View Full Version : Change Of Heart

November 27th, 2012, 10:01 AM

Here I've been, over the last few years, thinking I was modern and open-minded, laughing at all the people who just couldn't seem to adapt to Windows 7, who were still on XP, the ones saying "That Windows 7 is just too damned different and complicated! I like my XP.".....(I won't call any names).....Yet I've been doing the very same thing.
When the Developer Preview of Windows 8 came out, I got a copy. Installed it and ran it for every bit of 3 hours, un-installed it, and was just cussing up a storm, calling the people at Microsoft such idiots! Saying how I hope they'll lose their jobs! I hated Win8 THAT much, yessir.
Then I got ahold of the Release Preview....installed it too for a few hours. Same thing; I went to cussin! Joined a couple of 'I Hate Windows 8' groups (Blogs) on the www......Ranted (http://www......Ranted) and raved at those places, shouted-down anyone who dared to suggest that Windows 8 isn't that bad once you got used to it, calling them morons.... Boy, was I a moron!

Here I now sit, after all that hating....My own copy of Windows 8 Pro w/Media Center installed, all fixed up ultra-cool, with a nice collection of apps arranged slick in my startscreen, having a BLAST on my new 8!!! I've done a 180, all the way! I absolutely LOVE the operating-system now!!---I now see that it's MILES better than anything Windows had in the past, including the much-lauded Win7! Oh, how I hated the thought of getting rid of my precious! Noooooo, said I. My Windows 7 izzz not going anywhere....it's my presssshhhuussss....

Haha! Those days are LONG GONE! I formatted over my Win7 install about a week ago, determined to once and for all, really give Win8 a fair shake, to at least keep it installed this time for a month or so----And am soooo glad I did. It's STAYING on my desktop until the next release from MS at least!

I don't miss that stupid start-menu either now! Once you figure out how to add your Programs folder into your Startscreen---or use the Charms---you'll find that the damned thing SHOULD have been buried! Good riddance! You can get to all your proggies, uninstall files, system tools, etc., etc., just fine from the Charms or the shortcut I mentioned! Nothing is really hidden.

And lets talk about the looks or Win8: Sure, the defaults aren't super pretty....but neither was Windows 7 defaults, you know? Do a little customizing, and Win8 is a BEAUTY QUEEN! Fast, sleek, modern, entertaining, and SHEKSHAE!!!

I also have discovered that 99% of all the Registry-hacks that I had going in my old Win7, those cool tweaks I've been using for years (like adding 'copy to/move to' to the right-click, Admin tools, making Windows give details about what is taking place at startup and shutdown, disabling thumbs.db files, take ownership, etc., etc., etc., etc......All that cool noise works 100% in Win8 just like in Win7! So now I've got a better setup than ever!

The apps: WOW!!! That's all I can say! Going to them in the Startscreen is better than opening the coolest RainMeter skin!---They just come cascading across the screen, live-tiles flipping with current data, all my messages from contacts right there, no having to open a program or website!---The apps make Windows 8 ALIVE. And new ones are being created every day, cooler and more useful!

The games are fantastic. Hundreds of them....many free!

I just can't express how pleased I am with Windows 8 now that I've truly given it a chance, now that I finally stopped being stubborn and scared of it. For all of you who are upset over Microsoft's latest creation, I'm telling you that you really should dive in deeper, give the new OS a fair chance to WOW you. More than likely, you haven't REALLY fooled with it long enough to arrive at a true feeling for it.

I apologize to the folks at MS. They knew change was needed, and they did very well. I'm sure the next version of Windows will be even more strange at first----and even more awesome.
No more 'I Hate Windows 8' Blogs for YN1F! 8 IS GREAT!

(feedback welcome!)

November 27th, 2012, 10:08 AM
Glad you enjoy 8. I am more closed minded about this topic. I will stay with 7 until they release win 9. I have found that I always enjoy every other release microsoft does.

November 27th, 2012, 10:44 AM
YNiF, I also am a lot more close minded but not about Windows 8 itself... I have never tried it so I couldn't give you the first clue there. My problem with it is the Secure Boot that Microsoft stated that Their pushing no matter what along side of Windows 8. Yes that thing is so bad I won't even give it a try :anger: The roomers that you've heard are true! Yes it will block you from using any other OS than Windows 8 or Higher along with if your system FAILS Authenticity check for any reason including Microsoft's own fault your system is now a Door Stop! and there is no getting around it because Secure Boot is a BIOS patch that works at Hardware Level. The whole reason that all the System Manufacturers went with EFI/UEFI BIOS was Microsoft forced them too because of this. As Microsoft States it's for Anti-Piracy but when this patch will even force a person that paid as much as $16,000 USD (Lookup a Mac Pro with all options) to run windows or their system is a Brick is WRONG! ToTaLY WRONG... I've been watching this one issue since Windows 7 first started coming out and they were toying with the idea then but with SOPA Failing and the other two Bills passing made it more feasible now instead of then because the US Citizens had more rights over their computers then which have now been taken away.

