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November 21st, 2012, 08:11 AM
Hi Guys Post Any Issue Or Bugs For Cyberfox Here

And I Will Get Back To You As Quick As Possible.


Cyberfox Web Site has Been Launched You Can Find It At 8PECX Studios | Home Of Cyberfox (https://8pecxstudios.com/) or ( 8pecxstudios DOT com )

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Thread For Bugs & Issues On Virtualcustoms will be closing Please Use The New Support Avenues Thank You.

Known Issues & Fixes:


Get Missing ( msvcr110.dll or msvcp110.dll ) error

Fix install mircosoft visual c\c++ run-times x64bit

for windows 7 with no service pack 1
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/downl....aspx?id=14632 (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=14632)

For Windows 7 Service pack 1
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/downl....aspx?id=13523 (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13523)

Fix Error


Visual Studios 2012 C\C++ Run time x64bit


Need Language Pack For You Native Language

Get Cyberfox Language Packs From Sourceforge https://sourceforge.net/projects/cyberfox/files/Language Packs/

Video On How To do



Add-ons Not Working Try This Tutorial



How To Use Cyberfox Portable & The Portable App's Platform



How To Use Multiple Instances Of Firefox & Cyberfox



Get Cyberfox http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/48631-Cyberfox-18.0.1-x64-bit-version-of-Firefox (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/48631-Cyberfox-17-x64-bit-version-of-Firefox)

November 21st, 2012, 09:32 AM
it says MSVCR110.dll. is missing?

Solved See Top Post

November 21st, 2012, 10:01 AM

Solved See Top Post

November 21st, 2012, 10:21 AM


Solved... Thanks lilyo...

November 21st, 2012, 11:10 AM
hey guys sorry i just gots the emails taking a look now

November 21st, 2012, 11:12 AM

Thanks lilyo after doing s google search of my own and re-installing/updating all of the Visual C++ Redistributable runtimes up to 2010 your link for the 2012 runtime did the trick. I installed the second download listed which is vcredist_x64.exe.

Solved See Top Post

November 21st, 2012, 11:32 AM
hey guys uploading the fix to main thread now sorry about that it was a Microsoft visual c++ run-time 2010 x64 bit library wasn't installing correctly a bug with advanced installer in the prerequisite not detecting if your standard windows or sp1

im very sorry about this guys:crying:

November 21st, 2012, 12:19 PM
Thanks! downloading and trying out. Will comment later. Just got done downloading. First try. Problem with .dll figured you might want to check that out. BUT... it continuted the install. NOW, here comes the play time. will comment later on how it is.
-.- Well nevermind clicked run, " The application was unable to start correctly (OxcOOOOO7b) Click to close the application.
Yeah, Won't let me run the program.

Solved See Top Post

November 21st, 2012, 01:02 PM


Solved See Top Post

November 21st, 2012, 01:39 PM
Thanks! downloading and trying out. Will comment later. Just got done downloading. First try. Problem with .dll figured you might want to check that out. BUT... it continuted the install. NOW, here comes the play time. will comment later on how it is.
-.- Well nevermind clicked run, " The application was unable to start correctly (OxcOOOOO7b) Click to close the application.
Yeah, Won't let me run the program.

hi mate can you please post a screenshot and what windows your running.

also have you got installed Microsoft Visual C\C++ 2010 runtime library x64 bit or Microsoft Visual C\C++ 2010 runtime library x64 bit SP1 for window with service pack 1 installed .

please thank you

November 21st, 2012, 01:45 PM


high mate can you please give a little more info about the error like what operating system your running and if you have the visual C\C++ runtime's in stalled plus are all your browser plugins upto date i.e flash, java, ms silver-light and directX please thanks mate

November 21st, 2012, 03:00 PM
hi mate can you please post a screenshot and what windows your running.

also have you got installed Microsoft Visual C\C++ 2010 runtime library x64 bit or Microsoft Visual C\C++ 2010 runtime library x64 bit SP1 for window with service pack 1 installed .

please thank you
got this same problem and already fixed it, you need the 2012 visual c++ runtimes, found here clicky (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679)

Solved See Top Post

Big V
November 21st, 2012, 03:26 PM
toady I don't know what seems to be the issue. I have installed the c++ and the installer for cyberfox just hangs at extracting archive and i have to kill it threw the taskmanager.
All my plugins are up to date as i'm installing it on basicly a fresh os that only been running about a week and half now.
I was running the latest waterfox previously and yes i uninstalled it first before trying to install this version plus i have ran my reg cleaner also in hopes it would clear the issue with no luck

November 21st, 2012, 06:10 PM
Hi Toadyshadow101, I downloaded and installed Cyberfox on my Windows 7 Home Premium x64 pc but it won't start. I've uninstalled and re-installed several times and I can't get it tio start. I tried a fresh download but still won't. This is the error message I get:59697

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Cheers, John Williams

Solved See Top Post

November 21st, 2012, 08:01 PM
toady I don't know what seems to be the issue. I have installed the c++ and the installer for cyberfox just hangs at extracting archive and i have to kill it threw the taskmanager.
All my plugins are up to date as i'm installing it on basicly a fresh os that only been running about a week and half now.
I was running the latest waterfox previously and yes i uninstalled it first before trying to install this version plus i have ran my reg cleaner also in hopes it would clear the issue with no luck

hi mate sorry to here that its seems the advanced installer app to make the installers seems to make more issues then the browser lol i will compile a NSIS installer the same as the mozilla firefox witch should solve a few issues.

November 21st, 2012, 08:03 PM

Solved See Top Post

November 21st, 2012, 08:18 PM
So after fixing 0x7b error (i installed x64 version of vcredist for visual studio 2012) i want to change language. How i can do this?

Solved See Top Post

Big V
November 21st, 2012, 08:18 PM
well just an update toady i tried several attempts at getting this to installed with no joy, so i went back to try reinstalling waterfox16 and now it has the same issue and just stop functioning when the installer hits extracting files from archive in the installer progress message

i did happen to still have the installers for waterfox 14 & 15 and was atleast able to get 14 to reinstall but 15 acted the same as the others had and just froze

November 21st, 2012, 08:20 PM
Hi Toadyshadow101, I downloaded and installed Cyberfox on my Windows 7 Home Premium x64 pc but it won't start. I've uninstalled and re-installed several times and I can't get it tio start. I tried a fresh download but still won't. This is the error message I get:59697

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Cheers, John Williams


hi guys sorry about that you need to install Microsoft Visual C\C++ Run-time Library To Fix That Error Due To Cyberfox Been Compile With C\C++ From Visual Studio's 2012

witch can be found in the main post http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/48631-Cyberfox-17-x64-bit-version-of-Firefox.

for windows 7 with no service pack 1

For Windows 7 Service pack 1

again sorry about this

November 21st, 2012, 08:21 PM
toady I don't know what seems to be the issue. I have installed the c++ and the installer for cyberfox just hangs at extracting archive and i have to kill it threw the taskmanager.
All my plugins are up to date as i'm installing it on basicly a fresh os that only been running about a week and half now.
I was running the latest waterfox previously and yes i uninstalled it first before trying to install this version plus i have ran my reg cleaner also in hopes it would clear the issue with no luck

Hey vern this issue you have actually is created because of the waterfox installer the way the waterfox installers have been done is really quirky, I had toady start on this project because of issues I was having installing waterfox which is the same issue you have now with his cyberfox installer and the issue is created because of having waterfox installed. A reg cleaner will not get the entries taken out that waterfox has left and cauing cyberfox to hang. I had to go to regedit and manually get rid of all waterfox entries once that was done there was no issues instaling cyberfox.

I tested this many times over I uninstalled all browsers I had on my system then tried installing just the reg firefox and cyberfox no issues with them installing. I uninstalled all browsers again, ran my reg cleaner and deleted any left over reg values from firefox or cyberfox manually installed firefox and waterfox removed waterfox and tried to install cyberfox installer hanged and would not install. Revoved all again and reg cleaned installed firefox and cyberfox went fine installed waterfox as well that went fine, removed cyberfox leaving firefox and waterfox on the system tried to install cyberfox again installer stopped and hanged so the issue arises from the waterfox install if you run a reg cleaner and go to regedit type in waterfox and delete all found entries from it then install cyberfox it goes in with no problem :)

November 21st, 2012, 08:27 PM
So after fixing 0x7b error (i installed x64 version of vcredist for visual studio 2012) i want to change language. How i can do this?

hi mate yeah im still working on the language packs at current i only have En-US i updated the main post with the language pack XPI file for EN-US and am working on the rest sorry about this mate

Big V
November 21st, 2012, 08:37 PM
Hey vern this issue you have actually is created because of the waterfox installer the way the waterfox installers have been done is really quirky, I had toady start on this project because of issues I was having installing waterfox which is the same issue you have now with his cyberfox installer and the issue is created because of having waterfox installed. A reg cleaner will not get the entries taken out that waterfox has left and cauing cyberfox to hang. I had to go to regedit and manually get rid of all waterfox entries once that was done there was no issues instaling cyberfox.

I tested this many times over I uninstalled all browsers I had on my system then tried installing just the reg firefox and cyberfox no issues with them installing. I uninstalled all browsers again, ran my reg cleaner and deleted any left over reg values from firefox or cyberfox manually installed firefox and waterfox removed waterfox and tried to install cyberfox installer hanged and would not install. Revoved all again and reg cleaned installed firefox and cyberfox went fine installed waterfox as well that went fine, removed cyberfox leaving firefox and waterfox on the system tried to install cyberfox again installer stopped and hanged so the issue arises from the waterfox install if you run a reg cleaner and go to regedit type in waterfox and delete all found entries from it then install cyberfox it goes in with no problem :)

Thanks Tucker for that info i will try messing with it again a little later this evening after i get all my Thanksgiving day dinner prep work done this evening and see if i can get it resolved

November 21st, 2012, 08:41 PM
hi mate yeah im still working on the language packs at current i only have En-US i updated the main post with the language pack XPI file for EN-US and am working on the rest sorry about this mate

Actually I did this. :D
First I installed language from mozilla ftp

Then I changed in about:config value of general.useragent.locale into my language (from en-US to pl).

For faster client download you ccould upload it into Mediafire.com (fastest free filehosting).

November 21st, 2012, 08:42 PM
Thanks Tucker for that info i will try messing with it again a little later this evening after i get all my Thanksgiving day dinner prep work done this evening and see if i can get it resolved

Np bud I have an installer here actually that I am gonna add to this reply and toadys first post that will extract the package for you to program files folder you just have to make ur short cuts to taskbar or where ver you want them I had him do this up when I was doing all my testing that waterfox installer did quite a number on things and it took me a while to figure it all out too this is also on a freshly installed system lol

November 21st, 2012, 08:54 PM
here is that installer package that self extracts :)


November 21st, 2012, 09:00 PM
Actually I did this. :D
First I installed language from mozilla ftp

Then I changed in about:config value of general.useragent.locale into my language (from en-US to pl).

For faster client download you ccould upload it into Mediafire.com (fastest free filehosting).

thanks mate thos im working on getting a site and it will be available soon from sorceforge or git hub with the source code

November 21st, 2012, 09:08 PM
well just an update toady i tried several attempts at getting this to installed with no joy, so i went back to try reinstalling waterfox16 and now it has the same issue and just stop functioning when the installer hits extracting files from archive in the installer progress message

i did happen to still have the installers for waterfox 14 & 15 and was atleast able to get 14 to reinstall but 15 acted the same as the others had and just froze

I can go with you there Vern I actually started to have issues after installing version 15 of waterfox myself thats when I bugged Toady to get working on a x64 browser that works and installs properly lol, I was shocked by his first few betas I was testing they were smoking other browsers speed wise but I had to go through Hell and earth to figure out where the issues were coming from and getting waterfox totally off my system that was no picnic lol

November 22nd, 2012, 12:29 AM
Hi Toadyshadow101, I downloaded and installed Cyberfox on my Windows 7 Home Premium x64 pc but it won't start. I've uninstalled and re-installed several times and I can't get it tio start. I tried a fresh download but still won't. This is the error message I get:59697

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Cheers, John Williams

hi mate again sorry about this now i have the fix for you i was able to successfully recreate this error in a controlled environment.

first make sure you have the latest .net 4 framework and that windows is fully upto date.


59712 download this run-time library or get it from Microsoft.

after installing it you dont have to but its always best to reboot the PC then Cyberfox should work gr8

thank you for your patience and sorry about this

November 22nd, 2012, 03:43 AM
yo mate:
will not launch on my system.
any advice??
win7,6 gig ram,i3,
thanks in advance.(y)

November 22nd, 2012, 05:07 AM
yo mate:
will not launch on my system.
any advice??
win7,6 gig ram,i3,
thanks in advance.(y)

hi mate thanks for been interested in Cyberfox

ok im just going to need a little bit of info from you to work out if its an issue with the installer or an issue with its deployed environment.

please start be reading the top post in this bugs thread as it might already have the answer to your issue.

secondly can you please take screen shot or post any error messages you have gotten.

and thirdly can you provide your windows type i.e ( windows Home, Professional, Ultimate ect ) And If you Have Service Pack 1 Installed.
please make sure your .net framework, windows, drivers And Plugins are all upto date.
check if you have the Microsoft Visual C\C++ Run-times 2010 x64 bit & Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012_x64 library installed.

thank you i look forward to getting the issue solved as quickly as possible and am sorry for any inconvenience.

November 22nd, 2012, 12:08 PM
razor (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge) / Big (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/155318-Big-V) the issues are not surprising, it's common for firefox in any form to have problems installing just after another version has been uninstalled. more times than not a person will have to uninstall their current version, use a reg cleaner, and then manual remove leftovers from the registry.

Toady (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/208186-Toadyshadow101) installed cyberfox and it runs great, however one odd thing. if i run waterfox and go to exit the browser i'll get the session manager popup asking me if i want to save the session, if i say no and relaunch waterfox it goes straight to my homepage without any dialog boxes. this is the way it is suppose to behave. now with cybeyfox i click to exit and the browser just closes, if i relaunch it i get the session manager popup asking me if i want to load last saved session. so cyberfox on exit is assuming i want to save my session. i have tabmixplus up to date if that helps you sort the issue.

Solved Error With Add-on TabMixPlus

November 22nd, 2012, 12:12 PM
razor (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge) / Big (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/155318-Big-V) the issues are not surprising, it's common for firefox in any form to have problems installing just after another version has been installed. more times than not a person will have to uninstall their current version, use a reg cleaner, and then manual remove leftovers from the registry.

Toady (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/208186-Toadyshadow101) installed cyberfox and it runs great, however one odd thing. if i run waterfox and go to exit the browser i'll get the session manager popup asking me if i want to save the session, if i say no and relaunch waterfox it goes straight to my homepage without any dialog boxes. this is the way it is suppose to behave. now with cybeyfox i click to exit and the browser just closes, if i relaunch it i get the session manager popup asking me if i want to load last saved session. so cyberfox on exit is assuming i want to save my session. i have tabmixplus up to date if that helps you sort the issue.

hi mate can you list all add-ons you have installed and i will try and recreate this if i can and try and work out whats doing it also what version of waterfox did you use

Edit: just looked up Tabmixplus

Tab Mix Plus enhances Firefox's tab browsing capabilities. It includes such features as duplicating tabs, controlling tab focus, tab clicking options, undo closed tabs and windows, plus much more. It also includes a full-featured session manager with crash recovery that can save and restore combination of opened tabs and windows.

that would be the prob mate switching from waterfox to cyberfox it re-updates cyberfox add-on profile and vice versa between the 2 so im guessing tab mix might think the browser crashed maybe why its session manager pops up also tab mix plus is not offically supported on FF 17 yet so until it updates it could be the issue your experiencing

November 22nd, 2012, 12:45 PM
i don't know cause rather it be firefox, waterfox, or cyberfox if they crash on exit i should be getting the do you want to restore the crashed session dialog. so it's not crashing before close. besides the lisy of addons i upped a mozback of my addons if you feel like playing with it. ignore the incompatible comments by some, they work great.

- Abduction! 3.0.16
- Adblock Plus 2.1.2
- Add-on Compatibility Reporter 2.0
- BBCode (Incompatible)
- BBCodeXtra 0.3.2
- CheckPlaces 2.6.2
- CLEO 5.0.1
- ColorfulTabs 17.1
- Copy Links 0.1.7
- DoNotTrackPlus
- Download Manager Tweak 0.9.5
- EPUBReader
- Extension List Dumper 1.15.2
- FireShot 0.98.24
- Flagfox 4.2.3
- FlashGot
- Forecastfox 2.2.2
- Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on 0.9.6
- IE Tab 2.0.20120203
- InvisibleHand 3.8.23
- Logitech Device Detection
- Magnet Link Shortener 1.2.rev183
- Minus - Share simply 1.7.99
- MR Tech Toolkit 6.0.4 (Incompatible)
- Multifox 1.3.5
- Multirow Bookmarks Toolbar Plus 1.2
- Navigational Sounds 1.2.2
- Nightly Tester Tools 3.3
- NoScript 2.6.1
- Save as PDF 1.5
- Screengrab 0.96.3 (Incompatible)
- Status-4-Evar 2012.07.08.17
- Stealthy 2.4
- Stylish 1.3
- Tab Mix Plus
- Test Pilot 1.2.2
- TinEye Reverse Image Search 1.1
- UI Fixer 1.4.4
- United States English Spellchecker 6.0
- YesScript 1.9

- BloodFire 3 3.6 (Incompatible)

- AdobeAAMDetect
- DivX VOD Helper Plug-in
- Microsoft Office 2013 15.0.4128.1022
- Shockwave Flash 11.5.502.110
- Silverlight Plug-In 5.1.10411.0


November 22nd, 2012, 10:58 PM
i don't know cause rather it be firefox, waterfox, or cyberfox if they crash on exit i should be getting the do you want to restore the crashed session dialog. so it's not crashing before close. besides the lisy of addons i upped a mozback of my addons if you feel like playing with it. ignore the incompatible comments by some, they work great.

- Abduction! 3.0.16
- Adblock Plus 2.1.2
- Add-on Compatibility Reporter 2.0
- BBCode (Incompatible)
- BBCodeXtra 0.3.2
- CheckPlaces 2.6.2
- CLEO 5.0.1
- ColorfulTabs 17.1
- Copy Links 0.1.7
- DoNotTrackPlus
- Download Manager Tweak 0.9.5
- EPUBReader
- Extension List Dumper 1.15.2
- FireShot 0.98.24
- Flagfox 4.2.3
- FlashGot
- Forecastfox 2.2.2
- Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on 0.9.6
- IE Tab 2.0.20120203
- InvisibleHand 3.8.23
- Logitech Device Detection
- Magnet Link Shortener 1.2.rev183
- Minus - Share simply 1.7.99
- MR Tech Toolkit 6.0.4 (Incompatible)
- Multifox 1.3.5
- Multirow Bookmarks Toolbar Plus 1.2
- Navigational Sounds 1.2.2
- Nightly Tester Tools 3.3
- NoScript 2.6.1
- Save as PDF 1.5
- Screengrab 0.96.3 (Incompatible)
- Status-4-Evar 2012.07.08.17
- Stealthy 2.4
- Stylish 1.3
- Tab Mix Plus
- Test Pilot 1.2.2
- TinEye Reverse Image Search 1.1
- UI Fixer 1.4.4
- United States English Spellchecker 6.0
- YesScript 1.9

- BloodFire 3 3.6 (Incompatible)

- AdobeAAMDetect
- DivX VOD Helper Plug-in
- Microsoft Office 2013 15.0.4128.1022
- Shockwave Flash 11.5.502.110
- Silverlight Plug-In 5.1.10411.0


thanks mate going to take a look now and will get back to you as soon as possible

one thing you can try in the mean time is uninstall tab mix plus go to AppData\Roaming\Mozilla Copy The Cyberfox Folder In there to a safe place then delete the cyberfox folder

this will make it generate a new profile and see if the session manger thing still happens.

once you have done this test you can put the original folder back and let me know the results thanks bud

November 23rd, 2012, 12:17 AM
razor (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge) / Big (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/155318-Big-V) the issues are not surprising, it's common for firefox in any form to have problems installing just after another version has been uninstalled. more times than not a person will have to uninstall their current version, use a reg cleaner, and then manual remove leftovers from the registry.

Toady (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/208186-Toadyshadow101) installed cyberfox and it runs great, however one odd thing. if i run waterfox and go to exit the browser i'll get the session manager popup asking me if i want to save the session, if i say no and relaunch waterfox it goes straight to my homepage without any dialog boxes. this is the way it is suppose to behave. now with cybeyfox i click to exit and the browser just closes, if i relaunch it i get the session manager popup asking me if i want to load last saved session. so cyberfox on exit is assuming i want to save my session. i have tabmixplus up to date if that helps you sort the issue.

Solved Error With Add-on TabMixPlus

This is an issue with waterfox being installed on your system, Toady had me run tests as I also use tabmix plus I have waterfox completly removed off of my os and with switching between cyberfox and firefox there is no message asking to restore session. I installed waterfox again tried switching between browsers and recieved the message asking me to restore session, removed waterfox again cleaned my registry rebooted opened firefox first then cyberfox and had no message asking me to save session so this issue your getting is coming from waterfox :)

November 23rd, 2012, 01:32 PM
This is an issue with waterfox being installed on your system, Toady had me run tests as I also use tabmix plus I have waterfox completly removed off of my os and with switching between cyberfox and firefox there is no message asking to restore session. I installed waterfox again tried switching between browsers and recieved the message asking me to restore session, removed waterfox again cleaned my registry rebooted opened firefox first then cyberfox and had no message asking me to save session so this issue your getting is coming from waterfox :)

ok so skipping the step of removing the waterfox reg keys must be causing the issue. so some time today i'll use mozback, remove all of cf and wf including reg entries and reinstall cf. by rights from what you're saying that should fix the prob. thanks to both of you for helping with this. i'll post back my results. thanks again guys.

November 23rd, 2012, 04:35 PM
o.k. guys i uninstalled both wf and cf, ran registry help pro to remove leftovers, searched c for leftovers, restarted, reinstalled cf and still the same thing. i'm tending to agree that it is a setting in tabmixplus that is being played with. at this point no big deal, cause all it's doing on cf close is assuming i want to save the session. i can live with it. thanks for the help guys.

November 23rd, 2012, 08:35 PM
o.k. guys i uninstalled both wf and cf, ran registry help pro to remove leftovers, searched c for leftovers, restarted, reinstalled cf and still the same thing. i'm tending to agree that it is a setting in tabmixplus that is being played with. at this point no big deal, cause all it's doing on cf close is assuming i want to save the session. i can live with it. thanks for the help guys.

hi mate yeah tab mix plus is doing it, see firefox has a built in session manager witch is very minimal, when you install tab mix plus it disables the default manager with a full feature one from tab mix plus.

now tab mix plus it in beta to work on 17 atm and wont be released till January 2013, you could post the bug on there forums and hopefully they can fix it for the release, the issue could be due to the jump from gekko 16 to gekko 17 and addition changes in XUL runner witch in end could affect they way the add-on interacts with the Firefox API.

check tab mix pluses setting there might be a setting for sessions you can turn off that might fix the issue.

November 24th, 2012, 12:31 AM
yeah i went through it's settings, and no love. i'll checkout their forum anyway cause i don't remember the last time they pushed a beta out. i'm set to be updated with the latest test builds.

November 24th, 2012, 05:17 AM
Seems to install fine.........won't run........

Installed as admn....


November 24th, 2012, 08:26 AM
Seems to install fine.........won't run........

Installed as admn....


hi mate sorry to hear your having troubles

please see the info in the top of this post as well as have you installed or have installed the Microsoft visual C\C++ run-times x64 bit if not there in the main post also make sure windows is upto date same with the .net framework

Big V
November 24th, 2012, 12:26 PM
Well Toady I resolved my issues on getting this installed GGGRRRR lol
After working over a hour yesterday in the registry trying to remove waterfox I had created a total fubar of it.:angry:
So yesterday afternoon after saying :fu: a few thousand times to waterfox and my system.
I once again wiped my C drive and reloaded everything.
I did encounter the one issue that was already posted in your thread on the program not starting up, but that was also my fault as I had not loaded VS 2012 C++ at that time yet. D'oh!
Once I installed it it fired right up.:tu:
The only other issue I encounter was a firefox theme not being compatible with version 17 yet, Then I stumbled onto another plugin extension that disabled the preinstall compatibility check of the plugins, after it install the theme went right in with out hesitation.
So far bud after using this for a few hours last nite this looks like it gonna be my new best friend for awhile.
Thanks a bunch toady for all your hard work on this, and thank you also tucker for your contributions aswell.:beaut::tu:

November 24th, 2012, 12:43 PM
Well Toady I resolved my issues on getting this installed GGGRRRR lol
After working over a hour yesterday in the registry trying to remove waterfox I had created a total fubar of it.:angry:
So yesterday afternoon after saying :fu: a few thousand times to waterfox and my system.
I once again wiped my C drive and reloaded everything.
I did encounter the one issue that was already posted in your thread on the program not starting up, but that was also my fault as I had not loaded VS 2012 C++ at that time yet. D'oh!
Once I installed it it fired right up.:tu:
The only other issue I encounter was a firefox theme not being compatible with version 17 yet, Then I stumbled onto another plugin extension that disabled the preinstall compatibility check of the plugins, after it install the theme went right in with out hesitation.
So far bud after using this for a few hours last nite this looks like it gonna be my new best friend for awhile.
Thanks a bunch toady for all your hard work on this, and thank you also tucker for your contributions aswell.:beaut::tu:

no problems bud thanks for letting me know and very happy you like it shame about your issues you encountered from that other browser because formating can be a royal pain lol me i just push F5 at boot come back 5-7min later and i have fresh windows with most of my apps already pre installed lol i should make a tut some time

November 24th, 2012, 03:46 PM
All Uz
I want to thank everyone for all their help...
I guess i am jus a dumbass,i can not get cyperfox to work.
if i fooled around with my wife as much as i did with this app she would be one happy girl.
I jus cant make it work..
But i want to thank all for ur quick answers and work..:Grim:

November 24th, 2012, 09:43 PM
All Uz
I want to thank everyone for all their help...
I guess i am jus a dumbass,i can not get cyperfox to work.
if i fooled around with my wife as much as i did with this app she would be one happy girl.
I jus cant make it work..
But i want to thank all for ur quick answers and work..:Grim:

sorry to hear that mate please check if yo installed the Microsoft Visual Studios 2012 Run-time Can Be Found In Main Thread First Post.

please install thos and it should run like a dream.

November 24th, 2012, 09:46 PM
I downloaded Cyberfox but got the error 0xc00007b. After I got that fixed I got it started but once I tried to open it from the start menu or shortcut I got the error again. Do it worked fine while it was open but I can only open it from the install.
PS I do have x64 Pale Moon browser installed if that has anything to do with this.

November 24th, 2012, 09:59 PM
I downloaded Cyberfox but got the error 0xc00007b. After I got that fixed I got it started but once I tried to open it from the start menu or shortcut I got the error again. Do it worked fine while it was open but I can only open it from the install.
PS I do have x64 Pale Moon browser installed if that has anything to do with this.

hi mate sorry to hear this got to this thread http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/48631-Cyberfox-17-x64-bit-version-of-Firefox under the big warning box you will find the download links
to Microsoft Visual C\C++ run-times gab and install thos and you will be good to go again sorry about that

November 24th, 2012, 10:37 PM
Yay!!!!!!! That was the ticket my friend! Good Call!

I had mentioned that I used Pale Moon which is another x64 browser of Firefox. It has it's own Backup program that you are able to back up the Pale Moon Profile with just as Firefox has Mozbackup. Are you planning on any kind of Cyberfox backup program in the future?

November 24th, 2012, 11:04 PM
Yay!!!!!!! That was the ticket my friend! Good Call!

I had mentioned that I used Pale Moon which is another x64 browser of Firefox. It has it's own Backup program that you are able to back up the Pale Moon Profile with just as Firefox has Mozbackup. Are you planning on any kind of Cyberfox backup program in the future?

glad to here that did the trick cyberfox has the same profile manager as firefox so it automatically backs up bookmarks and settings i think default is 5 days it saves this data in appdata\roaming\mozilla\cyberfox and is accessible with in cyberfox through options in bookmark manager and profile manager

November 24th, 2012, 11:46 PM
I need help. I install CyberFox but there is something wrong that the error said the application was unable to start correctly 0xc00007b.

November 25th, 2012, 12:00 AM
Yo mate,got CyberFox to finally work...
I downloaded the VS x64 runtime and :BANG: it worked...
Again,big ups to u and all that offered their help..:bunny:

November 25th, 2012, 12:46 AM
Yup, thanks, your fix with the redistributable runtime worked a treat. Cyberfox looks great and runs very smoothly so far. Well done, and thanks for all your hard work, John Williams:)

November 25th, 2012, 03:32 AM
I need help. I install CyberFox but there is something wrong that the error said the application was unable to start correctly 0xc00007b.

hi mate goto the main post and in the main section of the post is a download for Microsoft Visual Studios 2012 VRun-times X6 download and install and you should be good to go

November 25th, 2012, 02:40 PM

"Description: Nightly"

(this is eerily similar to the graphic used on all the nightly builds of the 'About' window)

because if it is, that means you're giving us software more than 4 months old.
uninstalling this stuff until this gets clarified/fixed

November 25th, 2012, 05:09 PM
It does not work.:crying:Shows error message-"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b).Click ok to close application."

Big V
November 25th, 2012, 06:22 PM
It does not work.:crying:Shows error message-"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b).Click ok to close application."
did you read the first post and install the visual c++ runtimes

November 25th, 2012, 06:50 PM
I installed Cyberfox I downloaded the language pack ita but it is always in English as I do I can not set

there a way to change bookmarks to favorites thanks

November 25th, 2012, 07:37 PM

"Description: Nightly"

(this is eerily similar to the graphic used on all the nightly builds of the 'About' window)

because if it is, that means you're giving us software more than 4 months old.
uninstalling this stuff until this gets clarified/fixed

hi mate Cyberfox Is Based Off The Mozilla Firefox Source Code As For The Description Of The Cyberfox.EXE thats a small bug in The Branding Files as im still trying to find that last little part that stamps that nightly in the description lol and i assure you that Cyberfox is not and nothing like Nightly.

if you look in the main thread and use the link to sourceforge you can download the source code and take a look

November 25th, 2012, 07:41 PM
It does not work.:crying:Shows error message-"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b).Click ok to close application."

did you read the first post and install the visual c++ runtimes

Hi Mate Goto The Main Post And Download And Install The Mircosoft Visual Studio 2012 C\C++ Runtime And You Will Be Sweet to go.

thanks BigV he he lmao

November 25th, 2012, 07:45 PM
I installed Cyberfox I downloaded the language pack ita but it is always in English as I do I can not set

there a way to change bookmarks to favorites thanks

hi mate once you install your language.xpi type( about:config )into the url bar click ok you promise to be careful then use the find bar to locate( general.useragent.locale) and click modify change the ( en-US ) to your language make sure its lower case once done restart your browser and your good to go

November 26th, 2012, 02:28 PM
Hi Toadyshadow101,

Just a quick note to say that my Cyberfox is working very well indeed. I have a regular version of FF installed also, and that has recently seemed to be crashing a lot and struggling to display Google+ properly, showing notifications half frame, or not at all etc.
I've been using Cyberfox all over this weekend and it has been rock solid. It seems more stable and smoother than the regular variety FF. All in all an excellent piece of work, thank you:-) John Williams.

November 27th, 2012, 02:56 AM
Hi just wonderin' if somebody experience youtube and facebook not actin' normally like this one on the pic. it's not showing all the contents of the site.

November 27th, 2012, 03:24 AM
Hi just wonderin' if somebody experience youtube and facebook not actin' normally like this one on the pic. it's not showing all the contents of the site.

hi mate i watch youtube videos all the time and havent experienced and issues facebook displays fine to

59769 59770

the only thing different is youtubes new html5 player that looks like Microsoft built it

can you please clear your browser cache of cookies then try you tube again see it that fixes it also try clearing flash cookies to as some times they cause conflicts make sure all plugins add-ons and windows are all upto date aslo let me know after trying thos things if you still experience thos issues thanks bud

November 27th, 2012, 03:46 AM
I did uninstall all my add-ons and updates.. now everything's working fine now..thanks for the help:)

November 27th, 2012, 05:55 AM
Works on Windows 8 x64,was getting the "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application. " to start with but worked straight away after installing Visual Studios 2012 C\C++ Run time x64bit.
Is nice and quick;I was moving to chrome for speed from waterfox but will try this for a while now.
Many thanks I'm sure it was lots of hours put in to get it working well.

November 27th, 2012, 12:13 PM
I did uninstall all my add-ons and updates.. now everything's working fine now..thanks for the help:)

Works on Windows 8 x64,was getting the "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application. " to start with but worked straight away after installing Visual Studios 2012 C\C++ Run time x64bit.
Is nice and quick;I was moving to chrome for speed from waterfox but will try this for a while now.
Many thanks I'm sure it was lots of hours put in to get it working well.

Hi Guys Glad You Got it sorted and thanks for the nice comments i finnaly fix the prerquiste issue in advanced installer and after heavy testing will be updating the main post the issue should be resolved now :happy:

November 27th, 2012, 06:47 PM
Hi folks. Cyberfox running really fast for me. I had my first, and only, crash yesterday. It was on G+, which has been glitchy on Chrome and Opera for me also, I got a "stopped responding" message. A restart sorted that, and it hasn't happened snce. It was happening a lot with both Aurora, regular FF and Chrome.

I do have a query. I received notification of an Aurora update tonight. Currently I don't have Aurora installed, just vanilla FF. Should I be installing these or are you going to be issuing individual Cyberfox updates?

cheers, and thanks for all the hard work, John:)

November 27th, 2012, 10:05 PM
Hi folks. Cyberfox running really fast for me. I had my first, and only, crash yesterday. It was on G+, which has been glitchy on Chrome and Opera for me also, I got a "stopped responding" message. A restart sorted that, and it hasn't happened snce. It was happening a lot with both Aurora, regular FF and Chrome.

I do have a query. I received notification of an Aurora update tonight. Currently I don't have Aurora installed, just vanilla FF. Should I be installing these or are you going to be issuing individual Cyberfox updates?

cheers, and thanks for all the hard work, John:)

hi mate sorry to hear about that i know quite a few browsers are having issues with Google+ and lots of issues with Google chrome changing there code and API on there browser making web browser based games get screwed up.

as for updates cyberfox wont check or ask for updates tho's components were removed and disabled i an working on an updater for cyberfox but at current you will have to check here or on sourceforge for messages about updates.

i will look further into the google plus issue to ok thanks for letting me know

November 30th, 2012, 01:21 PM
When i go in some websites such as facebook, it does not completely load 100% Even though I try to refesh the page, it does not solve the problem

hi mate once you install your language.xpi type( about:config )into the url bar click ok you promise to be careful then use the find bar to locate( general.useragent.locale) and click modify change the ( en-US ) to your language make sure its lower case once done restart your browser and your good to go
can you show me how to do this with picture?

November 30th, 2012, 08:02 PM
When i go in some websites such as facebook, it does not completely load 100% Even though I try to refesh the page, it does not solve the problem

can you show me how to do this with picture?

