View Full Version : Help with text location Please

December 6th, 2012, 07:22 AM
So I am almost done with this recolor of Grims Zero-G theme. But I noticed that when watching VLC media player and using the drop down menu's the text is black on black making it impossible to see unless highlighted. Here is a pic of what Im looking for. How to change it ?


December 6th, 2012, 08:40 AM
look gr8 bro :peace:

December 6th, 2012, 04:25 PM
So I am almost done with this recolor of Grims Zero-G theme. But I noticed that when watching VLC media player and using the drop down menu's the text is black on black making it impossible to see unless highlighted. Here is a pic of what Im looking for. How to change it ?


That text doesn't seem to change on Windows 7 mate, I can get it to change on Windows 8 though

Just went to check that again and found it was only on version 2.0.2 but if I changed the compatibility mode to Windows 7 or updated to the new version it was the same as it is on Windows 7

December 6th, 2012, 08:59 PM
That text doesn't seem to change on Windows 7 mate, I can get it to change on Windows 8 though

Just went to check that again and found it was only on version 2.0.2 but if I changed the compatibility mode to Windows 7 or updated to the new version it was the same as it is on Windows 7

So does this mean I just have to leave it how it is. I mean I had to change it somewhere along the way. I just cant remember. Im such a noob. Somtimes when im running through WSB I just get in the zone and start changing text colors not really thinking of where the location is Im changing. lol

December 6th, 2012, 09:29 PM
The trick is you have to changed the background of the text
fonts.colors & system metrics>fonts & system metrics>btnface:color
but it will changed other places as well

December 6th, 2012, 09:33 PM
Thanks man I will just have to go with it cus I would rather be able to see that text then not see it! So thanks again for your help guys! I am almost done with this recolor and I also have a pink zero-g for the girls. that is almost done.

December 7th, 2012, 12:18 AM
The trick is you have to changed the background of the text
fonts.colors & system metrics>fonts & system metrics>btnface:color
but it will changed other places as well

Ok so I checked out that location. and yes it changes the menu color for the drop down list, but Where the heck is the location for the text in that menu. I just would like to make it blue or white. So it is readable. The menu being dark is fine. I changed it a little and you can see the text a little bit but there has to be a location to change that text color!

December 7th, 2012, 01:18 AM
As I said mate, that colour must be hard coded in VLC, I have checked every theme I have and the text is black on all of them and I have always hated not being able to change that and tried changing it in the past, as a result I have always had to use a lighter background colour to be able to read that text.

December 7th, 2012, 01:27 AM
Ok Grim Sorry I did not understand earlier. I will just lighten the menu color then. Thanks again and Sorry that I did not understand earlier, Thus making you repeat yourself!