View Full Version : Help With Start Menu

October 27th, 2012, 05:08 AM

Need help or a point in the right direction to get the text same color/glow as in the right pannle and also how to get rid of the transparency in the more programs menu so i can see the pic that is behind the transparent part. sorry if i double posted but was not sure if my other post was rejected for some reason, as i don't see it in the list and nore on my profile. anyway thanks in advance for any and all help on this issue. this is my first custom theme and looking forward to finally getting it finished.

Edit: figured out how to get the glow/color in my programs menu. still need help with the transparent part, also a new problem reared it ugly head lol, now when i type in the search box. the picture is there although a black/greyish box pops up and blocks it. was wondering if there is a way to make that area transparent so i can see the pic behind. thanks again in advance to any and all help.

October 27th, 2012, 06:52 AM
Yo this should help you locate anything to change with you start menu font color, shadows, etc!

7-StartMenu > Panels > Aero > Top > More Programs
StartMenu > Panels > Aero > Top > More ProgramsExtended
8-StartMenu > Panels > Basic > MoreProgramsTab

For the font it is Fonts,Colors.& System Metrics>Fonts & System Metrics>ICONTITLEFONT:FONT
and for the text colors Start Menu>Menus>Aero>Keyboard:Treeview>Treeitem>Normal
and also Start Menu>Menus>Aero>Hover:Treview>Treeitem>normal
You will have to add the text color properties in both those places

October 27th, 2012, 07:21 AM

First off, thanks for your reply. this is as far as i have made it with this. got the text and glow right on first one. however the more programs is still showing black box now instead of transparent. i am using 1.4 VSB if htat matter as i could not find some of the items you listed. thanks again

October 27th, 2012, 07:57 AM
Are you making a vista theme or a windows 7 theme! I have win7style builder I can send to you its a free and simple to download. Im not familiar with vista style builder. I would imagine its not too dis similar
I will see if there is somthing I can Find

7-StartMenu > Panels > Aero > Top > More Programs
StartMenu > Panels > Aero > Top > More ProgramsExtended

for win7 style builder. This is the location for the black on your all programs. if its different in vista style builder then look for something similar. Remember there are two one is before the extended.

In your more programs tab when your highlited text it is way to white and blury you might want to change that highlighted text to black. (just when its Highlighted)

October 27th, 2012, 08:23 AM
thanks for the feedback, yes i am making a windows 7 theme. i will give it a shot and see what happens. i was messing about in all the setting trying to find out what is what and i might have made to big of a mess to get myself out of lol

October 27th, 2012, 09:20 AM
LOL There are tutorials on here at the bottom that can help you. I am new to theme building and my biggest problem too is finding where everything is. That link I gave you should help you and there is vista style builder tutorials as well. best to read before you get yourself to big into trouble. I have had to restart after days of work many time. Its a learning process. !

October 27th, 2012, 07:44 PM
Thanks for the replies. just checking my theme this morning and apparently messing around with some stuff and made my text in the folder windows disapear untill i select it now. dang might have to start all over again and really dont' want to. also the start menu is black background now and can't get rid of the glow. but when i press my up and down arrow keys they make all the text disapear aswell. someplace i changed the text to be transparent and now sure where. thanks again for all the help btw.