Hi Mate I will Post pictures later today ok

as for facebook please clear your browser cache of cookies run CCleaner or Glarys also clear you flashplayer Cache as well, make sure all add-ons and plug-ins are upto date, also make sure windows is upto date also and then try facebook that should fix it for you.

please Note: About using Windows 8 i havent tested Cyberfox on win 8 so im not sure how it will run on it there could be bugs and issues on win 8 ok bud

November 30th, 2012, 11:46 PM
Hi Mate I will Post pictures later today ok

as for facebook please clear your browser cache of cookies run CCleaner or Glarys also clear you flashplayer Cache as well, make sure all add-ons and plug-ins are upto date, also make sure windows is upto date also and then try facebook that should fix it for you.

please Note: About using Windows 8 i havent tested Cyberfox on win 8 so im not sure how it will run on it there could be bugs and issues on win 8 ok bud

OK thank you buddy. It does not happen regularly, but it is kind of annoyed sometimes. I'll try to do how you recommend if I run into it again

December 1st, 2012, 12:28 AM
Generally everything has been running good for me with Cyberfox, except with this one little hiccup. Sometimes when I close Cyberfox I'll leave for a bit to do something else and when I come back I go to open the browser and and I get a pop up that states,:There is another version of Cyberfox running. Close it before you try and open a new one. Now I have seen this before with a Firefoox build. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this issue or if you can think of a reason why it might not be shutting down when I close it with the "red X" in the top right corner.

Big V
December 1st, 2012, 12:30 AM
Toady I just tried your new update and i'm encountering the same issue i had before it freezes at unpacking files

December 1st, 2012, 12:51 AM
Generally everything has been running good for me with Cyberfox, except with this one little hiccup. Sometimes when I close Cyberfox I'll leave for a bit to do something else and when I come back I go to open the browser and and I get a pop up that states,:There is another version of Cyberfox running. Close it before you try and open a new one. Now I have seen this before with a Firefoox build. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this issue or if you can think of a reason why it might not be shutting down when I close it with the "red X" in the top right corner.

Hi julio..That sounds like a little mem leak ...try unloading your ram that mite do it:Peace:

December 1st, 2012, 01:06 AM
Generally everything has been running good for me with Cyberfox, except with this one little hiccup. Sometimes when I close Cyberfox I'll leave for a bit to do something else and when I come back I go to open the browser and and I get a pop up that states,:There is another version of Cyberfox running. Close it before you try and open a new one. Now I have seen this before with a Firefoox build. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this issue or if you can think of a reason why it might not be shutting down when I close it with the "red X" in the top right corner.

hi mate sorry to hear this ok

restart your pc

run CCleaner or glarys utility's clear all cookies and temp directory's if your not using a SSD drive then run system defrag or your prefered Defrag app.

then make sure all add-ons, plugins and windows is upto date after the updates restart your PC

then try cyberfox to see it it still does it see whats happening is there might be a conflict in your System causing thats causing apps like cyberfox the inability to unload from the ram cache correctly

December 1st, 2012, 03:38 AM
OK thank you buddy. It does not happen regularly, but it is kind of annoyed sometimes. I'll try to do how you recommend if I run into it again

mate added a video in the top post on how to change languages ok i hope that helps :happy: oh video is in 1080p HD

Big V
December 1st, 2012, 05:02 AM
Ok toady helped me out to get this squared away so I'm back up and running
Not foresure what was causing the problem of the installer to freeze at extracting files from the archive.
After trying several different things with still no joy toady walked me threw doing a manual install of the program

Here is the procedure for doing that.

1. Create a folder on your desktop and place the cyberfox app installer inside of it.
2. Rename the installer to cyberfox.exe
3. Download the archive and extract the .bat file, then place the .bat file in the folder with the cyberfox installer.
4. Run the bat file this will extract the program from the installer to the folder on your desktop
5. Next in the extracted files you will see a folder with a odd number string label, this is the cyberfox program
6. Rename that folder to cyberfox
7. Open C/windows/programs and place the renamed folder in it
8. Open the renamed folder and locate the cyberfox.exe application
9. Next you can do one of 3 things, It will depend on where you want to beable access the cyberfox program
a.) Right click the cyberfox.exe and create a shortcut then place the shortcut on your desktop
b.) Right click the cyberfox.exe and pin the app to your taskbar
c.) Right click the cyberfox.exe and pin the app to your startmenu

Thanks toady for all your help dude

December 1st, 2012, 05:40 AM
Ok toady helped me out to get this squared away so I'm back up and running
Not foresure what was causing the problem of the installer to freeze at extracting files from the archive.
After trying several different things with still no joy toady walked me threw doing a manual install of the program

Here is the procedure for doing that.

1. Create a folder on your desktop and place the cyberfox app installer inside of it.
2. Rename the installer to cyberfox.exe
3. Download the archive and extract the .bat file, then place the .bat file in the folder with the cyberfox installer.
4. Run the bat file this will extract the program from the installer to the folder on your desktop
5. Next in the extracted files you will see a folder with a odd number string label, this is the cyberfox program
6. Rename that folder to cyberfox
7. Open C/windows/programs and place the renamed folder in it
8. Open the renamed folder and locate the cyberfox.exe application
9. Next you can do one of 3 things, It will depend on where you want to beable access the cyberfox program
a.) Right click the cyberfox.exe and create a shortcut then place the shortcut on your desktop
b.) Right click the cyberfox.exe and pin the app to your taskbar
c.) Right click the cyberfox.exe and pin the app to your startmenu

Thanks toady for all your help dude

thanks for posting it mate

also create shortcut for Cyberfox Updater.exe and run it manually once a week or make a task Schedule to run once a week with command line argument /noGUI

December 1st, 2012, 04:45 PM
How does one set Cyberfox as the default browser under Windows 8? When I try to set it in the browser's options it takes me to the "Set Default Programs" page in the Windows 8's control panel. Cyberfox is not listed there, though.

December 1st, 2012, 07:30 PM
How does one set Cyberfox as the default browser under Windows 8? When I try to set it in the browser's options it takes me to the "Set Default Programs" page in the Windows 8's control panel. Cyberfox is not listed there, though.

Hey bro...Dont know about win8 but in win7 you can turn off or on programs....Try turning off internet explorer in Default programs then open cyberfox and set it as default... Thats what i did in win7 and it worked for me ...Good luck:Peace:

December 1st, 2012, 08:58 PM
How does one set Cyberfox as the default browser under Windows 8? When I try to set it in the browser's options it takes me to the "Set Default Programs" page in the Windows 8's control panel. Cyberfox is not listed there, though.

hi mate due to win 8 been win 8 and i havent tested or am testing its compatibility on win 8 so that OS is unsupported sorry.

you should be able to set as default browser by going into tools\options


and click the make default button.

note: if that does not work
start Cyberfox as administrator by right clicking run as admin
goto tools\options\advanced
and click the make default button
then click ok and close CYberfox

i hope that helps

December 3rd, 2012, 04:31 AM
Hi julio..That sounds like a little mem leak ...try unloading your ram that mite do it:Peace:

I am not quite sure I know how to unload RAM. I have 8GB in Win 7x64 and I run this little program called "Cleanmem". Never had RAM problems before, but if you give me some simple instructions or you have another idea I'd be willing to give it a go.

December 3rd, 2012, 01:03 PM
Thank you so much for portable version!

Anyway, why it doesn't start on my Win8 x64 pro?..

December 3rd, 2012, 01:11 PM
Thank you so much fr portable version.

Anyway, why it doesn't start on my Win8 pro x64?

December 3rd, 2012, 01:47 PM
I only use portable versions, so no working portable Cyberfox, no Cyberfox...sorry!

December 3rd, 2012, 05:47 PM

No support for win7 aero peek etc. (browser taskbar preview enable = true). Also no download progress bar on taskbar...

Is this because it was compiled using win8 sdk? Is there any way to enable it in cyberfox?

December 3rd, 2012, 06:17 PM
I am not quite sure I know how to unload RAM. I have 8GB in Win 7x64 and I run this little program called "Cleanmem". Never had RAM problems before, but if you give me some simple instructions or you have another idea I'd be willing to give it a go.

Hi ..Julio....Did you get my messages ?

December 3rd, 2012, 07:41 PM
Hi ..Julio....Did you get my messages ?

Yes I answered all 4 and installed said program. I also had some questions and remarks there for you pertaining to running ASC and Smart Ram. Should it be run at startup all the time?

December 3rd, 2012, 08:14 PM
Yes I answered all 4 and installed said program. I also had some questions and remarks there for you pertaining to running ASC and Smart Ram. Should it be run at startup all the time?
Yes Bro...set up smart ram then hit the minimize buttom thats it :Peace:
Check your inbox...i sent more messages...

December 3rd, 2012, 08:53 PM

No support for win7 aero peek etc. (browser taskbar preview enable = true). Also no download progress bar on taskbar...

Is this because it was compiled using win8 sdk? Is there any way to enable it in cyberfox?

Hi Mate

Sorry To Hear Your Having Issues

Yes It Full Aero Compliant and shows download progress on task-bar icon as none of that has changed.

Windows 8 SDK is the same as Windows 7 SDK its just newer and has more features. this wont affect anything.

Can You Please Post A Screen Shot So I Can See What It;s Doing So We Can Work Out Your Issue


December 4th, 2012, 12:36 AM
I only use portable versions, so no working portable Cyberfox, no Cyberfox...sorry!

hi mate after extensive reading and looking up even tho Cyberfox portable is portable and package with portableApps packer seems it still needs Visual Studios 2012 C\C++ runtime.

so please install the runtime and that will fix your issue sorry about that mate

December 4th, 2012, 12:39 AM
Thanx got em all!

December 4th, 2012, 12:44 AM
Hi Mate

Sorry To Hear Your Having Issues

Yes It Full Aero Compliant and shows download progress on task-bar icon as none of that has changed.

Windows 8 SDK is the same as Windows 7 SDK its just newer and has more features. this wont affect anything.

Can You Please Post A Screen Shot So I Can See What It;s Doing So We Can Work Out Your Issue

Where is the profile folder for Cyberfox located. I can't find it anywhere. The x64 Nightly PaleMoon is easy to find the profile folder. Just wondering if there's something different here.

December 4th, 2012, 01:09 AM
Where is the profile folder for Cyberfox located. I can't find it anywhere. The x64 Nightly PaleMoon is easy to find the profile folder. Just wondering if there's something different here.

hi mate AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\
one of the folders example (gxbbkzz3.default)

i did have it set to seperate the profile data in a separate folder called Cyberfox but it caused issues with sites like Hotmail ect

i did have a beta build that was a fully standalone profile and was working on adding the ability to import bookmarks ect from other installed Firefox's but it mate the browser incompatible with sites like Hotmail, gmail & Facebook due to components that detect what browser your using and enable feature and site settings for that browser type. it would get ( unrecognized web browser and would give a list followed by Xml Parse Errors ).

i hope that helps bud

December 4th, 2012, 09:32 AM
hi mate AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\
one of the folders example (gxbbkzz3.default)

i did have it set to seperate the profile data in a separate folder called Cyberfox but it caused issues with sites like Hotmail ect

i did have a beta build that was a fully standalone profile and was working on adding the ability to import bookmarks ect from other installed Firefox's but it mate the browser incompatible with sites like Hotmail, gmail & Facebook due to components that detect what browser your using and enable feature and site settings for that browser type. it would get ( unrecognized web browser and would give a list followed by Xml Parse Errors ).

i hope that helps bud

Hi My Gmail.com works just fine.....I have no problem with my gmail with cyberfox but since the last update i noticed that now and again for some reason it wont fully release from RAM...It tends to hang out and party with the rest of the crowd ...{DLL's} HA HA HE HE...But just now and again...

December 4th, 2012, 10:15 AM
Where is the profile folder for Cyberfox located. I can't find it anywhere. The x64 Nightly PaleMoon is easy to find the profile folder. Just wondering if there's something different here.

Hi julio99 i hope that i was helpful with answering your questions ......

December 4th, 2012, 10:39 AM
Hi My Gmail.com works just fine.....I have no problem with my gmail with cyberfox but since the last update i noticed that now and again for some reason it wont fully release from RAM...It tends to hang out and party with the rest of the crowd ...{DLL's} HA HA HE HE...But just now and again...

hi mate i find the common cause can be add-ons or flash player they sometimes seem busy for a few seconds after the browser's close happens allot in firefox chrome is the worst for it most times i find cleaning out AppData\Local\Temp\ deleting thos files can fix allot of issues with most apps

December 4th, 2012, 10:58 AM
hi mate i find the common cause can be add-ons or flash player they sometimes seem busy for a few seconds after the browser's close happens allot in firefox chrome is the worst for it most times i find cleaning out AppData\Local\Temp\ deleting thos files can fix allot of issues with most apps

Hi ..Ya ,I thought that to..its definitely an add-on issue ...Thank for reply :peace:
i installed better privacy and ghostery hoping it will help with flash....
and i usually check the AppData\Local\Temp\

December 4th, 2012, 11:38 AM
so far so good...For me mem problem SOLVED used add-ons better privacy and ghostery set up the setting and this worked for me .....Will see for how long....:peace:

December 4th, 2012, 09:28 PM
having issue with cyberfox when opening it.screenshot included,can you help me out,using 17.0.1

December 4th, 2012, 11:38 PM
having issue with cyberfox when opening it.screenshot included,can you help me out,using 17.0.1

Are you using noscript plugin for firefox make sure to allow the yahoo site at the bottom of your browser by clicking the options button as the yahoo page is almost all java and flash script if u use that plugin u will get pages showing like this at times if they are initally blocked by no script :)

December 4th, 2012, 11:39 PM
having issue with cyberfox when opening it.screenshot included,can you help me out,using 17.0.1

hi mate

all the yahoo's display fine to me


can you please clear your browser cache of cookies then try yahoo again see it that fixes it also try clearing flash cookies to as some times they cause conflicts make sure all plugins add-ons and windows are all upto date aslo let me know after trying thos things if you still experience thos issues thanks bud

Are you using noscript plugin for firefox make sure to allow the yahoo site at the bottom of your browser by clicking the options button as the yahoo page is almost all java and flash script if u use that plugin u will get pages showing like this at times if they are initally blocked by no script :)

also try what razorsedge suggested

December 5th, 2012, 03:03 AM
how do i disable cyberfox updater?

i like cyberfox so far but i get the impression there's some phishing code in the compiled binary :(

also im using multiple firefox sessions / profiles (3 firefox processes running) -- waterfox for 2 of them ,and cyberfox for one of them to test

cyberfox updater keeps opening the webpage on my main waterfox ... its annoying :(

December 5th, 2012, 04:03 AM
how do i disable cyberfox updater?

i like cyberfox so far but i get the impression there's some phishing code in the compiled binary :(

hi mate yeah im experiencing a problem with the updater to its not shuting off after the first successful check you can go in and disable the task or delete the auto check every Wednesday im currently working on making it more advanced so the user can set the settings for updates sorry about any inconveniences caused by it.

as for your comment (phishing code in the compiled binary) i assure you its completely safe, i cant afford a code signing certificate as i don't have that type of money plus im dedicating allot of my free
time to give an awesome browser. if your unsure or feel your unsafe them please use Firefox i released the source code and the sha1 im trying my best sorry you feel that way mate.

open start menu

type task scheduler


select cyberfox ether disable it or delete that task and it wont auto check for updates

note you will have to manually run the updater to check if task is removed.

December 5th, 2012, 04:26 AM
how do i disable cyberfox updater?

i like cyberfox so far but i get the impression there's some phishing code in the compiled binary :(

also im using multiple firefox sessions / profiles (3 firefox processes running) -- waterfox for 2 of them ,and cyberfox for one of them to test

cyberfox updater keeps opening the webpage on my main waterfox ... its annoying :(

Also important to remember that if you are running both cyberfox and waterfox at the same time and do not have different profiles for them u are running 3 browsers with the same profiles firefox and waterfox and cyberfox as they both use the firefox profile so that will cause u complications in itself running all 3 from the same profiles but ur also running 2 at the same time waterfox and cyber fox that are both tyring touse the same profile so run one or the other but not both at the same time as that will 100% cause errors u have 2 different apps running trying to use the same profile conflicting with each other that will never work :)

December 5th, 2012, 09:22 AM
Hi again.. sorry... now i downloaded the new update but its telling me that i dont have visual cc++ so i tried to continue with the installation but failed...
I had a security update yesterday for visual cc++ dont no if that has anything to do with it ?
On the one hand its telling me that it wants to instal the visual then it tells me that it false because i already have it...

I was thinking my be it would be a good idea to have 1 update that checks for visual cc++ and for people that already have visual cc++ installed just have the cyberfox updater......so in other words have 2 different installers one for newbies and other for people that already have everything installed...

December 5th, 2012, 09:59 AM
ive not tested silent installations

does cyberfox support silent installations? as well as commandline setdefaultbrowser? i know this was broken in waterfox and alex hasnt fixed it for months..

December 5th, 2012, 11:21 AM
Hi again.. sorry... now i downloaded the new update but its telling me that i dont have visual cc++ so i tried to continue with the installation but failed...
I had a security update yesterday for visual cc++ dont no if that has anything to do with it ?
On the one hand its telling me that it wants to instal the visual then it tells me that it false because i already have it...

I was thinking my be it would be a good idea to have 1 update that checks for visual cc++ and for people that already have visual cc++ installed just have the cyberfox updater......so in other words have 2 different installers one for newbies and other for people that already have everything installed...

Hi Mate The First Part Of The Installer is the Prerequisites Wizard To Install The Microsoft Visual studio 2012 C\C++ Run-times if you already have it then you can just click finish and move on the the install so its included with the installer or available at the top main post in big shiny letters for those who want to manual do it.

ive not tested silent installations

does cyberfox support silent installations? as well as commandline setdefaultbrowser? i know this was broken in waterfox and alex hasnt fixed it for months..

