View Full Version : Location of window title color, inactive/active window borders colors.

January 17th, 2013, 03:36 PM
Hello everyone. I'm new to theming and I was messing around with the Windows 8 theme. I can't find a couple of things, that being, the window title color, and whatever controls the color of active and inactive windows, so I need your help and I hope you will help me.

In this example, I want to change the "67% complete" color from black (default and unchangeable in Windows 8) to another color, maybe white or light gray.
Also, you know how in Windows 8 a window that is no longer active fades to a whiteish color? I want to change that, so that instead of changing to that light gray color it fades to the same color but lighter (let's assume I make my windows color to dark blue, it should change to light blue).

I'd also like to know if there is some way to change that 1pixel border that windows have in Windows 8, I'd like to remove it or make it dark gray instead of white.

Thanks in advance.


January 18th, 2013, 03:09 AM
Hello everyone. I'm new to theming and I was messing around with the Windows 8 theme. I can't find a couple of things, that being, the window title color, and whatever controls the color of active and inactive windows, so I need your help and I hope you will help me.

In this example, I want to change the "67% complete" color from black (default and unchangeable in Windows 8) to another color, maybe white or light gray.
Also, you know how in Windows 8 a window that is no longer active fades to a whiteish color? I want to change that, so that instead of changing to that light gray color it fades to the same color but lighter (let's assume I make my windows color to dark blue, it should change to light blue).

I'd also like to know if there is some way to change that 1pixel border that windows have in Windows 8, I'd like to remove it or make it dark gray instead of white.

Thanks in advance.


You can change the title colour and and the colour intensity in the following locations.

Windows and Caption Buttons > Aero > DWM Window > Frames > Window > Top > Active
Windows and Caption Buttons > Aero > DWM Window > Frames > Window > Top > Inactive
Windows and Caption Buttons > Aero > DWM Window > Frames > Window > Top > MaxActive
Windows and Caption Buttons > Aero > DWM Window > Frames > Window > Top > MaxInactive

For Tool border colours only

Windows and Caption Buttons > Aero > DWM Window > Frames > Tool Window > Top > Active
Windows and Caption Buttons > Aero > DWM Window > Frames > Tool Window > Top > Inactive

For Title Text on some Windows add a text colour property to the following

Windows and Caption Buttons > Basic > Frames > Window > Top > Active
Windows and Caption Buttons > Basic > Frames > Window > Top > Inactive

There is also a global color you can change that will effect the borders

Fonts, Colors & System Metrics > Colors (Globals) > ColorizationColor:Int (be careful with this one, it can have undesirable effects)

January 18th, 2013, 01:02 PM
Thanks! I can start messing around now.

May 21st, 2018, 05:55 AM
hi...in windows 7, what is the location/path of the command line tools like dir, help, cls ? thanksbg742