View Full Version : RetroUI

December 7th, 2012, 03:12 AM
Get Back to Business in Windows 8

Windows 8: If Windows 8's new interface is getting you down, RetroUI is a simple app that skips the Start screen, brings back the Start button, and more. The newest version brings even more features, like the ability to run Windows 8's full-screen tiled apps in regular desktop windows. We mentioned RetroUI as one of the best ways to fix Windows 8 biggest annoyances, and it just got a lot more tempting. The old version skipped the Start screen and brought back the old Start menu, just like lots of other apps—but the new version really stands out, offering the ability to squeeze Windows Store apps into a regular window, bring the taskbar into the tiled UI, and more.

RetroUI is a $5 download for Windows machines, but you can try a free trial by hitting the link below.

see how it works


Skip Metro
Thinix RetroUI™ allows users to bypass the Windows 8 Metro User Interface (Metro UI) and automatically return to a classic Windows desktop* after login. Users can then return to the Metro desktop or use any Metro UI function. This allows users to switch back and forth freely, but causes the PC to switch to a classic Windows desktop following each login. Optionally, Thinix RetroUI can be configured to eliminate/lock-out all Metro UI features. In this mode, users are sent to a classic Windows desktop at Login, and the new Metro features; Charms Bar, Hot Corners, and Metro Switcher - are completely disabled and inaccessible.
RetroUI Start Menu
RetroUI not only brings back the Start menu, we've enhanced it! The new touch-friendly design works as well with a finger as it does with a mouse, and brings back all the functions you have used in previous versions of Windows. But it doesn't stop there - our reimagined start menu allows you to pin applications and save them as touch-friendly buttons.
RetroUI Enforce
With RetroUI Enforce, you can now 'force' the Windows 8 Start Screen and Windows Store apps to run in a way that allows the classic desktop, taskbar, and start button to remain visible. Windows Store apps can even run inside of a resizable window! You can toggle between full screen and windowed mode and can run apps at any size and position you prefer. You can save the window positions and sizes so they launch that way the next time you launch them. For Metro apps that you want to leave full screen, you can exclude them from auto-resizing.
The core benefit of TabletView over the Windows 8 Start Screen is that it enables you to launch anything from within the classic Windows desktop. It allows you to open any pinned application in just two clicks, compared to the four clicks typical to launch the same shortcut from the Start Screen. Launch shortcuts such as My Computer, Documents, Music, Videos, Pictures, Control Panel, Command Prompt. Pin your favorite installed applications like Word, Excel, Outlook, and Powerpoint, and open your favorite web sites. Shortcuts for common, default Windows Store apps are included as well for you to pin to TabletView.

homepage/download: http://retroui.com/