Hi Mate Yes It Does have Silent Command

Command Line:
%s [options]
/? or /help - displays this message
/listlangs - list languages supported by this setup
/exenoui - launches the EXE setup without UI
/exebasicui - launches the EXE setup with basic UI
/exelang <langId> - launches the EXE setup using the specified language
/username - username used by the proxy
/password - password used by the proxy
/exelog<path_to_log_file> - creates a log file at specified path
/exenoupdates - does not check for a newer version
<msiOptions> - options for msiexec.exe on running the MSI package

As For The Default Browser im Still Working On That ok Mate :happy:

December 6th, 2012, 05:02 PM
I'd like to use Portable version on a pc on which I can't install Microsoft Visual C\C++ Runtime 2010 x64 and Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 run-time (it's a comporate pc).
So could you include this into Cyberfox Portable (like Palemoon x64), please?

And...no updater please!..


December 6th, 2012, 10:28 PM
ah,can anyone share any tweaks to make cyberfox fast ?

December 7th, 2012, 02:12 AM
does anyone having problems with facebook video call?

December 7th, 2012, 06:54 AM
I'd like to use Portable version on a pc on which I can't install Microsoft Visual C\C++ Runtime 2010 x64 and Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 run-time (it's a comporate pc).
So could you include this into Cyberfox Portable (like Palemoon x64), please?

And...no updater please!..


hi mate please read the description on the download page http://sourceforge.net/projects/cyberfoxportabl/

unfortunately there is license issue with Microsoft preventing portableapps making portable runtimes for portable apps unfortunately the MS Visual Studios 2012 Run-time is a dependency of Cyberfox x64bit the con's of using a Microsoft Visual C\C++ compiler.

sorry mate is there any IT's guys that can add the run-time to the PC for you:crying:

December 7th, 2012, 11:19 AM
odd issue here, cf started popping up a box every few minutes telling me cb is upto date. didn't mater if cb was or wasn't open. i ran the 17.0.1 installer to do a repair and that behavior stopped, but now i'm being forced to except the google cookie to be able actually get search results from google. any ideas what going on?

December 7th, 2012, 11:35 AM
odd issue here, cf started popping up a box every few minutes telling me cb is upto date. didn't mater if cb was or wasn't open. i ran the 17.0.1 installer to do a repair and that behavior stopped, but now i'm being forced to except the google cookie to be able actually get search results from google. any ideas what going on?

Hi mate i did post here http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/48631-Cyberfox-17-0-1-x64-bit-version-of-Firefox?p=254305&viewfull=1#post254305 that i fixed a few of the issues 2 for the updater 1 been i set it to repeat the check every 1hr for 6hrs but due to the 2nd bug it wasnt sending back to the task Scheduler that a successful check was completed.

as for the cookie i have no idea bud as it does not use a cookie or google the updater only calls 2 urls first url is http://sourceforge.net/projects/cyberfox/files/Version/AppVersion.txt/download and thats a text file it reads the version in the text file and if its newer then the app version it then tells you a new version is available and asks if you would like to download it thats when it calls the second url https://sourceforge.net/projects/cyberfox/files/latest/download and that opens in your web browser.

so i dont know how you get a Google cookie mate

December 7th, 2012, 11:44 AM
not sure what's up. i have my options set to ask evevrytime for cookies, and google is set as my startpage. so unless i save a session i land on google, get asked if i want the cookie, normally click no, but yesterday if i didn't except the google cookie i would get no search results. maybe later i do a short vid to show you.

December 7th, 2012, 12:49 PM
ah,can anyone share any tweaks to make cyberfox fast ?

Yup...depending on your internet speed ....you can increase or decrease these values-integers....

nglayout.initialpaint.delay 1700
ui.submenuDelay 1700

go in to abut:config
right click anywhere scroll to New and select integer copy and past nglayout.initialpaint.delay in the box then add the integer for me its 1700
repeat the same for ui.submenuDelay for me its 1700 my net speed is 15mb
I hope this helps !!


December 7th, 2012, 01:02 PM
not sure what's up. i have my options set to ask evevrytime for cookies, and google is set as my startpage. so unless i save a session i land on google, get asked if i want the cookie, normally click no, but yesterday if i didn't except the google cookie i would get no search results. maybe later i do a short vid to show you.

then that would be part of googles cookie policy google sets a cookie a .json file that stores the search data any item you enter into the search input field is stored hence why it will bring up as you type the any search you have done till the cookies are removed Example ( i type virtualcustoms then do a few more searches then i type v it brings up virtualcustoms in the search input field till the next letter i put after V does not match the previous string of virutalcustoms. )

you can ether set to allow cookies or keep your current settings and be asked about every cookie maybe run a clean up of browser cache and temp directory AppData\local\temp might fix your issue but its related to the cookie policy you set.

December 7th, 2012, 01:16 PM
in a word no. the behavior started right after i got cf to stop popping up the "cf is upto date" box. i have never had to except googles cookie to do a search. i'd suggest you remove you google cookies, block them, and then try a google search to see if you get the same thing i do. anyway here is the video.


December 7th, 2012, 02:08 PM
in a word no. the behavior started right after i got cf to stop popping up the "cf is upto date" box. i have never had to except googles cookie to do a search. i'd suggest you remove you google cookies, block them, and then try a google search to see if you get the same thing i do. anyway here is the video.


Hey...thats weird mate...maybe try an uninstall ...clean up Ccleaner reboot and reinstall...then 1 by 1 install your add-ons and check after each add-on mybe that might help...:peace:
It may be one of your add-ons

December 7th, 2012, 02:19 PM
Yup...depending on your internet speed ....you can increase or decrease these values-integers....

nglayout.initialpaint.delay 1700
ui.submenuDelay 1700

go in to abut:config
right click anywhere scroll to New and select integer copy and past nglayout.initialpaint.delay in the box then add the integer for me its 1700
repeat the same for ui.submenuDelay for me its 1700 my net speed is 15mb
I hope this helps !!


i will try this tweak amigo.thank you so much,:laughing:

December 7th, 2012, 02:52 PM
no it's not one of the addons. i'm not overly concerned with it. i'll just finally make dogpile my default page like i've been meaning to. better search results than google anyway.

December 7th, 2012, 03:26 PM
hi mate AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\
one of the folders example (gxbbkzz3.default)

i did have it set to seperate the profile data in a separate folder called Cyberfox but it caused issues with sites like Hotmail ect

i did have a beta build that was a fully standalone profile and was working on adding the ability to import bookmarks ect from other installed Firefox's but it mate the browser incompatible with sites like Hotmail, gmail & Facebook due to components that detect what browser your using and enable feature and site settings for that browser type. it would get ( unrecognized web browser and would give a list followed by Xml Parse Errors ).

i hope that helps bud
I know I asked about Profiles in Cyberfox and I thought I would give you a suggestion if I could. You write code, right. The browser Pale Moon is a x64 Firefox Nightly build. I hope I'm saying that right. It has it's own Profile not to mention the guys at Moonchild keep it pretty well maintained. It also has a backup program for itself. With Cyberfox, we share a profile with Firefox, correct? I remember way back I was using Firefox and I had the same problem with it still running after I had shut it down. After doing some more research on the subject of the browser still running after being shutdown and having to kill it in Task Mngr. before starting it again, it was somehow affected by the Firefox Profile which does have all the add on bookmarks and such. I think that was the reason I had originally looked at running a x64 browser. I think the final solution for me on that whole matter was to create a new profile and keep track of which add ons might be causing the issue of it still running after shutdown. If you have a lot of add ons or you have a lot of extensions and plug ins such as Java applets those things may be taking forever to close. There is a ton of reading on that subject and a lot of frustrated FF users from as far back as 2008. I think I just created a new profile and added my addons one by one from scratch.
Basically I just wanted to give you a heads up on PaleMoon and see if you could get an idea from the way it is put together as far as having it's own profile. Thanks for all the hard work you do too. Quite the job putting together this browser. How has the overall response been?
I think I may have been trying to restart the broser before it had completely shutdown and that was causing issues. Like I said there was a ton of reading on the subject.

December 7th, 2012, 11:32 PM
no it's not one of the addons. i'm not overly concerned with it. i'll just finally make dogpile my default page like i've been meaning to. better search results than google anyway.

Hey bud if u have cookies set to ask you if u want to accept them then of course ur going to get that message to allow the google cookie may have been a bug that slipped through before with it being allowed but if u haveit set that way to ask then if the program is working properly it should be asking u to accept it.

The other issue I can see that coming from is tabmix plus as I had similar issues with it installed the old and new ones are buggy as hell on the new ff browser. The tabmix restore session is a huge cluster fu*k right now that gives off a lot of errors like not seeing the search results. I have totally removed that addon till they get it sorted out. I would get blank pages like that and a host of other errors that popped up only after installing tabmix plus they were gone after I removed it. The most telling part of how screwed up that addon is right now is when going to remove it I was not even able to access the tools in the browser to do it, I had to start it in safe mode and this was regular firefox I was on to get it uninstalled not even cyber but firefox itself neither browser would let me access tools options so I could get to my addon management window to uninstall it I had to go into the browser safemode just to be able to access the addon manager so I could remove tabmix plus that is deffo what is causing u the issues as I had the same problems with it :)

December 8th, 2012, 10:33 AM
Hi all...
Problem ..
I cant seem to install the update for cyberfox...i skip or try to skip the first part of the install but it keeps telling me that An other version of this product is already installed.installation of this version cannot continue .....now im afraid to uninstall the previous version of cyberfox because i dont want to see that notes, if i try to install it again.if that happens then i wont be able to install cyberfox...

December 8th, 2012, 10:35 AM
Hi all...
Problem ..
I cant seem to install the update for cyberfox...i skip or try to skip the first part of the install but it keeps telling me that An other version of this product is already installed.installation of this version cannot continue .....now im afraid to uninstall the previous version of cyberfox because i dont want to see that notes, if i try to install it again.if that happens then i wont be able to install cyberfox...

hi mate its not an update witch is why it wont let you install over top its the same version just digitally signed you can uninstall the version you have and install the signed version if you want bud

December 8th, 2012, 10:49 AM
hi mate its not an update witch is why it wont let you install over top its the same version just digitally signed you can uninstall the version you have and install the signed version if you want bud
Thank then i wont bather with the install

December 8th, 2012, 11:50 AM
razorsedge (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge), i know and said that i should get the popup asking me if i want the google cookie because of my settings. what i also said was that the odd behavior with blank search pages did not start until i fixed the "cyberfox is upto date" from popping up every few minutes, so no in my case tmp is not at fault for the blank search results, unless when i fixed the cf is upto date that broke something in tmp. as for tab mix plus the only issue i have with it is the session manager which i can live with till they do a new release, and to be honest i'm willing to bet this issue is a cf issue, cause on the nightly 64 bit or waterfox i do not have this issue. as for not being able to get to the tools to uninstall it no problem here getting to them, which tells me something else on your end going on, could be another plugin tmp doesn't like or a plugin doesn't like tmp, could be your particular setup, etc....

December 8th, 2012, 12:43 PM
razorsedge (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge), i know and said that i should get the popup asking me if i want the google cookie because of my settings. what i also said was that the odd behavior with blank search pages did not start until i fixed the "cyberfox is upto date" from popping up every few minutes, so no in my case tmp is not at fault for the blank search results, unless when i fixed the cf is upto date that broke something in tmp. as for tab mix plus the only issue i have with it is the session manager which i can live with till they do a new release, and to be honest i'm willing to bet this issue is a cf issue, cause on the nightly 64 bit or waterfox i do not have this issue. as for not being able to get to the tools to uninstall it no problem here getting to them, which tells me something else on your end going on, could be another plugin tmp doesn't like or a plugin doesn't like tmp, could be your particular setup, etc....

Hey bud nope this was a pure tabmix plus issue, member you were having problems with that addon in a previous post in this thread I used to use tabmix plus but had not had it installed since the update of firefox 17 cause it was too buggy, but at the time of your other comment both toady and I installed it to try and see if the errors u were getting could be recreated and whammo as soon as we had the tabmix plus addon installed there was issues with restore among other things and neither of us could access the tools part of the browser I also had waterfox installed at the time as well while we were working on a bug for someone else and none of the browsers would let me access the addon manager. As soon as tabmix was removed boom all browsers back to working like they should be so that was not a cyberfox issue that was a tabmix plus issue as I could see if it was one browser that did not let me access it maybe even 2 of them but all 3 and as soon as its removed all is back to normal thats a bug in the addon not the browser lol

December 8th, 2012, 01:11 PM
razorsedge (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge), i agree with the session manager bug, but the rest i'm leaning towards a combination of things going on with your and your friends configuration. your blank google search pages may very well be due to tmp, but i'm sure mine is not considering the behavior for me did not start until after i fixed my cf is upto date issue and not before then. anyway for my purposes it's sorted for now, and i can live with it.

December 8th, 2012, 01:28 PM
razorsedge (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge), i agree with the session manager bug, but the rest i'm leaning towards a combination of things going on with your and your friends configuration. your blank google search pages may very well be due to tmp, but i'm sure mine is not considering the behavior for me did not start until after i fixed my cf is upto date issue and not before then. anyway for my purposes it's sorted for now, and i can live with it.

well see the thing is with what your saying in regards to the updater its thats a seperate process all together from cyberfox itself its not a built in updater as most other apps have so that would not be the cause of the issue as it just checks every so often to see if there is an update to be installed but a completly seperate process that would not have anything to do with browsing or the cyberfox exe at all. The tabmix plus I keep asking you to check is because the old version or the new one which is still beta neither are ready for ff 17 to be used. The old one does not really function well at all as I have also tried that on ff 17 and the new beta one which is better but still very buggy but still beta what I have been saying is try removing the addon to see if it clears up the issues for u that way we can bug test further, but considering that I had some of the same issues with tabmix plus installed it looks like the culprit u could just remove it complety to see if it clears up the problems if not it only takes 2 secs to dl and install again that would give us a better idea of what we are trying to look at here :)

December 8th, 2012, 01:41 PM
razorsedge (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge), i agree with the session manager bug, but the rest i'm leaning towards a combination of things going on with your and your friends configuration. your blank google search pages may very well be due to tmp, but i'm sure mine is not considering the behavior for me did not start until after i fixed my cf is upto date issue and not before then. anyway for my purposes it's sorted for now, and i can live with it.

hi mate

like i mentioned here in this post http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/48632-Thread-For-Cyberfox-Issues-Bugs?p=254588&viewfull=1#post254588 cyberfox updater has nothing to do with cookies and its a separate application to cyberfox

the issue your having is the settings you have set in your browser and possibly tmp first setting to be prompt for every cookie weather to allow or not allow is known to cause issues and make sites not work as intended like when settings thos settings in internet explorer its says its not recommended and can or may cause issues with web site also google updates there cookie policy's all the time so the could have updated it.

next tmp could be conflicting with your cookie settings due to the session manager trys to restore the last session each time and could be the root of the error been that its beta and unsupported on 17 by tmp and mozilla till its fixed.

try this fix uninstall tmp set cookie settings to default run ccleaner or your preferred cache cleaner make a shortcut to the desktop for cyberfox and use this http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/profile-manager-create-and-remove-firefox-profiles info to make a new profile

then set your cookie settings and see if it still does the issue your mentioning if so then it will be googles cookie policy meaning you must accept the cookie for the page to operate as intended

then once finished open up the profile manager and select your original profile and install tmp so its back to the way you had it


December 8th, 2012, 02:06 PM
o.k. i just removed tmp and the issue with google still persist, so i'm thinking at this point when i ran cf repair i managed to break something. it's odd cause google search seems to be the only search engine that this behavior happens with. like i said if it's the worst thing i have to deal with i can live with it.

December 8th, 2012, 02:11 PM
well see the thing is with what your saying in regards to the updater its thats a seperate process all together from cyberfox itself its not a built in updater as most other apps have so that would not be the cause of the issue as it just checks every so often to see if there is an update to be installed but a completly seperate process that would not have anything to do with browsing or the cyberfox exe at all. The tabmix plus I keep asking you to check is because the old version or the new one which is still beta neither are ready for ff 17 to be used. The old one does not really function well at all as I have also tried that on ff 17 and the new beta one which is better but still very buggy but still beta what I have been saying is try removing the addon to see if it clears up the issues for u that way we can bug test further, but considering that I had some of the same issues with tabmix plus installed it looks like the culprit u could just remove it complety to see if it clears up the problems if not it only takes 2 secs to dl and install again that would give us a better idea of what we are trying to look at here :)

Hi all....
I mentioned something similar......about uninstalling cf, do a cleanup with a good cleanup tool like Ccleaner ,reinstall then 1 by 1 add the add-ons and see if you can find the bug that way....Good luck


December 8th, 2012, 02:22 PM
o.k. uninstalled cf, cleaned the registry, restarted, reinstalled cf and the google issue is still there. i think at this point google changed their policy. i did the uninstall cause i proved earlier in my case tmp wasn't the issue and it was easier to reinstall clean without any addons than to try to sort which addon if any was causing the problem.

December 8th, 2012, 02:33 PM
Ok so thats bin rectified then its not any add-on...My start page is Google.ca and i dont have that issue ....Well I relay cant think of anything ells right now but ill ponder this and see if i can come up with anything...


December 8th, 2012, 11:30 PM
Hi all....
I mentioned something similar......about uninstalling cf, do a cleanup with a good cleanup tool like Ccleaner ,reinstall then 1 by 1 add the add-ons and see if you can find the bug that way....Good luck


Ya thats usualy the best way to do it bud , Toady works hard on any bugs and we do a lot of testing on certain things to make sure they work proper :). I am glad to see so many using this browser now to think it all came from a small request I made to Toady about having a look into waterfox for me as I do a lot of work with flash and as much as I loved the waterfox browser I had this issue with flash player crashing 90% of the time in it, was it a prob I could have lived with sure but it was quite annoying at the same time.

