View Full Version : PSU Shroud mod For NZXT Phantom

January 20th, 2013, 09:15 PM
Hey guys, long time no mod. So I figured that I could do with a PSU shroud for my Adelaide.

I've seen a lot of different shrouds and designs so I wanted to make something a little more hard to come by. Out of all the PSU shrouds I've seen the ones I've least of are the ones with letters or logos cut out of them and having light shining through. So I thought I would go with this.

Now I am working on 2 different shrouds ATM. My first one is a 1st attempt at it to see if I can do it right. It will go over the cables of a Corsair GS600 PSU. I am making 2 of them because I have plans on getting an XFX 1000W 80Plus Platinum PSU. So when I get that I will have to make another with different Dimensions to fit that one proper.

Alright I wanted to make a PSU shroud that would be functional but if I wanted to show off I could take off my side panel and wow people with how awesome it looks.


So here are some pics of my Prototype version:


This is the early size test to see if it worked out. Now the problem with this one is that it will cover the PSU perfectly. However, if I put my side panel on it then it won't fit. It would be too large to allow my 2 side 120MM fans to fit right and keep airflow at all. So I have to resize.
The nice part about this prototype is that I learned how much space I had to put between the nuts and bolts in order to get the optimal light through the gap. That way when I turn the lights on the letters will light up bright and green to match the case theme.

So after some practice with a dremel tool and that plastic stuff, I decided to tackle on actual metal. I chose a piece of rusty sheet metal my dad had lying around before trying out my nice aluminum or steel I had for the actual final product.


Alright everything went well and my hands were numb because I was outside in the cold doing the cutting and I wasn't comfy. After bending the sheet metal by using 2 clamps and 2 planks of wood to keep it still and even I put it in my case (after washing off all the metal dust with water and a magnet). The results were...less than desired.


My shroud was still too big. I messed up my measurements and made it a little too big in the top section so now it will still cover up the area my fans need to go if I want to keep airflow (you have to admit it still looks pretty).
So now that I know what I really need to do, later on some other time I will go back and clamp it down to cut an inch off the top section to make it just a bit smaller than the PSU so it won't bother my fans. this is gonna be a simple version of my future model. I can't put the 2 120mm fans on the top like I want to do because the cables on bottom will touch the fans. And I can't do the NZXT cutout either because it won't have room for the green LED fixtures I ordered. So I have to wait until I save up a little cash for the Platinum XFX modular one I want.

Then I can do the full model and maybe even a larger "show" version that WILL cover the entire PSU and the sides. That way I can put 2 large fans on top with the NZXT cutout on the side. But it would be saved for shows or something if I wee to ever go to one.

So to conclude this post I have these items on the way:

X2 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001P3QXHU/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00
X1 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0058DIDTY/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00
X1 (for a gameboy mod in the future) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000S6AG9G/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i01

and I bought a bunch of stuff locally to build this thing up along with some other projects I am gonna work on. But for now I do schoolwork. Robotic Engineering Tech calls! :D

January 21st, 2013, 08:41 PM
SWEET......doing good my friend....thanx for sharing!

January 21st, 2013, 09:59 PM
Well I got some more work done today and sized it up just right. Sadly I won't have a fan on top of this "Early beta" model I got going. But it's a start and I can use it for other projects later when I replace it with the final piece.

So I went back to cutting an inch here and an inch there and got to this:


Now the first picture was actually me taking it through a hole in the back of my case for watercooling. I couldn't get a shot of the fans fitting snug otherwise, but you get the point. It fits and covers up my cables without interfering with anything. What you may also have noticed was that stupidly bright ass green light in the middle of my case. That was an 80mm fan light that I got from a local shop. They weren't carrying it anymore so the lady sold it to me for 10 dollars less than it really cost them. So I thought, why not give it a try for some giggles. I am serious, this thing is STUPIDLY bright. It's like the power of the sun is in my case...and green.

I'm still waiting for my vinyl so I can sand this down, lay down a base coat of gloss black and then apply the vinyl. Until then thanks for checking it out.:laughing:

January 25th, 2013, 02:17 AM
I am back with the final product for the small Home use model. I got my vinyl wrap this morning and I went to sand and paint the shroud seeing as it had all that rust on it. I needed to get rid of he rust because it bothered me...I don't like rust on my machines if I can help it. But After I painted it I left it outside for a bit then put it inside to let the paint set in some warmth. The paint got all sorts of drippy and watery. Cold + paint = NO! The good part is that I only painted the underside just to keep it looking black and clean if you take the shroud out for storage.


So as you can see I am done with the Home model of my shroud. Next up (When I get the materials and the weather gets warmer) I am going to start up creation of my "Show Model" and then see about plans for a Home Watercooled model. That way I can have all sorts of setups for my Precious Adelaide. I try to take a Military tactical approach with this case. Make it flexible and able to adapt to multiple scenarios.

So with that I am done for now, but I will be back again with some more stuff. See you guys later.

January 28th, 2013, 09:40 PM
Nice going for a 1st attempt, What I found when trying to bend metal in a tight angle is it is best to use 2 pieces of right angle metal that are slightly longer then what you are trying to bend and then nut and bolt both end just past the metal so that you get a nice tight clamp then use a thick piece of wood and just hammer it along the wood going back and forth. It takes a little bit of time but it works out quite nice.

I came across someone modding a side panel that they needed to get the engraved pattern to light up what they did was drilled some small holes around the edge of the plexiglass and then put led's inside the holes which made it light up really well, not sure if it will help with what you want to do but it might.

June 19th, 2021, 07:40 AM

Can you show me size of Shroud in cm, thank a lot