If this topic has upset anyone I apologize in advance because if Knowing is Half the Battle then we have already lost. People seem to be so miss-informed these days and don't even bother with looking for the truth anymore, which I will also state 'If I'm wrong Please let me know so I can go and learn the correct facts.'

November 27th, 2012, 11:53 AM
I agree totally with YN1F, I did it 2 times about for 30 min a piece, couldnt figure it out, didnt care to! to me the new start menu is like a extra detailed media center and now there a bunch of programs to bypass it if u dont like it, i have the old start menu but shortcut is ctrl+win and bam there it is, after fooling around with it, its just like 7 but with some extra goodies that u will be pleased with. personally all i need is the release of Grims hud theme and im good 2 go. Only thing i miss is the transparency from 7, but im sure as we go down the road and more people switch, im sure someone can make a program to decode it. if c4eva from the xbox360 scene can keep coming and coding the 360 2 run backups which was in possible 2 years ago on the slim. im sure its possible for windows 8 to break tranparency code. bottom line i agree and im satisfied

November 27th, 2012, 12:15 PM
i've said it before and i'll say it again lets create a win 8 thread here where toys, tweaks, howto's, etc for 8 can be put. i'll even start with one for DaemonCantor (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199095-DaemonCantor). remember i said thread not section with subsections, make it easy for peeps to find what they want.


November 27th, 2012, 12:37 PM
Thank You ChuckysChild, for that bit of info because Microsoft Did state that on some systems you'd be able to turn it off but also stated that you would have to have a Switch on the Motherboard for that. Glad they changed it finally to a Software Switch. Must of been all of the threats of Lawsuits from RedHat, Apple, Ubuntu and so on. Also a little shot that finally popped up from the Asus ROG forums and it's about the Hardware but also goes to show where Windows 8 is coming from and why we got a Touch Screen Centric OS dropped on us is this link:http://semiaccurate.com/2012/11/26/intel-kills-off-the-desktop-pcs-go-with-it/ Sorry Folks but unfortunately it's true and also the main reason AMD has been stalled so much in Lawsuits from Intel. The Bulldozer Chips were delayed about 4 years by Intel, plus the other fact that way back when Windows 98 came out Bill Gates sold Microsoft to Intel...It was Big News back then for about 30 seconds and then nothing came out about it again and Gates went into Real estate.

November 27th, 2012, 07:40 PM
:peace:Thanks guys, a lot, for the feedback!---I agree with ChuckysChild that a Win8 subforum ought to be added to VC, but that's not my call. I'm sure Mark and the other already have it in mind.

One Man Army: bro I can certainly respect your decision to remain in Win7! Sure can.

DaemonCantor: Bro I had no idea that MS are wanting to go THAT far with it! Wow, that is NOT cool at all.-----I'll be paying more attention to that side of it now that you informed me some about it here. I guess I don't stay on top of my tech news like I should, and the so-called "anti-piracy" crap that many companies have up in the air is scary for sure. Make a law about one thing, and it opens the door to a whole bunch of other ways to spy on and control people. Just like the roving wiretaps in the name of protecting us from terrorism.....Nowadays it's normal to hear clicks and beeps coming over your phone (cell or land), isn't it? I'll keep abreast of this a lot more, and thanks again for bringing my awareness up another level. Feel free to add some links here if there's something particular you think I might need to read up on.......

Thanks again y'all for the feedback!----I wrote this opening thread last night, after a few drinks, LOL!---This morning I'm still liking Win8 a lot, but I was pretty soaked last night!:glug:lol

November 27th, 2012, 09:31 PM
Thank you YN1F and again Thanks to ChuckysChild, Yes I whole heartedly agree that a thread should be made for Windows 8 Tip, Tricks and Hacks as well and make it as simple as possible for the average person to read and use. As to info coming out about the trends...It's like I've stated for years now, 'The Whole Industry is Moving Towards Mobile Platforms with Data Storage located in Central Locations.' Basically what your looking at is Tablets/Lappies/Smartphones all running off what they are now calling Cloud Computing or in Real Terms Centrally Located Data Storage Servers where they can more easily monitor and guide peoples information. Also I've also stated for the Majority of people a Commodor 64 is more than enough Computer for them! and the Big Systems like mine should be used for Business and Professional Services... Then again most people just look at me and call me an A##HOL@ anyways... or tell me I'm Number one with the wrong finger.............:evil:

November 28th, 2012, 02:50 AM
Haha!---'Number 1 with the wrong finger'! I'll have to remember that one, that's classic! If that's the case, a LOT of people consider me their fave! LOL! A guy told me I was his number 1 yesterday in traffic!
Centralized 'cloud' storage is a thing the big companies want, yes, so they can as you say control data about people's habits, marketing wants and needs, etc.....And government of course are all over it too for their own interests.
People's computers will be no more than Netbooks, with no internal HD storage...all their files in the cloud, to be monitored by the power$-that-be.
Damned disturbing.
I don't think you're an A##HOL@ man, not at all.....Just a Daemon who's concerned about some pretty important sh@#!---So am I.:Peace:

November 28th, 2012, 06:50 AM
Ask and you shall receive lol

Even though I have my love still for Win 7 you guys need a Win 8 forum here you go fill her up lol http://virtualcustoms.net/forumdisplay.php/1119-Windows-8

I have to say Your#1fan you are the first person I have seen that has honestly tested win 8 for how it's supposed to be used and gave a real opinion on it. Most I see talking nonsense of it like the it's so much faster myth that's been debunced but what got me most of all was those saying to me it was far superior to Win 7 in every way, at that time I would ask well if it's superior to Win 7 why is it you have hacked your way back to a Win 7 desktop using patches or startisback, start8 or classic shell and the wealth of other patches to bring it back to the way win 7 and older os's have looked. You not even using Win 8 in the way it was designed to be used so your not really testing it for how it's supposed to be if it was so much superior to 7 you would not have to hack your way back to a win 7 desktop would you lol

That stops a lot of the boosters in their tracks lol anyways nice to see someone has finally tried using it for how it's supposed to be used and gave some honest opinions on it thats quite refreshing enjoy your Win 8 section guys :)

December 1st, 2012, 06:11 AM
Man, I must have missed this Reply----been offline for a spell.
First, Thanks very much for the new Win8 subforums!---Yay! I'll get to posting there once I have something worthwile to add. You could add my new 'Awesome8' browser-start, the 'New Reflections' wallpapers/lockscreens, and the 'Grey Win8 Logo' walls....I would move them, but can't of course.

As to your observations about the people who have tried to turn Win8 into another Win7, I couldn't agree more Tucker! hahaha! You pegged it!

To REALLY be in the Win8 atmosphere, you gotta let Windows 8 BE Windows 8.....no start-menu, let it load the Start-screen from bootup (as it does by default), not hack it so that the desktop appears first....Like I said, you have to let it be what it IS.
Then you can tell whether or not you like it.

At first, I wanted the hacks, like the start8 app to bring the start-menu back, I wanted it to boot straight to desktop (hated the Start-screen!), etc., etc., etc......
BUT NOT NOW!!!---haha! Now, my computer loads the Start-screen first, full-on...and there's NO start-menu on my desktop at all! ----And what's more:I FRIKKEN LOVE IT!!!!!! LOL!Once you figure it all out, having a start-menu in Win8 is moot; there's no need. All your programs pop into view when you float the cursor to right-screen and access the Charms bar. Every single program, all the uninstall files, etc., just like in the old start-menu....they are all there. So again, having a start-menu with Win8 is as useless as teets on a boar hog.

The Start-screen. Hated it at first, but am now completely thrilled with all the cool stuff you can add there, the Apps. Live-tiles come careening from the left, cascading with a "swoooosh!" (ya just can't hear it! LOL!) to populate your screen with real-time info on EVERYTHING you could possibly want to be informed on regarding your favorite feeds, social networks, friends, news, weather, ad infinitum! ----(and the tiles aren't all bright, primary colors either. Some are black and shiny, others are whatever color and style the particular developer of that app wanted to style it!)-----There are geeky widgets you can add to the Start-screen, there are apps that allow you to make your OWN tiles (like making a photo-collage out of tiles, and then they flip to another pic!), to customize your own tiles that link to sites like VC.....just a lot of stuff man. Right now, there are nearly 100,000 apps, many free. Games gallore, most with cool 3D graphics and stereo sound.

Back to the apps....I'm actually trying to get Pierre (CTX Founder) and a couple others there who are Admin with me to get in on the App side of things right now, while this platform (mobile-desktop environment, cloud, etc.) is still fresh and expanding. I want CTX to have an App, a live-tile which will expand to a Metro version of all the CTX areas...like our FB page, Blog, even our DA group (Creativ-Xtreme), along with a Metro version of the main-site, including subforums, feeds on new content, etc......Mark and you guys ought to be thinking about this too, man. It's the future, it's actually really cool, and it's here to stay.....at least until it evolves farther along, as it will. But the old XP, Vista-based computing styles are every day being buried deeper. (No funerals, no one really sad except a few hangers-on.) Virtual Customs along with CTX needs to have a spot in Metro.....which puts the sites on touch-devices, phones, etc., .....as opposed to just on desktops. Here's a link about developing Apps for Win8: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/br211386.aspx

Anyway, I just wanted to answer your reply here buddy, and touch on some things with you and everyone else reading this. Yes, I'm 100% happy with Windows 8.....thrilled at the direction computing seems to be going! There's as much opportunity right now with this platform, as there was when the Internet was a new thing! Those who miss out will just be left behind, eventually to disappear bro.
My only concern in the negative is the news that MS might be embedding anti-piracy software and hardware within the new os at a later time, and in new computers which run Windows.....I don't even know that this is true actually. I'm against pirating, of course, but, from my understanding (read DaemonCantor's replies in this thread) it has something to do with messing your computer up if MS detects that your copy of Windows is fake. That's not cool at all if it's true!

Anyway, over-and-out!:peace:

Ask and you shall receive lol

Even though I have my love still for Win 7 you guys need a Win 8 forum here you go fill her up lol http://virtualcustoms.net/forumdisplay.php/1119-Windows-8

I have to say Your#1fan you are the first person I have seen that has honestly tested win 8 for how it's supposed to be used and gave a real opinion on it. Most I see talking nonsense of it like the it's so much faster myth that's been debunced but what got me most of all was those saying to me it was far superior to Win 7 in every way, at that time I would ask well if it's superior to Win 7 why is it you have hacked your way back to a Win 7 desktop using patches or startisback, start8 or classic shell and the wealth of other patches to bring it back to the way win 7 and older os's have looked. You not even using Win 8 in the way it was designed to be used so your not really testing it for how it's supposed to be if it was so much superior to 7 you would not have to hack your way back to a win 7 desktop would you lol

That stops a lot of the boosters in their tracks lol anyways nice to see someone has finally tried using it for how it's supposed to be used and gave some honest opinions on it thats quite refreshing enjoy your Win 8 section guys :)

December 1st, 2012, 06:59 AM
I'm glad you like W8. I don't and am very glad to stick with W7. I find it interesting that so many people are coming up with programs to eliminate all sorts of items in W8, like the ribbon, restoring the start menu/orb, etc.

December 1st, 2012, 07:06 AM
Just stick with what floats your boat, is all I can tell ya man!----My 80-yr-old father-in-law still uses XP with WMP10.
If you read my post above, I think I explained that I actually DON'T hack Win8 to look and feel like Win7. People are doing that because they 1) don't like change, and 2) don't yet know how to use Windows 8. It's kinda funny actually.

I'm glad you like W8. I don't and am very glad to stick with W7. I find it interesting that so many people are coming up with programs to eliminate all sorts of items in W8, like the ribbon, restoring the start menu/orb, etc.

December 1st, 2012, 11:54 AM
guys i let you have your fun, but now i'll be very blunt. most peeps do not want a F$$KEN tablet operating system on there pc. as for adding files and features to 8 that were in 7 and customizing it the way we want is more than a bit hypocritical to say the least when everyone one on this forum knows the things we do to 7 to get it the way we want. the main point is people did not and do not want the piece of SH$T called windows 8, nor do they want to be steered towards a os that eventually they can only do what microcrap wants them to do.

yes we are headed in a new direction for computing:

one where the second we startup the pc microsour and the government knows it.
one where anything you do on you pc is reported to microsour and the government
one where you can't install, read, listen to, watch anything on your pc without microsours or the governments permission.

for those who are robots the future is bright. for those of us with intelligence god help us.

December 1st, 2012, 02:16 PM
I waited till the parties that started this off had a chance to come in first Razorsedge to give thanks. BTW I love that AC/DC Album too.... Now I too will say thank you for 1) Listening to the members here, I just wish that at other forums they did the same. 2) For your personal Thoughts because they do mean a lot to people trying to learn and understand, like myself.

As for me my thoughts on MOD'n the OS are the same as MOD'n Windows 7 or any other OS for that matter. It's a Personal Choice to have the Machine that you have spent or will spend so much time looking at work and look just as you want plus the KUDOS you get from Friends and Family that go WOW That LOOKS GREAT! or I Love the way you got This to do THIS!
I myself have LOVED the way a Macintosh looks and works for many years hell I even Love the Classic OS as they now call it which was HIGHLY MOD'able with few tools but unfortunately I can't afford a new Mac so I'm stuck with a Windows machine that took me almost a Year to build. My old PowerMac G3 is sitting here in my Office with a Blown Video Card and I can't seem to find a replacement ATI Radeon 7000 to replace it. Maybe one of these day I'll give Windows 8 a try but I do remember for the short time I had the Xbox I like the old OS on it till they change to the new one that looks just like Windows8 and I didn't like it even back then because I couldn't find what I wanted easy and it took me 10mins just to be able to play Halo 3 ODST, which was the only reason for me getting an XBox in the first place.

One of the reasons for going with Windows * seens to be the Connector Stuff like FaceBook on your Start Menu but I couldn't really care about all of that junk since I refuse to get a FaceBook account or any other of that stuff. Maybe I'm old Fashioned but where I start is the Desktop and not some Start Page that belongs in a Web Browser. Most of what I do is local and not out on the Net somewhere, and I really HATE having to have STEAM or ORGASIM loaded just to play Crysis2,Stalker or any other game for that matter.

The point is the way the OS and your System runs is a personal matter.

December 2nd, 2012, 03:08 AM
Well, for what it's worth, I last night re-formatted my Win8 partition and re-installed Windows 7.......
Had some issues with Windows Updates.
Then, three days ago, had to Refresh the damned computer because my Metro Apps were bugging on me!
I still think Win8 is a great os----BUT BUGGY AS HELL. And until MS fixes these bugs, releases a big Service Pack or something.....I'm going to have to return and stay with reliable Win7. Maybe Win9 will be to Win8 what Win7 was to Vista, who knows.
I ran Win8 for a goodly while, liked most of it, and would stay with it if it wasn't so freaking buggy. They released the dang thing waaaayyy too soon, just pushed it out the door before it had been seriously tested, and I rely on my pc too heavily to be a guinea pig.
I like the startscreen, like the Metro Apps, like the whole thing...but HATE the bugs and the fact that software has to be special-fitted for Win8.
Sorry for being such a fanboy in the original post, and I apologize if I offended anyone along the way here.
I think the Apps offer an opportunity to expand a site's base, but right now Win8 just needs an over-haul.....or maybe to be canned altogether.
Almost have my Win7 all customized again, missed it fer sure!:Peace:

December 2nd, 2012, 03:22 AM
omg, lol. your very confusing lol. off on off on. i cant take it anymore lol.. 7 to the end is what i say....:peace:

December 2nd, 2012, 04:41 AM
Haha!----bite me.XD

omg, lol. your very confusing lol. off on off on. i cant take it anymore lol.. 7 to the end is what i say....:peace:

December 2nd, 2012, 07:05 AM
lmaoyou so funny...XD

December 2nd, 2012, 09:13 AM
You know I'm just kidden with ya, DD...You are right of course; I change my mind about something as often as the wind changes direction! LOL!
I just go with whatever my feelings on something is until something else comes up to make me re-think it.
I think I'll dual-boot install it again, play around with it, not put anything important on it.....Wait and see if MS fixes some of the bugs. If they don't, then screw MS! I'll go get me a new Apple with OSX then! LOL!:peace:
lmaoyou so funny...XD

December 2nd, 2012, 12:42 PM
omg, lol. your very confusing lol. off on off on. i cant take it anymore lol.. 7 to the end is what i say....:peace:

the reason for this is YourNumbr1Fan (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/194932-YourNumbr1Fan) has a day job as a flasher, so he's use to on/off, on/off.

December 2nd, 2012, 01:59 PM
You know I'm just kidden with ya, DD...You are right of course; I change my mind about something as often as the wind changes direction! LOL!
I just go with whatever my feelings on something is until something else comes up to make me re-think it.
I think I'll dual-boot install it again, play around with it, not put anything important on it.....Wait and see if MS fixes some of the bugs. If they don't, then screw MS! I'll go get me a new Apple with OSX then! LOL!:peace:

yes,i know and i know your a good friend to so i just wanted to mess with you.....

December 2nd, 2012, 02:01 PM
the reason for this is YourNumbr1Fan (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/194932-YourNumbr1Fan) has a day job as a flasher, so he's use to on/off, on/off.


December 2nd, 2012, 10:09 PM
Flashing is more like a HOBBY!LOL!lmao2

December 3rd, 2012, 03:08 AM
Flashing is more like a HOBBY!LOL!lmao2

tmi lmao2

December 3rd, 2012, 08:50 AM
Ah, you know you wanted to know for sure!:superman:
tmi lmao2