So Toady started from scratch and compiled a whole new firefox variant, the first test build beta I tried wham no flash player crashes and I was saved lmao so I thank him much for the time and effort he has put into this and how he does not give up on improving as each day goes by good work there bud :)

December 8th, 2012, 11:43 PM
Ya thats usualy the best way to do it bud , Toady works hard on any bugs and we do a lot of testing on certain things to make sure they work proper :). I am glad to see so many using this browser now to think it all came from a small request I made to Toady about having a look into waterfox for me as I do a lot of work with flash and as much as I loved the waterfox browser I had this issue with flash player crashing 90% of the time in it, was it a prob I could have lived with sure but it was quite annoying at the same time.

So Toady started from scratch and compiled a whole new firefox variant, the first test build beta I tried wham no flash player crashes and I was saved lmao so I thank him much for the time and effort he has put into this and how he does not give up on improving as each day goes by good work there bud :)

Ya, its quite humbling to see all that work that hes put in........insane..... dos he SLEEP...?

December 8th, 2012, 11:51 PM
Ya, its quite humbling to see all that work that hes put in........insane..... dos he SLEEP...?

not as far as I know he is like robocop just stops for the occasional nutrients to replenish himself lmao

December 8th, 2012, 11:55 PM
not as far as I know he is like robocop just stops for the occasional nutrients to replenish himself lmao

FUNNY...ROBOCOP I can picture that lmao

December 9th, 2012, 12:04 AM
You know..i give toady all the credit in the world,,,,man thats insane...if you think about it....one man did something that mozilla,im talking about a wack of professional couldn't doooooo and i think its the fastest browser out there....You watch ..mark my words...cyberfox is going to be one of the most popular browsers out there..


December 10th, 2012, 10:02 AM
Hi and this looks good,

Yet another user of x64 here, tried Waterfox (which worked brilliantly) and nightly x64s (which also worked brilliantly).

Up till now I have done a manual update where I unzip (or extract) the Firefox/Waterfox files and replace the "\App" folder (in either the normal or portable installs). This works so well that when I switched from Firefox x32 to Waterfox x64 it worked without a hitch.

I'm not sure what to do for Cyberfox. I can unpack Cyberfox portable but it's using at least two non-standard file or folder names, maybe more (\App\Cyberfox and CyberfoxPortable_ini). It's fine, but I need to check how to update my setup.

Will the same procedure work if I rename the \App\Cyberfox folder to \App\Firefox and add an ini file as usual? Or should I delete my existing \App\Firefox (which usually gets overwritten) and replace it by the \App\Cyberfox, and copy settings from FirefoxPortable_ini to Cyberfoxportable_ini? ie what are the differences in files between usual layout and the (slightly) modified Cyberfox layout?

Also CF doesn't seem to respect the .ini settings, such as pointing it to a new profile folder, not sure why?

I'll give it a go as soon as I know what to do

December 10th, 2012, 08:14 PM
Hi and this looks good,

Yet another user of x64 here, tried Waterfox (which worked brilliantly) and nightly x64s (which also worked brilliantly).

Up till now I have done a manual update where I unzip (or extract) the Firefox/Waterfox files and replace the "\App" folder (in either the normal or portable installs). This works so well that when I switched from Firefox x32 to Waterfox x64 it worked without a hitch.

I'm not sure what to do for Cyberfox. I can unpack Cyberfox portable but it's using at least two non-standard file or folder names, maybe more (\App\Cyberfox and CyberfoxPortable_ini). It's fine, but I need to check how to update my setup.

Will the same procedure work if I rename the \App\Cyberfox folder to \App\Firefox and add an ini file as usual? Or should I delete my existing \App\Firefox (which usually gets overwritten) and replace it by the \App\Cyberfox, and copy settings from FirefoxPortable_ini to Cyberfoxportable_ini? ie what are the differences in files between usual layout and the (slightly) modified Cyberfox layout?

Also CF doesn't seem to respect the .ini settings, such as pointing it to a new profile folder, not sure why?

I'll give it a go as soon as I know what to do

Hi mate Cyberfox Portable Is Built And Packed With PortableApps you can in order for the portable to run as intended you need the portable apps platform or you can run it with out the portable apps platform but you must run as admin for it to work.
Note: its setup to run in the portable apps platform so it does not leave files of registry changes on the PC Another Thing Is The End User Pc Must Have Visual Studios 2012 C\C++ x64 Run times.

So the Cyberfox Portable Is Built Differently An Behaves Differently With How Its Settings And File Structure Work.

And Thats The Difference Between Cyberfox Portable And Waterfox Portable

Waterfox Portable i be-leave is just the application in a folder and technically is not portable in the sense of how portable apps work.

the normal installer installer version of cyberfox will be-have the same way as the waterfox portable.

i hope this helps bud:happy:

December 12th, 2012, 11:19 AM
Bug report: When the Cyberfox updater is blocked via firewall (I don't like apps calling home behind my back, even to sourceforge) it throws a .net exception ... no offense, but good grief, but functions like that should always be wrapped in try/catch and handled in code :-o

Is there any way to stop the updater running via about:config or such, and/or could you please fix this bug? Sorry if I just didn't see the option if it is already there.

Btw: I tried to submit the .net error message and some other information for the last 10 minutes, but the forum software thinks there are links hidden in the text (which is wrong), great feature, that :-\ ... if anyone is at fixing bugs the forum software would probably a good candidate, too.

December 12th, 2012, 06:41 PM
Is there any way to stop the updater running via about:config or such, and/or could you please fix this bug? Sorry if I just didn't see the option if it is already there.

Cyberfox Updater is launch by Task Scheduler. Can you kill or pause this task ? It's what I've done.

December 12th, 2012, 09:18 PM
Bug report: When the Cyberfox updater is blocked via firewall (I don't like apps calling home behind my back, even to sourceforge) it throws a .net exception ... no offense, but good grief, but functions like that should always be wrapped in try/catch and handled in code :-o

Is there any way to stop the updater running via about:config or such, and/or could you please fix this bug? Sorry if I just didn't see the option if it is already there.

Btw: I tried to submit the .net error message and some other information for the last 10 minutes, but the forum software thinks there are links hidden in the text (which is wrong), great feature, that :-\ ... if anyone is at fixing bugs the forum software would probably a good candidate, too.

hi mate cyberfox updater is a separate application to cyberfox and is squeduled in task manager i did post about it here http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/48632-Thread-For-Cyberfox-Issues-Bugs/page11?p=254588&viewfull=1#post254588
posted i updated the the installer and updater http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/48631-Cyberfox-17-0-1-x64-bit-version-of-Firefox?p=254305&viewfull=1#post254305 that fixed the use with the updater.

you can disable the task


or delete the task im sorry by any inconvenience caused by it.

as for the .net error thanks for letting me know i did have it set to only run if internet connection was found soo thank you i will look into a way to turn it off if blocked with firewall

December 13th, 2012, 12:38 AM
Bug report: When the Cyberfox updater is blocked via firewall (I don't like apps calling home behind my back, even to sourceforge) it throws a .net exception ... no offense, but good grief, but functions like that should always be wrapped in try/catch and handled in code :-o

Is there any way to stop the updater running via about:config or such, and/or could you please fix this bug? Sorry if I just didn't see the option if it is already there.

Btw: I tried to submit the .net error message and some other information for the last 10 minutes, but the forum software thinks there are links hidden in the text (which is wrong), great feature, that :-\ ... if anyone is at fixing bugs the forum software would probably a good candidate, too.

Hi marsu24 as explained above me in this post for the updater just disable the task to avoid your issue Toadyshadow is still working on the updater it's a work in progress right now as we try to set it up perfect if you just disable the task then u can just run it manually from tine to time to check if there is a new version :)

As for the link posting on the site that's just a security feature to deter spammers what you were trying to post I assume started with http or had a link in one of the error messages you were trying to post and thats why the site stopped you that feature will turn off for you once you hit 10 posts again sry it's just to avoid spamming :)

December 13th, 2012, 01:26 PM
The updated version will not start windows 8 x64
I put back the old .. it works ..
What is it?
Sorry for my english ..

December 13th, 2012, 08:12 PM
The updated version will not start windows 8 x64
I put back the old .. it works ..
What is it?
Sorry for my english ..

Hi mate Sorry about that For Windows 8 I Give No Guaranty's It Will Work I Dont Test It On Windows 8 and i have never used windows 8 so im sorry that its stopped working on windows 8
unfortunately due to not having or using windows 8 i can't test each build if it works on win 8 and when i uploaded this version it replaced the older .exe so i might have to trackdown the build before this one.

it could be when i made it so you dont have to install the visual studios 2012 C\C++ run-times it might have made it incompatible with win 8
if you got an error message can you please post a screen shot as it might help me determine the issue.

December 13th, 2012, 08:39 PM
Hello ...
Thanks for your reply ..
I have installed Visual C++2012 SP1 x64
I can not take a screenshot, as Cyberfox not start..
And the old version runs without problems and works perfectly..
Sorry for my English...

December 13th, 2012, 09:04 PM
Hello ...
Thanks for your reply ..
I have installed Visual C++2012 SP1 x64
I can not take a screenshot, as Cyberfox not start..
And the old version runs without problems and works perfectly..
Sorry for my English...

here mate this is an older version of 17.0.1 just download the .7z and extract you will have to uninstall the version you have and then just copy the cyberfox folder to program files and make shoutcut to desktop of the cyberfox.exe ok

sorry Again For The Troubles
The Issue Could Also Be The Latest String Of Windows 8 Updates But Try The Above Solution.

December 14th, 2012, 04:59 AM
i cant open cyberfox after i installed the new version and here's the event viewer txt file

December 14th, 2012, 05:01 AM
i cant open cyberfox after i installed the new version and here's the event viewer txt file

December 14th, 2012, 05:05 AM
i cant open cyberfox after i installed the new version and here's the event viewer txt file

hi mate sorry to hear your having issues

ok can you please tell when witch version of windows are your running ( windows 7 or Windows 8 )
and did you download the latest version from sourceforge.

December 14th, 2012, 06:00 AM
hi mate sorry to hear your having issues

ok can you please tell when witch version of windows are your running ( windows 7 or Windows 8 )
and did you download the latest version from sourceforge.

i am using windows 7 pro x64 and yes i did download it off of sourceforge i d/l it cause i saw it was a newer version then then what i had installed the v.17 one worked fine but since installing the new one havent been able to open it

December 14th, 2012, 06:05 AM
i would also like to note i tried both installers the one with updater and the one without updater

December 14th, 2012, 07:59 AM
i would also like to note i tried both installers the one with updater and the one without updater

Hi Bud that error txt you have is a bit strange it's not saying there is a problem with the app but either the download you got is corrupted or where u have the app stored on your computer has a bad sector and is corrupting it on the hd is what the error message is saying from the text.

try this its the version of cyberfox u were running before u said u had it installed and running try installing this one and see if u get the same error


December 14th, 2012, 08:53 AM
Hi Mate

If The Above Mentioned By Razorsedge Dont Work Try This Fix

User Action
1. Open the file again. This situation might be a temporary problem that corrects itself when the program runs again.
2. If the file still cannot be accessed and
- It is on the network, your network administrator should verify that there is not a problem with the network and that the server can be contacted.
- It is on a removable disk, for example, a floppy disk or CD-ROM, verify that the disk is fully inserted into the computer.
3. Check and repair the file system by running CHKDSK. To run CHKDSK, click Start, click Run, type CMD, and then click OK. At the command prompt, type CHKDSK /F, and then press ENTER.
4. If the problem persists, restore the file from a backup copy.
5. Determine whether other files on the same disk can be opened. If not, the disk might be damaged. If it is a hard disk, contact your administrator or computer hardware vendor for further assistance.

Manual steps to run Chkdsk at the command prompt
1. Click Start, and then Run.
2. In Open, type cmd, and then press ENTER.
3. Use one of the following procedures: • To run Chkdsk in read-only mode, at the command prompt, type chkdsk, and then press ENTER.
• To repair errors without scanning the volume for bad sectors, at the command prompt, type chkdsk volume:/f, and then press ENTER.

Note If one or more of the files on the hard disk are open, you will receive the following message:
Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N)
Type Y, and then press ENTER to schedule the disk check, and then restart your computer to start the disk check.
• To repair errors, locate bad sectors, and recover readable information, at the command prompt, type chkdsk volume:/r, and then press ENTER.

Note If one or more of the files on the hard disk are open, you will receive the following message:
Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N)
Type Y, and then press ENTER to schedule the disk check, and then restart your computer to start the disk check.

December 14th, 2012, 10:39 AM
im gonna try re-downloading and see if it works now i did uninstall and re-installed the old version which then worked gonna see if updating fixes it now and i have tested the hd and it reads fine with no errors ive only had this 2tb hd for a little over a month now will run chk disk just to be safe too. and will test my ram as well just to be on safe side it just seems to be a problem with 17.0.1 as like i said when i re-installed version 17.0.0 it works fine

December 14th, 2012, 10:48 AM
ok the new installer razorsedge linked worked i noticed this one gave me a prerequisite screen before the install and the two i downloaded off of sourceforge did not so now its working great ty for all the help and keep up the good work...

I miss the old installer from 17.0.0

December 14th, 2012, 10:53 AM
im gonna try re-downloading and see if it works now i did uninstall and re-installed the old version which then worked gonna see if updating fixes it now and i have tested the hd and it reads fine with no errors ive only had this 2tb hd for a little over a month now will run chk disk just to be safe too. and will test my ram as well just to be on safe side it just seems to be a problem with 17.0.1 as like i said when i re-installed version 17.0.0 it works fine

hi mate

did you try what razorsedge said and tryed the posted http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/48632-Thread-For-Cyberfox-Issues-Bugs?p=255391&viewfull=1#post255391 Version of cyberfox its 17.0.1 its the version just before the updated version on sourceforge

and the reason i posted about the

CHKDSK is the event viewer error you posted in the text file it pritty much saying that the apps fine that the file or part of file is on a bad sector or has an error on the HDD witch is causing the issue
so in turn windows stoped cyberfox from running due to that error on the hdd or bad sector.

let me know how you go ok

December 14th, 2012, 11:22 AM
hi mate

did you try what razorsedge said and tryed the posted http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/48632-Thread-For-Cyberfox-Issues-Bugs?p=255391&viewfull=1#post255391 Version of cyberfox its 17.0.1 its the version just before the updated version on sourceforge

and the reason i posted about the

CHKDSK is the event viewer error you posted in the text file it pritty much saying that the apps fine that the file or part of file is on a bad sector or has an error on the HDD witch is causing the issue
so in turn windows stoped cyberfox from running due to that error on the hdd or bad sector.

let me know how you go ok

yeah i ran chkdsk and it found no errors also ran asc pro and cleaned my pc that didnt fix it either so i d/l the one razor posted and it fixed it

December 14th, 2012, 11:36 AM
i personally never trust chkdsk. it's wrong more times than not. plus if the version of cf you uninstalled worked fine so should the new version you're installing since it is being written to disk where the old version was. i had the same prob in the following order.

tried to install the cf no updater version over the unsigned version i have and got told i already had that version on my machine. that is a bug. i have always been able to run firefox over the top of itself. also when you released the signed version it would not install on top of the unsigned version. so i completely uninstalled cf and installed the cf no update version only to have it refuse to launch. no error message, no instance in task manager.

December 14th, 2012, 12:01 PM
i personally never trust chkdsk. it's wrong more times than not. plus if the version of cf you uninstalled worked fine so should the new version you're installing since it is being written to disk where the old version was. i had the same prob in the following order.

tried to install the cf no updater version over the unsigned version i have and got told i already had that version on my machine. that is a bug. i have always been able to run firefox over the top of itself. also when you released the signed version it would not install on top of the unsigned version. so i completely uninstalled cf and installed the cf no update version only to have it refuse to launch. no error message, no instance in task manager.

yeah ive been building and fixing pc's and laptops for years so i knew it wasnt hardware related it seemas to be a problem with the latest installer as the original 17.0.1 installer worked but not the new version of the 17.0.1 installer not sure why they redid the installer for it

December 14th, 2012, 10:54 PM
ok the new installer razorsedge linked worked i noticed this one gave me a prerequisite screen before the install and the two i downloaded off of sourceforge did not so now its working great ty for all the help and keep up the good work...

I miss the old installer from 17.0.0

Ok glad this worked for you the installer was changed from 17.0.0 to that first one you just installed due to issues some of us like myself had when using amd machines and the old compiler method the installer would get to the point of extracting and then just stop and hang at that point had the same issues with waterfox had not been able to install it on an amd machine when they went from 15 to 16 it would hang and not extract one of the reasons I had asked Toady back when if he would look into doing a x64 browser the only way to get cyberfox or waterfox installed was to extract the package manually from the exe. So in 17.0.1 the installer was compiled using a new method where it would install flawlessly on both amd and intel computers.

It was tweaked to the newest version again cause the updater is still a work in progress and Toadyshadow is always trying to improve Cyberfox as well with new features and tweaks, those 2 new installers you had problems with installed both fine for myself and Toady so as always it's a work in progress but we thank you for informing us of the probs with the new ones this helps in us getting you the best browser possible by fixing any bugs that do occur :)

December 15th, 2012, 07:41 AM
Ok glad this worked for you the installer was changed from 17.0.0 to that first one you just installed due to issues some of us like myself had when using amd machines and the old compiler method the installer would get to the point of extracting and then just stop and hang at that point had the same issues with waterfox had not been able to install it on an amd machine when they went from 15 to 16 it would hang and not extract one of the reasons I had asked Toady back when if he would look into doing a x64 browser the only way to get cyberfox or waterfox installed was to extract the package manually from the exe. So in 17.0.1 the installer was compiled using a new method where it would install flawlessly on both amd and intel computers. It was tweaked to the newest version again cause the updater is still a work in progress and Toadyshadow is always trying to improve Cyberfox as well with new features and tweaks, those 2 new installers you had problems with installed both fine for myself and Toady so as always it's a work in progress but we thank you for informing us of the probs with the new ones this helps in us getting you the best browser possible by fixing any bugs that do occur :) np as always it is a good program but all good programs have problems when they start out..

