View Full Version : Need Some help Please???

December 8th, 2012, 06:34 AM
So I just bought my sister a laptop for her birthday and of course it comes with windows 8. Her nor I like windows 8 and I cant seem to figure out how to get rid of win 8 and install win 7. I have a usb with windows 7 on it and i went to bios and set it to boot from usb. but nothing happens when Starting computer up. What do I do? IF anyone can help me that would be awesome. I just want to get rid of 8 and install 7 ! Thanks

December 8th, 2012, 07:41 AM
So I just bought my sister a laptop for her birthday and of course it comes with windows 8. Her nor I like windows 8 and I cant seem to figure out how to get rid of win 8 and install win 7. I have a usb with windows 7 on it and i went to bios and set it to boot from usb. but nothing happens when Starting computer up. What do I do? IF anyone can help me that would be awesome. I just want to get rid of 8 and install 7 ! Thanks

The best way for this is just like thinking a clean install I suspect since the labtop is bran new your sister does not have anything on it yet she wants to keep or if she does move the files and such over to a usb stick or external hard drive for safe keeping. Next step wipe the hard drive completly clean as if you bought the labtop from the shop with no os on it and you are going to install it when you brought it home. I have a program for this if you require it will wipe the hard drive clean just as if you bought a new one from a shop but any data you want to keep as I said above u need to save somewhere as this will erase everything on the drive.

I do this everytime I reformat myself as I prefer a completly fresh clean install the windows formatting sucks leaves stuff behind on the drive this program will wipe the hard drive totally clean so u can install any os on it you wish to use, the time for it to wipe differs on the size of the drive it takes 5 hours to do my 1 tb drive when wiping it so best to just leave it to start when u go to sleep one nite. The time as u see much different from windows as it renders anything on the drive un-recoverable. Once the drive is wiped u can use ur win 7 disc or usb stick to install win 7 and not have to worry of any error issues :)

December 9th, 2012, 01:03 PM
there is another option! do not have nothing to fix, just installs Windows 7 on disk D: \. and will be on the computer Win 8 and 7

December 9th, 2012, 01:25 PM
Have you verified that the USB is bootable? If not, you can use W7Toolkit to make a bootable USB. There are other ways to do it, but W7Toolkit is the easiest. Google is you friend... (Wincert forums)