View Full Version : Aero8Tuner

December 14th, 2012, 11:23 PM
Here is my brand new work for Windows 8. Aero8Tuner. It allows you to change all settings of DWM/Aero at Windows 8 RTM+.


With Aero8Tuner you will able:

to set any color of windows.
to disable windows coloring. If you will enable this undocumented feature, the color of windows borders in Windows 8 will be always white. The taskbar will use Aero color. So, this is way to have separate color for windows and taskbar.
to change color balance (affects the intensity).
to force High Contrast mode for regular themes. The blurless buggy Aero transparency will be appeared in this case.


Why some features of "classic" Aero Tuner is missing in this version?

Microsoft changed DWM in Windows 8. Some parameters was completely removed, such as Transparency and amount of Aero Srtipes. Some parameters like second Aero color, Blur, balance between colors has no effect in Windows 8 because DWM ignores their values.

This is a free and portable application and does not require to be installed. It works only on Windows 8 RTM and does not require any additional software.

homepage/download: http://winaero.com/comment.php?comment.news.95

February 19th, 2013, 07:05 PM
what's with these links?? They take me from one page to the next and so on and so on if i don't download their toolbar.. LOL

February 19th, 2013, 08:24 PM
what's with these links?? They take me from one page to the next and so on and so on if i don't download their toolbar.. LOL

no idea what your doing there thats the developers site first page is the main post click download takes you to the download page click download again and the file downloads there is no asking or dling of any toolbar




clicked the first download button takes u to the next page, then clicked the download button and the application starts to dl right away.

February 21st, 2013, 08:32 PM
ok thanx for the feedback, Razorsedge...