December 15th, 2012, 03:14 PM
thought you might want the following information. it's what i get when i try to run the no updater version in win 8. i have the unsigned version in now and seems to be running good.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Cyberfox.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 50c982b3
Fault Module Name: Cyberfox.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 50c982b3
Exception Code: c000001d
Exception Offset: 000000000000184a
OS Version: 6.2.9200.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 6905
Additional Information 2: 69050e7f027c5c1833a02c803b53917d
Additional Information 3: 92c7
Additional Information 4: 92c7c5dffcc8524f5c539542d09f711e

December 15th, 2012, 10:25 PM
thought you might want the following information. it's what i get when i try to run the no updater version in win 8. i have the unsigned version in now and seems to be running good.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Cyberfox.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 50c982b3
Fault Module Name: Cyberfox.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 50c982b3
Exception Code: c000001d
Exception Offset: 000000000000184a
OS Version: 6.2.9200.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 6905
Additional Information 2: 69050e7f027c5c1833a02c803b53917d
Additional Information 3: 92c7
Additional Information 4: 92c7c5dffcc8524f5c539542d09f711e

Hi Mate Thanks For The Info Im Looking Into It
also please read this post http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/48631-Cyberfox-17-0-1-x64-bit-version-of-Firefox?p=255370&viewfull=1#post255370

Like I said There No Guaranty's It Will Work On Windows 8

Also Without Been Able To Test On 8 And Try And Debug It On Win 8 I Wont Be able To Work Out The Cause Of The Error.
Tho It Seems To Coincide With The Last Batch Of Windows 8 Updates Witch Might Be Why Older Version Work And Newer Ones Don't It Could Also Be Attributed To There Different Software Install Method's
And There Implementation Of An App Based Platform.

But Without Testing To Determine The Cause Or The Root Of The Issue's Cyberfox Will Be Classed As Experimental on Windows 8 OS And Unsupported On Windows 8 OS.

Im Sorry For Any Issues Or Inconveniences.

December 15th, 2012, 10:38 PM
Toady (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/208186-Toadyshadow101), no harm no foul here. i got the one version working, that's fine by me. i'm just slowly building 8 up in vm to see if i can get it to a point i like.

December 15th, 2012, 10:42 PM
Toady (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/208186-Toadyshadow101), no harm no foul here. i got the one version working, that's fine by me. i'm just slowly building 8 up in vm to see if i can get it to a point i like.

Thats Ok Mate Since you Mentioned VM It Could Also Be A Cause Of The Issue A Well as Cyberfox Might Not Like A Vitalized Environment

Glad You Got It Working

December 16th, 2012, 12:22 PM
Thats Ok Mate Since you Mentioned VM It Could Also Be A Cause Of The Issue A Well as Cyberfox Might Not Like A Vitalized Environment

Glad You Got It Working

now to be clear it is the 17.0.1 version prior to the digitally signed version i got working on 8. after the signed and no updater versions refused to work on 7 i wasn't going to try the signed version on 8 after the no updater version didn't work.

December 17th, 2012, 01:22 AM
now to be clear it is the 17.0.1 version prior to the digitally signed version i got working on 8. after the signed and no updater versions refused to work on 7 i wasn't going to try the signed version on 8 after the no updater version didn't work.

Weird issue to say the least the digi singed ones worked ok for both of us here but seems some have issues with them so Toady went back to the other version instead that works for everyone :)

I am going to have to snicker at you though using win 8 huh setting it up to see if u like it lol I thought all your posts said you would never use that os what happened lol

I still don't see too much of a point in that os again my opinion of course but the only people that it works better for is the ones with older hardware which I thought would be the ones that would like it better as its more win 98 looking if you dont have a powerful computer single cores or not a lot of ram I could see it being better then 7.

Those of us that have quads or even duals with 8 + gigs of ram and good graphics cards though those are just being wasted with win 8. I had a few times done more tests with my bud when we initally benchmaked win 7 and win 8 on installs that new boot system of win 8 is more like a hybernate then a fast boot and does not really work on restarts either if u have that faster boot enabled it hangs most of the time when restarting the computer taking twice as long to boot. I honestly find it much slower with applications then win 7 is plus most of the hacking that ppl do to get it to look like win 7 which I do find kinda funny as to why make the switch if u have to hack ur way back to a win7 looking machine not to mention most ppl making bucks by selling the software needed to hack back the desktop and most of what I have seen and been posting in the win 8 section I happen to notice the stuff that lets u customize the os u have to pay for as well kinda makes me laugh a little lol

Then on top of it most of the customize stuff gets knocked off everytime win 8 has updates so u end up having to do it all over again. I will never understand why ms just does not give us choices of what to use instead of forcing on us what they want us to use I been asking for that since the xp days who are they to say if I should use glass or not lol. Could they not have just added an option where u could put a tick in or take it out to have aero enabled or disabled how hard would that be lol. As normal though ms has to rush out their buggy os excpect us the end user to figure out what the bugs are so they dont have to make us do all they legwork and not get paid for it either lol

In the end I still say they said aero looks tired and dated but the standard 8 lokos like windows 98 which was an os that was made almost 2 decades ago I cant even say it looks like xp as xp was not all flat and 2d like win 8 is how is that considered modern ui lol

December 17th, 2012, 10:50 AM
Weird issue to say the least the digi singed ones worked ok for both of us here but seems some have issues with them so Toady went back to the other version instead that works for everyone :)

I am going to have to snicker at you though using win 8 huh setting it up to see if u like it lol I thought all your posts said you would never use that os what happened lol

I still don't see too much of a point in that os again my opinion of course but the only people that it works better for is the ones with older hardware which I thought would be the ones that would like it better as its more win 98 looking if you dont have a powerful computer single cores or not a lot of ram I could see it being better then 7.

Those of us that have quads or even duals with 8 + gigs of ram and good graphics cards though those are just being wasted with win 8. I had a few times done more tests with my bud when we initally benchmaked win 7 and win 8 on installs that new boot system of win 8 is more like a hybernate then a fast boot and does not really work on restarts either if u have that faster boot enabled it hangs most of the time when restarting the computer taking twice as long to boot. I honestly find it much slower with applications then win 7 is plus most of the hacking that ppl do to get it to look like win 7 which I do find kinda funny as to why make the switch if u have to hack ur way back to a win7 looking machine not to mention most ppl making bucks by selling the software needed to hack back the desktop and most of what I have seen and been posting in the win 8 section I happen to notice the stuff that lets u customize the os u have to pay for as well kinda makes me laugh a little lol

Then on top of it most of the customize stuff gets knocked off everytime win 8 has updates so u end up having to do it all over again. I will never understand why ms just does not give us choices of what to use instead of forcing on us what they want us to use I been asking for that since the xp days who are they to say if I should use glass or not lol. Could they not have just added an option where u could put a tick in or take it out to have aero enabled or disabled how hard would that be lol. As normal though ms has to rush out their buggy os excpect us the end user to figure out what the bugs are so they dont have to make us do all they legwork and not get paid for it either lol

In the end I still say they said aero looks tired and dated but the standard 8 lokos like windows 98 which was an os that was made almost 2 decades ago I cant even say it looks like xp as xp was not all flat and 2d like win 8 is how is that considered modern ui lol


December 19th, 2012, 10:12 PM
for some reason i cant post in the thread anymore, complains that i need 5 posts to post
Taskbar pinning is messy, I used to a script to taskbar pin cyberfox.exe and when i run it, it creates a duplicate icon on the taskbar. If i taskbar pin the running program it creates a duplicate of it as well. It's only when I taskbar pin the startmenu icon shortcut it works properly. Actually I'm not entirely sure, it's just messed up. I hope this can be perfected. This bug is also true for waterfox when they switched the executable filename from firefox.exe to waterfox.exe

Also, how do I perform silent installations? What switch should I use? I already have all vc redist pre-installed so I don't need to install vc runtimes again.

hi mate sorry your having issues with pinning cyberfox to task bar i find the best way's are to ether select cyberfox in the start menu right click and pin to taskbar or launch cyberfox from start menu and right click the icon on the taskbar and select pin to taskbar.

as for the exe filename its compiled with that name witch is done through the branding files in the source code.

for silent install download the newest installer from Cyberfox - Browse Files at SourceForge.net (http://sourceforge.net/projects/cyberfox/files/)
you will have to rename the installer to just cyberfox.exe

Cyberfox.exe /exenoui

that should perform silent install of the main application

if you need any more help please let me know

i did recently made a newer build of 17 with out the need for the runtimes to be installed but people had issues with it not working on windows 8 so i rolled it back but should fix it next release so they don't have to be installed

k thanks, ill post in the forums for any future issues but for now, back to taskbar pinning..

see i use a script for everything, so i mean can anything be done so that the taskbar pinning will work correctly? will you attempt to attempt a fix for it or will i need to find a way around this? the way it was when the filename was firefox.exe was just perfect, everything worked accordingly.

hi mate sorry i cant help there

must be an issue with your script the above mentioned ways are perfect and will work fine all i can say is use the above mentioned pinning methods and use this http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/212923-taskbar-backup-restore-pinned-items-windows-7-a.html only have cyberfox on taskbar that way you make a reg file for it add the reg file to your script and you should have no issues that way but the above mention pinning methods are the preferred solutions.


Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set filesystem = CreateObject("scripting.Filesystemobject")
If filesystem.FileExists(Wscript.Arguments(0)) Then
Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(filesystem.GetParentFolderName(Wscript.Arguments(0)))
Set objFolderItem = objFolder.ParseName(filesystem.GetFileName(WScript.Arguments(0)))
Set colVerbs = objFolderItem.Verbs

Select case WScript.Arguments(1)
case 0
For Each objVerb in colVerbs
If Replace(objVerb.name, "&", "") = "Unpin from Taskbar" Then objVerb.DoIt
case 1
For Each objVerb in colVerbs
If Replace(objVerb.name, "&", "") = "Pin to Taskbar" Then objVerb.DoIt
case 2
For Each objVerb in colVerbs
If Replace(objVerb.name, "&", "") = "Install" Then objVerb.DoIt
End Select
End If

wscript.exe "%~dp0\Pin.vbs" "%ProgramFiles%\Cyberfox\Cyberfox.exe" 1

mind debugging what's actually wrong then? thanks.

hi mate i posted it here as this is more appropriate place for support.

December 19th, 2012, 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by biatche for some reason i cant post in the thread anymore, complains that i need 5 posts to post
Taskbar pinning is messy, I used to a script to taskbar pin cyberfox.exe and when i run it, it creates a duplicate icon on the taskbar. If i taskbar pin the running program it creates a duplicate of it as well. It's only when I taskbar pin the startmenu icon shortcut it works properly. Actually I'm not entirely sure, it's just messed up. I hope this can be perfected. This bug is also true for waterfox when they switched the executable filename from firefox.exe to waterfox.exe

Also, how do I perform silent installations? What switch should I use? I already have all vc redist pre-installed so I don't need to install vc runtimes again.

Unlike the waterfox browser which did have issues pinning the icon to the taskbar, when I first made the huge post on the site here promoting waterfox I can't even begin to say how many times I was asked by ppl how to pin the icon to the taskbar cause everyone had issues with that but the cyberfox right from his first beta release we tested never had this problem. Going to the exe in program files and pinning to taskbar works without a hitch since the very first test release of the browser so the issue there is with your script pinning it to the taskbar rather then an app issue as if you pin it from the exe file in program files it works perfect :)

December 20th, 2012, 05:17 AM
yeah but i need to script this :(

December 20th, 2012, 07:23 AM
yeah but i need to script this :(

hi mate try this script

Note: You Will Lose Any other app pined to taskbar so you have to re-pin them

i hope this helps seen as its needed but still unsupported ok.


Please You Preferred Method To Pin Cyberfox To Task Bar As User-Scripts Are Not Supported Thanks

December 20th, 2012, 11:09 AM
for those interested they went a head and update the tabmixplus addon a month earlier than planned. in my case the tmp session manager is working the way it's suppose to again.

December 21st, 2012, 03:17 AM
for those interested they went a head and update the tabmixplus addon a month earlier than planned. in my case the tmp session manager is working the way it's suppose to again.

Thanks For The Update Bud:happy:

December 21st, 2012, 06:01 PM
Waiting for a portable version "Windows 8 compatible"...

December 21st, 2012, 08:21 PM
Waiting for a portable version "Windows 8 compatible"...

Hi mate did you try the portable version on windows 8 it does not require the ms visual studios runtimes to be installed any more.

As for windows 8 in general I'm sorry i don't have windows 8 and prob wont have windows 8 to test Cyberfox on and debug any issue with win 8

Sorry about that mate.:peace:

December 22nd, 2012, 01:20 PM
Hi mate did you try the portable version on windows 8 it does not require the ms visual studios runtimes to be installed any more.

As for windows 8 in general I'm sorry i don't have windows 8 and prob wont have windows 8 to test Cyberfox on and debug any issue with win 8

Sorry about that mate.:peace:

I downloaded and tried new version of Cyberfox 17.0.1 portable, but it does not start on my Win8 pro x64...

I think you should create a portable Cyberfox Win8 compatible, because it's new Microsoft os and will become very popular soon...


December 22nd, 2012, 10:02 PM
I downloaded and tried new version of Cyberfox 17.0.1 portable, but it does not start on my Win8 pro x64...

I think you should create a portable Cyberfox Win8 compatible, because it's new Microsoft os and will become very popular soon...


Hi Mate Again Sorry About That Maybe The Next build Might Work On Win 8, Tho Without Been Able To Test And Debug It On Win 8 I Can Only Guess It Will As Windows 8 Is Experimental & Unsupported By Cyberfox Due To That Reason.

I Am Looking Into It Tho Seems Might Be An Issue Last Compile With XPCOM With Handles Cross Compatibility And Other Elements.

I Would Like To Support And Say It Works On Win 8 But Without Me Been Able To Test And Debug On Windows 8 I Can't Support Win 8 I Can Only Say Experimental Sorry Mate.

December 22nd, 2012, 11:56 PM
I downloaded and tried new version of Cyberfox 17.0.1 portable, but it does not start on my Win8 pro x64...

I think you should create a portable Cyberfox Win8 compatible, because it's new Microsoft os and will become very popular soon...


We will try and get this working for win 8 at some point but as Toadyshadow pointed out since he is the creator and I do all the beta testing its hard for us to figure out bugs on win 8 cause neither of us use or will use the os but we will try and get it compatible :)

Not sure about the comment of Windows 8 will be popular soon it's already been out for 2 mths and is not really catching on seems to be another windows flop like vista lol but we will do our best to get it working on win 8 :)

December 25th, 2012, 10:18 AM
We will try and get this working for win 8 at some point but as Toadyshadow pointed out since he is the creator and I do all the beta testing its hard for us to figure out bugs on win 8 cause neither of us use or will use the os but we will try and get it compatible :)

Not sure about the comment of Windows 8 will be popular soon it's already been out for 2 mths and is not really catching on seems to be another windows flop like vista lol but we will do our best to get it working on win 8 :)

I am waiting for it bro. :) and you guys did a great job. Thanks for this.

December 26th, 2012, 02:48 AM
Hi there I'm liking Cyberfox very much except the ONLY plugin I actually NEED isn't supported, Roboform *sigh*. I emailed their support and of course they won't add Cyberfox to their allowed list until firefox itself actually releases a 64bit version which isn't currently likely to happen.

Does anyone know if LastPass works with CyberFox?

Any way to trick roboform into thinking cyberfox is actually firefox?

Thanks for the great browser, wish I could use it.


December 26th, 2012, 03:57 AM
Hi there I'm liking Cyberfox very much except the ONLY plugin I actually NEED isn't supported, Roboform *sigh*. I emailed their support and of course they won't add Cyberfox to their allowed list until firefox itself actually releases a 64bit version which isn't currently likely to happen.

Does anyone know if LastPass works with CyberFox?

Any way to trick roboform into thinking cyberfox is actually firefox?

Thanks for the great browser, wish I could use it.


hi mate glad you like it

sorry mate i cant help with the toolbar\plugin tho i did have a look and i can get it to accept x64 browser but the issues with there script and 2 dll files that check online and check the app is Firefox
and im also regrettably sorry even if i could modify it to work been a security base application i wouldn't modify it.
due to thos modifications might cause security risks or holes. so sorry even if i could i would not put people at risk by making it compatible.

sorry mate wish i could help.

December 26th, 2012, 04:23 AM
Fair enough I can understand that. What about LastPass, did you test it?



December 26th, 2012, 07:35 AM
Fair enough I can understand that. What about LastPass, did you test it?



hi mate yeah lastPass Seems To Work Ok it even has x64bit binary's :happy:

December 26th, 2012, 07:58 AM
Awesomes, though I've never tried lastpass I guess I'll have to give it a try.

Next question is though... how are you going to keep up with all the latest security fixes when firefox updates now there's no 64bit version? Only reason I ask is so I don't get addicted and then find it can't be updated, then I would be all sadfaced and all.


hi mate yeah lastPass Seems To Work Ok it even has x64bit binary's :happy:

December 26th, 2012, 01:45 PM
Hi, I am getting this small problem that whenever i try to watch a video specially youtube, the video starts to lag. At first i thought it was becoz of the flashplayer but i reinstalled the latest version but still the video lags, whereas the videos plays fine on chrome. Any help, Thanx.

