View Full Version : WideScreen Grafiktablett

January 12th, 2013, 02:50 PM
hi friends,
Before I start my question, I want to apologize for my (no not me and Google translator) English.
I wanted to ask you, and specifically those who work with Adobe Photoshop, if you are using Tablets?
If you are using which ones?
I bought Trust SlimLine WideScreen Grafiktablett for EUR 59,54


I know it's cheap, and much of it can not be expected, but still not it possible that they're all so "worthlessor" expensive much better use!?
or all the same roads have galactic difference in the use of what cheap.
or I just do not buy from Manufacturer products.

Big V
January 12th, 2013, 03:35 PM
I purchased one from monoprice about a year ago 6.25" x 10" size http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp?c_id=108&cp_id=10841&cs_id=1084102&p_id=6814&seq=1&format=2
It took me awhile to get use to it, the biggest thing I had issue with is the size of the tablet and the amount of hand and arm movement it required to perform an action like drawing a line
I found after going into the setting and reducing the active surface size to a smaller active section 3x4.5 it helped me a lot
Now i can accomplish the same effect with just a small move of my wrist and hand instaed of having to move my entire arm to travel from one side of the pad to the other with the smaller active area

If i had it to do over i would have went with a small pad myself but i really do like the quality of the pad i purchased very well build and sturdy

January 16th, 2013, 04:56 PM
Thank you very much, that you answered Big V.Thanks for the link to:Smile:.I think I'll wait a bit and look around in the shops ,so I can try the stuff also.
I will look at the expensive stuff so that are also intended to Profi working.:money: