View Full Version : Megaupload Rising from the ashes back in 3 days January 19th 2013

January 16th, 2013, 05:42 AM
That's right people it's coming back.

KIM DOT COM said he would be back and he would fight well he has with a system and all new code to help protect uploaders from the evil net empires that tried to destroy him lol


Megaupload Coming Back – The launch is Scheduled for January 19 2013 (http://www.technewscentral.co/megaupload-coming-back-the-launch-is-scheduled-for-january-19-2013/)

Almost everyone on internet who supported freedom of speech were very sad to see the downfall and takedown http://i2.wp.com/www.technewscentral.co/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Kim-Dotcom.jpg?resize=150%2C150 (http://i2.wp.com/www.technewscentral.co/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Kim-Dotcom.jpg)of Megaupload – one of the most used filesharing platform on its days. Police raided megaupload servers on last January 19th and it was kept down since. All the data(legal/illegal) was gone and even now the customer can’t access them. But the Megaupload founder KIM DOT COM didn’t stay quiet. He kept on fighting and now another version of Mega launch is due on January 19th, exactly 1 year after the police raid. The Megaupload service was having around 50 million visitors per day at its peak.
KIM promises this time the service will be raid proof and better than ever. The new ready to launch Mega is not just about file sharing, it’s a lot more than that, KIM Promises. Yesterday KIM announced this via his twitter profile (https://twitter.com/KimDotcom/status/261751810098876416):

ANNOUNCEMENT: The new Mega will launch exactly 1 year after the raid with a #MansionPressConference & #DoomsdayLaunchButton.

The new service is more secure for the users of the service. All the data will be encrypted by using AES algorithm and the decryption key will be given to the users. That way no one without the key will be able to go through the contents of the uploaded files. So the security becomes the responsibility of the content uploader.
Nothing of this in no way means that the old users will be able to access their files from the old Megaupload Service. The legal battle is still going on and the judge has to decide on this before they get access to the files. The new mega supposedly will be starting from scratch.
KIM hasn’t given any hints on the domain name on which the new service will be online. Although according to torrentfreak KIM has made a few registrations in the past month.

article page: http://www.technewscentral.co/megaupload-coming-back-the-launch-is-scheduled-for-january-19-2013/

New MegaUpload Coming Back with a MEGA Splash

The fat chubby kid, otherwise known as Kim DotCom/ former MegaUpload founder, is coming back with a huge splash. Last time we talked about MegaUpload to be re-launched again as “Mega”; one of the highly anticipated file sharing platformsof the future.
Kim DotCom is at the verge of not only launching Mega, but he is aiming to do so with a “never before seen” press conference. Kim went on to tweet a few days back, saying, “Expect a press conference like no other. You know me. I can’t do small.” Wow Kim, way to go pal.
This press conference is expected to take place at Kim’s mansion. Presently, according to real estate experts, MegaUpload’s founder’s mansion is estimated to have a worth of $30 million. That’s not all, as the guy has been known to own a very expensive line of vintage cars, custom shotguns and probably a few inflatable tanks! Mega is rumored to have tightest security parameters alongside multi language support. Kim is already looking for translators prior to the January 20, 2013 launch for ‘MEGA’! Meanwhile, FBI and law making authorities are trying their best to schedule a court hearing for Kim DotCom. So far, their efforts of removing Kim from New Zealand have been in vain… tsk tsk.

article page: http://thenational.net/national-news/new-megaupload-coming-back-with-a-mega-splash/

Harvey Sewdin
January 16th, 2013, 11:45 PM
It was only a matter of time lol

Dark Knight
January 20th, 2013, 03:56 PM
I was just able to get my account opened today.
Those of you having trouble getting to the site use https instead of http, thats how I did it after a day of frustration not being able to load the site.

It's nice to see someone give the government the finger and not give a shit for a change! Way to go Kim!

Edit - BTW you may want to use Google Chrome when visiting/using the site, it does not work very well using IE.

January 20th, 2013, 06:26 PM
I was just able to get my account opened today.
Those of you having trouble getting to the site use https instead of http, thats how I did it after a day of frustration not being able to load the site.

It's nice to see someone give the government the finger and not give a shit for a change! Way to go Kim!

hey bud can you post the link to his new sites homepage I actually have been looking for it and not able to run across the link to it as of yet lol

edit: ok scrap that just as I typed this I found it lol