December 26th, 2012, 10:12 PM
Hi, I am getting this small problem that whenever i try to watch a video specially youtube, the video starts to lag. At first i thought it was becoz of the flashplayer but i reinstalled the latest version but still the video lags, whereas the videos plays fine on chrome. Any help, Thanx.

hi mate thats youtube bud they switched to full html5 video players im sure it will work like normal once firefox's html5 capability's are improved

December 26th, 2012, 11:15 PM
Hi, I am getting this small problem that whenever i try to watch a video specially youtube, the video starts to lag. At first i thought it was becoz of the flashplayer but i reinstalled the latest version but still the video lags, whereas the videos plays fine on chrome. Any help, Thanx.

to try to correct your problem try installing a 3rd party codec pack. the one i suggest id k-lite. if you're running 32 bit windows install the mega pack and if you're running 64 bit windows install the mega and then the 64 bit packs. the default settings should be fine.


December 27th, 2012, 12:03 AM
Thanx for the replies guys, as it turns out youtube had put me in their HTML5 tryout. just went to this link: http://www.youtube.com/html5 and opted out.
Everything works great, Cheers :Smile:

December 28th, 2012, 05:02 PM
No way...Cyberfox 17.0.1 portable still doesn't start on my Win8 x64.:crying:

December 28th, 2012, 08:01 PM
No way...Cyberfox 17.0.1 portable still doesn't start on my Win8 x64.:crying:

hi mate sorry to hear its still not working for you.

are you using vmware or live install of windows 8 and have you modified any system files for third party themes or apps.

also what software\apps do you have installed.


also are you using the portable apps platform or are you running the cyberfox portable installer and extracting the files to a folder.

December 29th, 2012, 12:03 PM
Updated The Main Post Video Tutorial On How To Use Cyberfox Portable

December 29th, 2012, 12:04 PM
No way...Cyberfox 17.0.1 portable still doesn't start on my Win8 x64.:crying:

Hi Mate Please Goto http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/48632-Thread-For-Cyberfox-Issues-Bugs And IN The Main Post Is A Video Tutorial On How To Use Cyberfox Portable On Windows 8 Hope It Helps

December 29th, 2012, 02:15 PM
hi mate sorry to hear its still not working for you.

are you using vmware or live install of windows 8 and have you modified any system files for third party themes or apps.

also what software\apps do you have installed.


also are you using the portable apps platform or are you running the cyberfox portable installer and extracting the files to a folder.

I'm not using vmware, I'm trying to start Cyberfox on an original Win8 Pro x64: I downloaded Cyberfox portable (.paf file only), extracted it on a folder and then clicked on its starter file. All that I get is an error message.

No problem using this method with any portable (.paf file) programme taken from portableapps.com

December 29th, 2012, 07:22 PM
I'm not using vmware, I'm trying to start Cyberfox on an original Win8 Pro x64: I downloaded Cyberfox portable (.paf file only), extracted it on a folder and then clicked on its starter file. All that I get is an error message.

No problem using this method with any portable (.paf file) programme taken from portableapps.com

ok mate then i know what the issues is you have to right click ( CyberfoxPortable.exe ) and run as admin for it to run or it wont run.

also check the top main post http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/48632-Thread-For-Cyberfox-Issues-Bugs for a video tutorial on Cyberfox portable witch might be helpful

December 30th, 2012, 03:22 AM
I want my extensions to update automatically, but there's no such option in Cyberfox. Can you please fix it? In the options dialog "advanced - updates tab", there's only option "update automatically - search engines".

December 30th, 2012, 04:54 AM
I want my extensions to update automatically, but there's no such option in Cyberfox. Can you please fix it? In the options dialog "advanced - updates tab", there's only option "update automatically - search engines".

hi mate yeah its there and set automatically by default here is 2 place to find it

first one

open your add-ons page at the top of Cyberfox there is a gear type icon click it and in the drop down menu is the setting


second one

open your add-on page click the extensions tab select the add-on you want there should be text that says more


click that then under auto updates are 3 settings.


hope that helps mate

December 30th, 2012, 03:57 PM
ok mate then i know what the issues is you have to right click ( CyberfoxPortable.exe ) and run as admin for it to run or it wont run.

also check the top main post http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/48632-Thread-For-Cyberfox-Issues-Bugs for a video tutorial on Cyberfox portable witch might be helpful

Tried but still no way!.. :crying:

December 30th, 2012, 09:17 PM
Tried but still no way!.. :crying:

hi mate

watch the video tutorial and try that way and if it still not work then it has to be an issue with your system ok

December 30th, 2012, 09:20 PM
i see , lols xD

well anyhow as people know me im pretty quick with testing good things , and cyberfox is one of em , gotta hand it down to ya its even better

so from now on its cyberfox instead of waterfox then , sorry alex, lol

thanks for making a build that even surpasses waterfox , thanks alot!

got a request thou , would it be possible to make a tor browser bundle version , i mean a completely portable version of this , like tor has all its profiles settings , browser , etc in one folder , but your "portable" version and other browsers use the appdata folder even thou its supposed to be portable if you catch my drift :Smile:

oh btw almost forgot to tell you but you know that the vcredist 2012 x64 has been updated ,your included version of vcredist is outdated , just an fyi

p.s: who in hell do i ask about removing ip bans , cause im using a vpn and had to switch my ip , cause my old one just got banned , wtf?

hi mate

there is a portable version of Cyberfox on sourceforge


works with the portable app's platform

December 31st, 2012, 01:53 AM
just tried after exiting my main cyberfox install and exiting it in taskmngr as well, installed like ive did with thunderbird portable, guess what , i click the exe and it immediately crashes it after showing the portable apps logo for a sec and showing the reknown program stopped working window, very odd :anger:

December 31st, 2012, 01:55 AM
just tried after exiting my main cyberfox install and exiting it in taskmngr as well, installed like ive did with thunderbird portable, guess what , i click the exe and it immediately crashes it , very odd

hi mate sorry your having issues

is it cyberfox or cyberfox portable

December 31st, 2012, 02:07 AM
portable as youve linked me too :crying:

December 31st, 2012, 02:11 AM
portable as youve linked me too :crying:

ok mate what windows are you using.

are you using live os or vmware.

are you using the portable apps platform.

if you are not using the portable apps platform right click the CyberfoxPortable.exe And Run As Administrator in order to run it without the portable apps platform.

December 31st, 2012, 02:14 AM
im with w7 64x sp1 ultimate no vmware , regular standard dvd install to hdd

no portable apps platform for me , and i am the admin , so da f?

ive even right clicked and selected launch as admin , just to make sure , but nothing as said except for the portable apps image for a sec and then immediately with that the reknown program stopped notification window

December 31st, 2012, 02:18 AM
im with w7 64x sp1 ultimate no vmware , regular standard dvd install to hdd

no portable apps platform for me , and i am the admin , so da f?

ive even right clicked and selected launch as admin , just to make sure , but nothing as said except for the portable apps image for a sec and then immediately with that the reknown program stopped notification window

can you please provide a screen shot of the error so i can further investigate thank you

December 31st, 2012, 02:26 AM
sure here


Big V
December 31st, 2012, 02:36 AM
sure here


lmao lmao I think he meant the error code bud
their no info in that image lmao

December 31st, 2012, 02:43 AM
sure here


thanks mate are you able to get the event log from event viewer for me, please then event log should contain information as to the cause\conflict and also an error code

press the windows key on keyboard or click start button

type event viewer and you should see it in the list open that and in there will be the info thanks mate.

December 31st, 2012, 03:00 AM
i knew that , damn it lols one sec :cheeky:

Faulting application name: Cyberfox.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50c982b3
Faulting module name: Cyberfox.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50c982b3
Exception code: 0xc000001d
Fault offset: 0x000000000000184a
Faulting process id: 0x2968
Faulting application start time: 0x01cde70651af02d4
Faulting application path: C:\Portable Programs\CyberfoxPortable\App\Cyberfox\Cyberfox.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Portable Programs\CyberfoxPortable\App\Cyberfox\Cyberfox.exe
Report Id: 8f5d7224-52f9-11e2-a5ad-000272d478ee

December 31st, 2012, 03:28 AM
i knew that , damn it lols one sec :cheeky:

Faulting application name: Cyberfox.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50c982b3
Faulting module name: Cyberfox.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50c982b3
Exception code: 0xc000001d
Fault offset: 0x000000000000184a
Faulting process id: 0x2968
Faulting application start time: 0x01cde70651af02d4
Faulting application path: C:\Portable Programs\CyberfoxPortable\App\Cyberfox\Cyberfox.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Portable Programs\CyberfoxPortable\App\Cyberfox\Cyberfox.exe
Report Id: 8f5d7224-52f9-11e2-a5ad-000272d478ee

hi mate thanks for that

in the mean time while i try to work out the error

can you try downloading a fresh copy and try that just in case on if the .dll got corrupted during the extraction process.

also try using the portable app's platform and see if the same error occurs.

the error code is self seems to be associated with corrupt dynamic link library's or binary files and in some cases system related.

also try watching this video 60400

December 31st, 2012, 04:13 AM
gettin same error after following the video and installing portable apps program, ive even tried it with a new v17.0 thunderbirdportable.paf , downloaded with portable apps and another one downloaded over sourceforge, guess what it works , so somethings wrong with cyberfox.paf and ive redownloaded and reinstalled both with and without portable apps software , several times , fuckin weird shit if you ask me :worried:

Faulting application name: Cyberfox.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50c982b3
Faulting module name: Cyberfox.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50c982b3
Exception code: 0xc000001d
Fault offset: 0x000000000000184a
Faulting process id: 0x56c
Faulting application start time: 0x01cde7154e1f0272
Faulting application path: C:\Portable Programs\PortableApps\CyberfoxPortable\App\Cyberfox\Cyberfox.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Portable Programs\PortableApps\CyberfoxPortable\App\Cyberfox\Cyberfox.exe
Report Id: 8bcd98e7-5308-11e2-a5ad-000272d478ee

December 31st, 2012, 06:07 AM
gettin same error after following the video and installing portable apps program, ive even tried it with a new v17.0 thunderbirdportable.paf , downloaded with portable apps and another one downloaded over sourceforge, guess what it works , so somethings wrong with cyberfox.paf and ive redownloaded and reinstalled both with and without portable apps software , several times , fuckin weird shit if you ask me :worried:

Faulting application name: Cyberfox.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50c982b3
Faulting module name: Cyberfox.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50c982b3
Exception code: 0xc000001d
Fault offset: 0x000000000000184a
Faulting process id: 0x56c
Faulting application start time: 0x01cde7154e1f0272
Faulting application path: C:\Portable Programs\PortableApps\CyberfoxPortable\App\Cyberfox\Cyberfox.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Portable Programs\PortableApps\CyberfoxPortable\App\Cyberfox\Cyberfox.exe
Report Id: 8bcd98e7-5308-11e2-a5ad-000272d478ee

ok so it wont run even using the portable apps platform like in this video


if thats the case then try a system restore followed by running a cmd prompt as admin with command line arg's SFC /Scannow

wait till its done and then try again i just had a few run and test cyberfox portable while i was running test and it runs perfect everytime with and without the portable apps platform.

so try thos following ok.

December 31st, 2012, 10:47 PM
gettin same error after following the video and installing portable apps program, ive even tried it with a new v17.0 thunderbirdportable.paf , downloaded with portable apps and another one downloaded over sourceforge, guess what it works , so somethings wrong with cyberfox.paf and ive redownloaded and reinstalled both with and without portable apps software , several times , fuckin weird shit if you ask me :worried:

Faulting application name: Cyberfox.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50c982b3
Faulting module name: Cyberfox.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50c982b3
Exception code: 0xc000001d
Fault offset: 0x000000000000184a
Faulting process id: 0x56c
Faulting application start time: 0x01cde7154e1f0272
Faulting application path: C:\Portable Programs\PortableApps\CyberfoxPortable\App\Cyberfox\Cyberfox.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Portable Programs\PortableApps\CyberfoxPortable\App\Cyberfox\Cyberfox.exe
Report Id: 8bcd98e7-5308-11e2-a5ad-000272d478ee

hi mate i have been able to recreate most of the common stack based overflows that a browser will encounter as for yours its system related.

Level Date and Time Source Event ID Task Category
Error 1/01/2013 9:34:09 AM Application Error 1000 (100) "Faulting application name: Cyberfox.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50d6c030
Faulting module name: MSVCR90.dll, version: 9.0.30729.6161, time stamp: 0x4dace4e7
Exception code: 0xc0000417
Fault offset: 0x00000000000552d4
Faulting process id: 0x17e8
Faulting application start time: 0x01cde7af506cb8c3
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Cyberfox\Cyberfox.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_08e61857a83bc251\MSVCR90.dll
Report Id: 92af5100-53a2-11e2-aae5-c860006b5245"

Error 1/01/2013 9:33:58 AM Application Error 1000 (100) "Faulting application name: Cyberfox.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50d6c030
Faulting module name: crashme.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x4c59b806
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000000000000113b
Faulting process id: 0x14dc
Faulting application start time: 0x01cde7af49ce0df9
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Cyberfox\Cyberfox.exe
Faulting module path: C:\{8620c15f-30dc-4dba-a131-7c5d20cf4a29}\platform\WINNT_x86_64-msvc\crashme.dll
Report Id: 8bf9f393-53a2-11e2-aae5-c860006b5245"

Error 1/01/2013 9:33:46 AM Application Error 1000 (100) "Faulting application name: Cyberfox.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50d6c030
Faulting module name: unknown, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0000000000000000
Faulting process id: 0x1638
Faulting application start time: 0x01cde7af41571ee4
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Cyberfox\Cyberfox.exe
Faulting module path: unknown
Report Id: 84fd4026-53a2-11e2-aae5-c860006b5245"

Error 1/01/2013 9:33:20 AM Application Error 1000 (100) "Faulting application name: Cyberfox.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50d6c030
Faulting module name: crashme.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x4c59b806
Exception code: 0xc0000094
Fault offset: 0x000000000000112f
Faulting process id: 0x179c
Faulting application start time: 0x01cde7af2ee72950
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Cyberfox\Cyberfox.exe
Faulting module path: C:\{8620c15f-30dc-4dba-a131-7c5d20cf4a29}\platform\WINNT_x86_64-msvc\crashme.dll
Report Id: 757035a2-53a2-11e2-aae5-c860006b5245"

Error 1/01/2013 9:32:36 AM Application Error 1000 (100) "Faulting application name: Cyberfox.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50d6c030
Faulting module name: accessory.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x4c59b807
Exception code: 0x40000015
Fault offset: 0x0000000000001027
Faulting process id: 0xb1c
Faulting application start time: 0x01cde7aef17bfa96
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Cyberfox\Cyberfox.exe
Faulting module path: C:\{8620c15f-30dc-4dba-a131-7c5d20cf4a29}\platform\WINNT_x86_64-msvc\accessory.dll
Report Id: 5b12613e-53a2-11e2-aae5-c860006b5245"

Error 1/01/2013 9:30:22 AM Application Error 1000 (100) "Faulting application name: Cyberfox.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50d6c030
Faulting module name: crashme.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x4c59b806
Exception code: 0xc00000fd
Fault offset: 0x000000000000111a
Faulting process id: 0x7c0
Faulting application start time: 0x01cde7ae9d605944
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Cyberfox\Cyberfox.exe
Faulting module path: C:\{8620c15f-30dc-4dba-a131-7c5d20cf4a29}\platform\WINNT_x86_64-msvc\crashme.dll
Report Id: 0b36351f-53a2-11e2-aae5-c860006b5245"

hopefully the above fixes i mention will sort out the issue for you.

happy new year

January 1st, 2013, 04:49 PM
well ive freakin been busy the last fn whole day with trying to get the portable cyberfox to work , no luck!

ive done as suggested , did a chkdsk did sfc scannow nothing corrupt!

then restore , same no luck

then ive completely removed flash , java , silverlight with revouninstaller and reinstalled the latest versions , again the same error in event manager , this really is frustrating , and you know why , cause EVERY other frekain portable app works , tor , thunderbird portable , firefox portable , wtf bro , im a sad panda atm , using the non portable cyberfox build atm :crying:

p.s > gona check out those fixes right now

update > nope all of those "fixes" didnt do diddly :amazed: and ive installed all possible vcredists from 2005 - 2012 , jesus

Big V
January 1st, 2013, 07:20 PM
well ive freakin been busy the last fn whole day with trying to get the portable cyberfox to work , no luck!

ive done as suggested , did a chkdsk did sfc scannow nothing corrupt!

then restore , same no luck

then ive completely removed flash , java , silverlight with revouninstaller and reinstalled the latest versions , again the same error in event manager , this really is frustrating , and you know why , cause EVERY other frekain portable app works , tor , thunderbird portable , firefox portable , wtf bro , im a sad panda atm , using the non portable cyberfox build atm :crying:

p.s > gona check out those fixes right now

update > nope all of those "fixes" didnt do diddly :amazed: and ive installed all possible vcredists from 2005 - 2012 , jesus

Bud please tone your comments down a bit their is no need for the expletives shorten or hyphenated
We realize your aggravated because of the problem but comment of this sort are not going to help your problem
Toady has been working hard on trying to help resolve your issue along with other here helping him test stuff so please be polite

January 1st, 2013, 08:15 PM
my bad , wasnt my intention just kinda frustrates me , no offense meant, i know toady is doing his best with cyberfox , just wishing for a working portable thats all , keep up the great work :happy:

January 1st, 2013, 11:21 PM
my bad , wasnt my intention just kinda frustrates me , no offense meant, i know toady is doing his best with cyberfox , just wishing for a working portable thats all , keep up the great work :happy:

hi mate

its a really odd issue indeed also been the standard install version runs fine on your system and with been the same build and only difference one has been packed with portable apps launcher to run portable.

me and the people i have asked to help with this issue have tried and tried to find the issue for you but the problem is cyberfox portable is working fine.

i even ran a few apps to intentionally crash cyberfox with stack base overflow errors on all main core components of cyberfox and still couldn't get your error.

and after talking to a few friends and using google as well 80% of the error code you got was windows os releated.

the only think i can suggest now is if you have VMware create a vmware image of windows and test the cyberfox portable on the clean vmware image and see if it runs.

or just keep using the standard install version and wait till cyberfox 18 comes and try that version.

im sorry i have tried my best to help solve this for you and i can understand how annoying and frustrating these things can be ok.

thanks for your help also in trying to solve this issue as well.

January 2nd, 2013, 05:33 AM
my bad , wasnt my intention just kinda frustrates me , no offense meant, i know toady is doing his best with cyberfox , just wishing for a working portable thats all , keep up the great work :happy:

ok mate

try these 2 cyberfox portables ones slightly older build then the one your using

and the other is a newer build then the current release.

hopefully they both work

but if only one works can you let me know witch one it is please


Tried but still no way!.. :crying:

Can You Please Do The Same Seen As It Wont Run At All For You Thank You.

Cyberfox Portable Newer Version:


Cyberfox Portable Older Version:


January 2nd, 2013, 08:15 AM
shall test asap , thanks in advance , will keep you updated

update> just tried both , non are working , still the same :shocked:

btw as ive already mentioned , using other portable versions like firefox portable work, its a mystery , and ive got the latest windows updates as well , guess im just gona have to wait till v.18 and use the non portable version till then:unhappy:

January 2nd, 2013, 09:47 AM
shall test asap , thanks in advance , will keep you updated

update> just tried both , non are working , still the same :shocked:

btw as ive already mentioned , using other portable versions like firefox portable work, its a mystery , and ive got the latest windows updates as well , guess im just gona have to wait till v.18 and use the non portable version till then:unhappy:

thanks mate for letting me know

did by chance you test them with the portable apps platform.

its an odd issue mate as with all the testing and help of friends its been tested on windows xp to windows 8 and live os and vmware and all test ran perfectly.

thanks anyways

January 2nd, 2013, 01:43 PM
shall test asap , thanks in advance , will keep you updated

update> just tried both , non are working , still the same :shocked:

btw as ive already mentioned , using other portable versions like firefox portable work, its a mystery , and ive got the latest windows updates as well , guess im just gona have to wait till v.18 and use the non portable version till then:unhappy:

Hey bud :)

Ok well we have gone through everything here and have not been able to recreate your issue at all on any platform windows 7 or windows 8 the portable runs fine with the portable apps platform and without the portable apps platform.

I have tested it now on 16 computers 4 in my home 3 at my realitives when we were there for new years we tested on labtops, and main desk pc's of friends of mine and it ran fine on both win 7 and win 8 as I said above with the portable apps platform and without in fact some of my friends that I had not mentioned the browser to yet switched right on the spot to the full installer and portable they loved it lol

So the issue is deffo something on your end with the setup you have I can't think of what it can be but something there is stopping u from running the application maybe your account profile is possibly corrupt I am not too sure what else there is we could do to sort this problem out for the issue ur having sry there bud :)

Edit also I should add that after many hours of extensive research on the error code that you incur with the portable in relation to any application when that error pops up is due to windows system damage more so that your registry has been corrupt in some way.

January 2nd, 2013, 01:54 PM
yep toady ive ran per portable apps program and without , no success , sadly :unhappy:

yeah razor , it is very odd indeed , as ive mentioned running others like portable firefox work, really dont know what else to do , too bad theres not a fix for it its a shame its such a unspecific error code or else one would be able to perhaps be able to offer a fix

since ive been doing my own little research and found out that its not just for this app but has happened with adobe cs6 photoshop aswell for some people


and here with palemoon

Pale Moon doesn't start, and gives an error message box

Make sure your system meets the requirements to run Pale Moon. The most common occurrence of this error is trying to run it on a PC that doesn't meet the system requirements. Specifically, you will get the error:

"The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000001d). Click on OK to terminate the application."

If you have an old Athlon (Thunderbird, XP or MP) machine or a Pentium II or III, this browser will not run.

so it seems to be something about hardware

wouldnt see how thou since i have a 980x i7 runninng with 24gb corsair dominators , a 580gtx and my raid setup and w7 64bit sp1, and the regular install cyberfox version running without a hitch, gona have to do a fresh install but first im gona create a new user profile and check if that changes anything

January 2nd, 2013, 02:04 PM
yep toady ive ran per portable apps program and without , no success , sadly :unhappy:

The best I can suggest is that you need a clean install if u do some reshearch on that error code you recieve it indicates windows system damage more so corrupted registry damage is it possible that you have or had maybe waterfox portable installed I can say one thing all the systems we tried the cyberfox one on no one had heard of waterfox and had not had it installed I know there was issues with his portable because waterfox portable aint portable its just waterfox in a folder so it leaves residual registry values on the os as where cyberfox portable vitualizes the the registry and directorys as to leave no trace and to not interfer with the os. Thats about the only thing I could think of that causes the problem :)

January 2nd, 2013, 02:09 PM
it could be that waterfox indeed has corrupted something and yes ive tried waterfox fake portable in the past week , wich ive removed since it wasnt really portable as you said, hell if there would be a way to fix whatever waterfox messed up i wouldnt have to go through this , gona try now with a new profile and if that dont work looks like im gona have to do a fresh install :worried: , im hating myself for having used waterfox afterall :anger:

update: matter of fact im looking at fixing a corrupted registry now atm with google theres quite a few sevenforums entrys , who knows after hearing about possible corrupted registry im gona try that as well

January 3rd, 2013, 02:55 PM
ok mate

try these 2 cyberfox portables ones slightly older build then the one your using

and the other is a newer build then the current release.

hopefully they both work

but if only one works can you let me know witch one it is please


Can You Please Do The Same Seen As It Wont Run At All For You Thank You.

Cyberfox Portable Newer Version:


Cyberfox Portable Older Version:


Thank you so much,
but they both don't start at all.
When I start them (as admin) they both give me the same unspecified error.

Every portable app from portableapps.com work fine on my Win8 Pro x64.

January 3rd, 2013, 03:35 PM
well ive finally finished with installing fresh US w7 64bit sp1 ultimate after 120 updates and directx updates, netfx 4.5 , freshest drivers, IE10 os update , latest and greatest vc redists all of em , later :shocked:

and guess what , still the same error , so it wasnt anything on my side , even switched off AV and FW ,or just FW since i havent even installed a AV yet just runnin comodo as FW havent even gotten to that yet so its really only cyberfox installed besides windows and drivers and the rest mentioned ,no change :crying:, somebody tell me not to be pissed off please , lols :anger: , how do i post , well thats simple im using the install version since the portable is indeed nonfunctional , after a fresh install , where talkin the freshest of fresh even did a complete 0 fill wipe on the drive to make sure

p.s> apparently im not the only one afterall :worried:

January 3rd, 2013, 08:09 PM
Thank you so much,
but they both don't start at all.
When I start them (as admin) they both give me the same unspecified error.

Every portable app from portableapps.com work fine on my Win8 Pro x64.

well ive finally finished with installing fresh US w7 64bit sp1 ultimate after 120 updates and directx updates, netfx 4.5 , freshest drivers, IE10 os update , latest and greatest vc redists all of em , later :shocked:

and guess what , still the same error , so it wasnt anything on my side , even switched off AV and FW ,or just FW since i havent even installed a AV yet just runnin comodo as FW havent even gotten to that yet so its really only cyberfox installed besides windows and drivers and the rest mentioned ,no change :crying:, somebody tell me not to be pissed off please , lols :anger: , how do i post , well thats simple im using the install version since the portable is indeed nonfunctional , after a fresh install , where talkin the freshest of fresh even did a complete 0 fill wipe on the drive to make sure

p.s> apparently im not the only one afterall :worried:

Guys not really sure what to tell either of you here as we have tested the portable on both win 8 and win 7 platforms on many diff machines without ever being able to encounter this issue. As said before as well that this issue when researched suggests windows corruption in registry, the other portable apps you have been trying are any of them 64 bit besides cyberfox thats one thing to note.

Another question would be are the os's your running are the offical iso's from ms with legal registration not asking if your pirates or anything lol as we don't care of that but is either of you possibly using a custom made os rather then a genuine iso as your operating system as it is possible a pre tweaked os with either components removed or tweaks added to be causing the issue. Or that you don't have the full administrator rights in running a portable x64 application is another reason that comes to mind.

It's not easy to see where we can go from here considering the error you guys are getting being specific to windows corruption as I personally have tested the portable on win 8 and 7 on labtops and desktop pc's and never run across this prob after trying 16 or more machines ?

January 3rd, 2013, 08:09 PM
Thank you so much,
but they both don't start at all.
When I start them (as admin) they both give me the same unspecified error.

Every portable app from portableapps.com work fine on my Win8 Pro x64.

hi mate can you please grab the event viewer log witch has the error code thanks

January 4th, 2013, 08:58 AM
custom made iso, lols , dude you can pirate anything you like , but when it comes to an OS id rather have the real deal original store bought w7 64bit sp1 ultimate ,cost me 200 bucks, thank you :Smile:

really dont know what in hell this is , since ive explained to you that ive taken your suggestion to do a fresh reinstall , what ive did , just wanted to let you know , so corrupt registry or user account is most unlikely and admin rights , ive only ever used admin accounts so dont think thats the problem, gona check what google says to > full administrator rights in running a portable x64 application>, really wanna get this to work , hell its not like i just do a complete fresh os reinstall just for fun :unhappy:

thanks for trying to help , thou in the end its still the same , guess ill indeed have to wait till v18 comes out if i dont find a fix beforehand

btw you know id like to test your theory about me not having > full administrator rights in running a portable x64 application>

could you please give me such a x64 portable app except for cyberfox , thanks in advance, i too am trying to contribute and help out as much as i can in my own way

January 4th, 2013, 09:38 AM
custom made iso, lols , dude you can pirate anything you like , but when it comes to an OS id rather have the real deal original store bought w7 64bit sp1 ultimate ,cost me 200 bucks, thank you :Smile:

really dont know what in hell this is , since ive explained to you that ive taken your suggestion to do a fresh reinstall , what ive did , just wanted to let you know , so corrupt registry or user account is most unlikely and admin rights , ive only ever used admin accounts so dont think thats the problem, gona check what google says to > full administrator rights in running a portable x64 application>, really wanna get this to work , hell its not like i just do a complete fresh os reinstall just for fun :unhappy:

thanks for trying to help , thou in the end its still the same , guess ill indeed have to wait till v18 comes out if i dont find a fix beforehand

btw you know id like to test your theory about me not having > full administrator rights in running a portable x64 application>

could you please give me such a x64 portable app except for cyberfox , thanks in advance, i too am trying to contribute and help out as much as i can in my own way

Hi Mate Please Check Your System Or Configuration For The Issues As Your The Only One Who Is Experiencing This Unique Issues And With All Testing Cyberfox Portable Is Working Fine.

Thanks For Your Time & Sorry Your Having Issues.

January 4th, 2013, 01:11 PM
hi mate can you please grab the event viewer log witch has the error code thanks

Where is viewer log?
Error that I see does not give a number or other info.

Mine is a genuine Win8 Pro x64 on a powerfull corporate pc.
Every portable (x86 or x64) -from portableapps.com- works fine on it; Palemoon Portable x64 works fine as well: Cyberfox unfortunately is the only one not starting at all...

January 4th, 2013, 02:33 PM
go to administrative tools under control panel and select event viewer then go to errors and select show all on the right side , and click the one with the most recent error date scroll through them till you find the cyberfox.exe error one , hope this helps :Smile:

p.s> forget about palemoon its not real 64bit and its just horrible

id be suprised if youd get the same : 0xc000001d error code as i do , with a fresh install store bought windows 7 64bit sp1 ultimate, even thou your running

w8 64bit , lets just hope this gets fixed with version 18 of portable cyberfox , am lovin the install version very much atm, its so much more better than waterfox its not even funny

January 4th, 2013, 09:23 PM
go to administrative tools under control panel and select event viewer then go to errors and select show all on the right side , and click the one with the most recent error date scroll through them till you find the cyberfox.exe error one , hope this helps :Smile:

p.s> forget about palemoon its not real 64bit and its just horrible

id be suprised if youd get the same : 0xc000001d error code as i do , with a fresh install store bought windows 7 64bit sp1 ultimate, even thou your running

w8 64bit , lets just hope this gets fixed with version 18 of portable cyberfox , am lovin the install version very much atm, its so much more better than waterfox its not even funny

The reason I asked about the iso is I also know ppl in the past have had strange issues when installing apps on custom built os's where they have removed or added pre tweaks can cause probs so I just wanted to rule out that possibility. When I used to build operating systems and release them not cracked versions mind you activating them was up to you lol but I always did them with the free apps or tweaks on a post install wpi menu so it was the users choice of what to have or not have so your not stuck with a bunch of crap you don't want lol

I was just thinking for you breakdown cause you said your on win 7 so this might be a fix for your prob and why I don't have issues running portables try installing kels runtimes for windows 7 from here: http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/35945-Kels-Runtimes-(Win7)-silent-installer

This is something I always add to my os on install along with kels x64 cpl pack the runtimes are ones that you dont normally get installed unless you have added special apps and will stop the error of this program can't run issue they are actually more valuable for portable apps per say cause special dlls are not normally included with the portable applications try giving those a shot and see if that cures your problem.

Kel is the guy who makes the WPI windows post installer if you know that application I find his packs to be must needs on any os install a few others of his you might be interested in are:

His x64 cpl pack : http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/29157-Kels-Win7-x64-CPL-PacK-silent-installer

and his uber pack: http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/29161-Win7-UberPacK-x64-silent-installer


January 5th, 2013, 12:26 PM
go to administrative tools under control panel and select event viewer then go to errors and select show all on the right side , and click the one with the most recent error date scroll through them till you find the cyberfox.exe error one , hope this helps :Smile:

p.s> forget about palemoon its not real 64bit and its just horrible

id be suprised if youd get the same : 0xc000001d error code as i do , with a fresh install store bought windows 7 64bit sp1 ultimate, even thou your running

w8 64bit , lets just hope this gets fixed with version 18 of portable cyberfox , am lovin the install version very much atm, its so much more better than waterfox its not even funny


That's mine:

exception code: 0xc000001d
offset: 0x000000000000184a


January 5th, 2013, 05:12 PM
holy mother of god, we in the same boat afterall mate , :worried:

anyhow to razorsedge , gona try those 3 packs and report back , thanks in advance

update> still not working , same error :worried:

thanks for the ryan site thou has been bookmarked , interesting stuff :Smile:

January 5th, 2013, 06:35 PM
holy mother of god, we in the same boat afterall mate , :worried:

anyhow to razorsedge , gona try those 3 packs and report back , thanks in advance

update> still not working , same error :worried:

thanks for the ryan site thou has been bookmarked , interesting stuff :Smile:

Well it was deffo worth a shot to see if that would fix the issue sry to hear it did not we will keep plugging away at it lol

yes that ryanvm site is awesome I have been using it for so many years now I can't even remember how long one of the best sites I have ever run across :)

January 5th, 2013, 10:48 PM

That's mine:

exception code: 0xc000001d
offset: 0x000000000000184a


holy mother of god, we in the same boat afterall mate , :worried:

anyhow to razorsedge , gona try those 3 packs and report back , thanks in advance

update> still not working , same error :worried:

thanks for the ryan site thou has been bookmarked , interesting stuff :Smile:

ok guys try this

instead of using the portable apps launcher to compile the portable

i made customs scripts to compile witch also fixed the issue i was getting with the profiles.

so try this version if it dont work then hopefully CF 18 will show some love for you.


January 6th, 2013, 10:15 AM
ok guys try this

instead of using the portable apps launcher to compile the portable

i made customs scripts to compile witch also fixed the issue i was getting with the profiles.

so try this version if it dont work then hopefully CF 18 will show some love for you.


No way...

So I'm waiting for version 18...:shocked:

January 6th, 2013, 10:46 AM
nope , no luck :Grim:

January 6th, 2013, 11:48 AM
No way...

So I'm waiting for version 18...:shocked:

nope , no luck :Grim:

thanks guys hoping 18 works out better for you.

but if no luck on 18 portable i prob will end up scrapping the portable as i seem to be spending 90% of my time working on it so i havent been able to work on improving the standard cyberfox.

thanks for your help

January 11th, 2013, 03:44 AM
Thank you very much for your effort. Im having a problem installing 18 - it says "cannot be installed on systems running on virtual machines." - but I'm not running a virtual machine. I hope that can be fixed

January 11th, 2013, 03:58 AM
Thank you very much for your effort. Im having a problem installing 18 - it says "cannot be installed on systems running on virtual machines." - but I'm not running a virtual machine. I hope that can be fixed

Hi Mate

thank you

Yeah This installer Wont Install On Vmware A Small Bug But It Cant Install On Virtual Machine sorry i did file a bug report to Caphyon

January 11th, 2013, 04:38 AM
Hi Mate

thank you

Yeah This installer Wont Install On Vmware A Small Bug But It Cant Install On Virtual Machine sorry i did file a bug report to Caphyon

Thanks. Got it sorted though. It was because I had Windows Hyper-V installed.

January 11th, 2013, 05:54 AM
Sorry this might sound like a stupid question but. I have been using cyberfox for a wile now. and if there is an updated version will I have to uninstall my version and download new version ? or will it update automatically?

January 11th, 2013, 06:33 AM
Sorry this might sound like a stupid question but. I have been using cyberfox for a wile now. and if there is an updated version will I have to uninstall my version and download new version ? or will it update automatically?

Sorry Mate I Forgot to add that to the post the post is now updated

yes unfortunately due to the new version of Advanced installer and the new app giving New Install And Upgrade GUID's You Have To Uninstall The Older Version First Sorry Guys