake tho i dont know anyone who has used thos mainly custom or the corsair hydro series with a h100 with 4x fans on the 240mm radiator in push & pull config with some arctic silver mx5 paste i have had idle temps as low a 6c hottest its been on a 32c day is 40-43c it works gr8 and thats with 4.419ghz OC

October 26th, 2012, 05:01 PM
Ok now that the forum finally opened up for me.

When I say watercooling I mean a full custom kit or something along those lines. Don't get me wrong the closed circuits like the corsair are cool and all, But it's such a simple device to use. I want something that looks awesome and takes a little more work to get done. I looked around and saw those EK kits and thought that was awesome.

I want a full kit, Tubes, colored liquid, pumps, reservoirs, the works.

April 4th, 2013, 12:37 PM
I myself will be getting a sealed system, Most likely "Thermaltake Bigwater A80 CLW0214 Water Cooling Kit"
Ebay for 50 bucks.
Im not worried about appearance. I want a cool system that performs well without giving an arm and leg. Afterwards I plan to overclock some.

April 11th, 2013, 07:22 AM
Corsair H100 or H100i best by

April 20th, 2014, 04:34 PM
a full custom is the best way to go. you can but starter kits. they come with everything you need. I would go with any kit the has a D5 pump. XSPC has some great kits. I would suggest you get aftermarket tubing. 1/2 in x 3/4 in would be best.

when it come to fittings that is down to your preference. barb fittings are the best for new comers because they seal better. but compression fittings are quicker.

for the liquid the best to use is distilled water with a silver coil and some dead water drops. don't use any dyes or any of the other crap out there. they can clog the system and dye the tubing. if you want UV then get UV tubing.

any other question just pm me and i get back to you.