View Full Version : What do you do when your worlds likely to turn upside down by dease?

January 15th, 2013, 12:30 AM
Been told the numbness in my hands and issues with controlling them stands a good chance of being Parkinson's disease.
I see a neurosurgeon on the Jan 24 but things don't looks so good for it being anything else at this point.

No one in my family knows yet and iam not saying anything tell i know for sure.

How the hell though do you tell your better something like this.
We both done cancer and i had dvt and pe from knee surgery so you think the universe cut us some slack.

Strange think is iam more worried about telling her then i am about having pd itself.

Seriously freaking out.

January 15th, 2013, 01:11 AM
Hang in there I know this is easier for me to say then to actually live it. But Hang in there and do as much research online as you can as to why and what problems your having. Do the research and if you end up with PD then read how to live with it. If you indeed have it then there is not much you can do. Life throws all kinds of crap at us, Only the strong servive. So be strong. ! My thoughts are with you my friends. VC is here for ya if you need someone to talk to !!

January 15th, 2013, 01:18 AM
Let me ask you.. Are you always on the computer.. As in using it alot.. I have the very same issue you describe and its due to carpal tunnel from using the keyboard so much and having my hands and arms on the desk for way to long..

January 15th, 2013, 01:40 AM
All hang in there giving up not part of my nature..although i going to seriously try getting drunk at some point.

Twizzz i had all the checks to rule stuff like that out and the nerves are fine.
Unfortunately i got pill rolling tremors in my thumb, my sense of smell comes and goes, and other signs that got the docs sure i got pd.
Took them nine months to come to this.