View Full Version : Optimize Firefox-this is the Best-Firemin

November 2nd, 2012, 11:00 PM
Bin using this small app for a week and i think its smart and works great.This is a must try. !!!

Firemin runs in the background, but a system-tray icon let us open the program's options as well as launch Firefox normally and in Safe Mode. Firemin's Options dialog has a slider for configuring how it optimizes Firefox for your system. To the red-tinted left end of the slider, Firemin shows a CPU; to the right of the bar, the spectrum shifts to green and the program displays a tiny stick of RAM. The bar graphically illustrates how Firemin optimizes Firefox: The more optimization you set, the faster Firefox runs, but it required more processing power. Sliding the control to the left puts the emphasis on RAM. Firemin also displays the amount of RAM allocated to Firefox numerically, from 100 to 1,000MB. By default, Firefox doesn't launch automatically with Firemin, but we could set the option to launch the browser normally or in safe mode when Firemin starts. Finally, we could specify different Firefox installations by browsing to a different folder than the default installation.

http://datumza.com/downloads/ (http://datum-forensics.com/down/firemin.exe)

No Need to install. Just Make sure to add it to start with windows startup.
this can be don manually or with your favorite starup manager
If you have any questions Just PM me.... :peace:

November 3rd, 2012, 01:32 PM
give this a go:Peace:

Harvey Sewdin
November 4th, 2012, 07:25 PM
Used this once before, works well. Now i dont, i use chrome. but you guys should try it out sometime :smile:

November 22nd, 2012, 04:40 PM
It works great, but today I tried this new cyberfox x64 browser, and I would like to continue to use firemin with it, but it won't work with cyberfox. In options to add firefox.exe I can't add cyberfox.exe so I put it manually in Firemin.ini fiile and than I can even launch it with firemin, but it's not working...I'm still getting about 300 mb usage of ram with 4-5 tabs on..so if You have any idea to make it work with Cyberfox it would be great..
Thanks in advance

November 24th, 2012, 06:24 PM
Hi Zendra
firemin was created only for firefox to reduce the mem leak and tweak firefox.Dont forget that firefox is 32bit and cyberfox is 64bit and still under development.
True that Cyberfox is based on firefox but there is a lot of bugs that need to be fixed and who knows maybe one day it will be compatible but till then........:Peace:

November 27th, 2012, 08:36 PM
Ok, thanks for the reply...gonna see if cyberfox is worth the extra ram...if not, back to firefox firemin... :)

November 30th, 2012, 07:35 PM

December 8th, 2012, 01:39 PM
Your link is dead my friend. It says "download does not exist"

December 8th, 2012, 01:48 PM
Your link is dead my friend. It says "download does not exist"

edited post changed link to dls page where u can now dl the exe but they have disabled the links or have no links to an x64 version anymore looks like they have discontinued x64 support of this app so its only working and available on 32 bit browser platforms will no longer work with x64 platform browsers :)

December 8th, 2012, 02:24 PM
That figures eh? You always hear x64 is the future and then you see no support for x64. Talk about contradiction. I'm just blowin' steam my friend. Thanks RE!

November 3rd, 2013, 03:29 AM
Where is this Firemin app I need so desperately!?:angry3: