View Full Version : Multiple Problems with Explorer

December 7th, 2012, 02:30 AM
1) I'm using Mr GRiM's Concept Red Design as a template for my own theme and I can't find where to change the bottom image in explorer where the details of a file are presented.
2) Also in the directory bar i can't find where to change the colour of the arrows.
3) Finally there is some red text in explorer that turns grey when I test the build, however when I save and use it, it remains red.
Please Help :)

December 7th, 2012, 03:01 AM
1 is ( Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Preview Pane > 1 > <1> -- Edit the image)
2 is ( Explorer and shell > explorer > menubar > background -edit the image )
3 is ( Explorer & Shell > Explorer > CommandModule > <1> - edit the image here)

December 7th, 2012, 04:17 AM
For the 3rd one, i think you have to edit the shellstyle of that theme

December 7th, 2012, 05:11 AM
1) I'm using Mr GRiM's Concept Red Design as a template for my own theme and I can't find where to change the bottom image in explorer where the details of a file are presented.
2) Also in the directory bar i can't find where to change the colour of the arrows.
3) Finally there is some red text in explorer that turns grey when I test the build, however when I save and use it, it remains red.
Please Help :)
deviantdon gave u the right locations the red text issue is a bug in that full glass app ur using nothing u can do to fix that its a bug that happens with that app :)

December 7th, 2012, 05:38 AM
Thanks for the help the preview pane is better now, however i have already editted the background images for the menu bar and command module, i am just having trouble adjusting the red arrows to a different colour and the red text, i realise it's meant to be clear in the shadow due to the dark shadow colour but i wish to change the actual text colour from red to white i cannot find the property that allows me to do that. :)

December 7th, 2012, 05:43 AM
Also this is just a quick preview of what i've done so far, thoughts?60029

I designed the start menu, taskbar and rainmeter skin although the rainmeter skin still needs a little work :)

December 7th, 2012, 05:46 AM
AS mentioned above you will need to edit the shellstyle.dll for that theme, you may be better off using a shellstyle from another theme or the default Aero shellstyle.dll

December 7th, 2012, 06:35 AM
alright, i understand now aha thanks for your help