View Full Version : Those that have switched to windows 8 don't get too comfortable Winodws Blue coming

January 30th, 2013, 09:22 PM
Hi all :)

Well I thought it was a good time to make a report on this for microsofts new release schedule for os's is going though a big change.

Seems MS is grabbing some pointers from apples playbook and will be releasing a new os on a yearly basis from now on so be expecting a new os every year. Starting with this year when the upcoming Windows BLUE or if you like Windows 9 will be released by mid 2013.

If anyone has heard the rumblings or been keeping up with the microsoft tech blogs Windows Blue will be an even more dumbed down version of windows 8 with aero completly removed, Windows Blue essentially Windows 8 SP1 being released later this year will apparently be even more neutered, with a solid taskbar, even flatter less attractive interface elements. All this in order to more push the windows store as that is where ms most likely intend to start making it's money from rather then the os itself.

So there is a lot of drastic changes coming in the near future but not ones I would call myself great improvements here are some good articles below for more reading




Added to this is microsofts rampant take down of pirate copies of their os which is the reason behind why the pricing will be much cheaper on future versions as microsoft has said that users will find with any pirated copies of any of the new os's starting with Windows Blue users will find the microsoft windows store inaccessible.

As this would seem that a lot of the customization that has been worked on out there for the current windows 8 will not work for their new os's with even more code removed and the new flatter interface reports say that microsoft is really pushing and going to stick with the Metro UI and will be doing whatever it takes to get ppl to use it lol

January 30th, 2013, 09:35 PM
well looks like i will be hanging onto windows 7 like people still do with win XP lol

if they try and force that crap onto me i will switch to Linux after i clean the dust off of it that is.

this will be yet another huge blow to software developers as they are hating windows 8 and the app store based software quite a few big company's are starting up a development plan for Linux so we will start to see more of our fave apps making the jump.

my thought on win 8 and the direction MS is heading is for the user's to stand up and say if you keep trying to release and force win 8 and win 8 style os on desktop user's we wont buy your products.
as they wont keep making that os if no ones silly enough to buy it.
hit them hard where it will hurt the most there wallet if they make no profit only losses then that will scrap it fast.

January 30th, 2013, 09:50 PM
well looks like i will be hanging onto windows 7 like people still do with win XP lol

if they try and force that crap onto me i will switch to Linux after i clean the dust off of it that is.

this will be yet another huge blow to software developers as they are hating windows 8 and the app store based software quite a few big company's are starting up a development plan for Linux so we will start to see more of our fave apps making the jump.

my thought on win 8 and the direction MS is heading is for the user's to stand up and say if you keep trying to release and force win 8 and win 8 style os on desktop user's we wont buy your products.
as they wont keep making that os if no ones silly enough to buy it.
hit them hard where it will hurt the most there wallet if they make no profit only losses then that will scrap it fast.

Actually thats right too Toady that was also something I was reading about that apps designed for windows 8 have to be redesigned for the new windows Blue lol

Then having a new os each year I am sure software developers are not happy welcome to the world of linux you got googles os coming soon based off linux I even saw firefox is doing it's own version of an os now also based off linux looks like a lot of companies are getting pissed at windows lmao

January 30th, 2013, 11:01 PM
Well I never loved MS but now I don't even know if I like them, seems all they keep doing is removing features and making it less enjoyable to use, doesn't matter how good the modern apps are, if the OS is butt ugly then people are not going to want to use it.

Big V
January 30th, 2013, 11:51 PM
I'll stick with 7 till it no longer works anymore if this is all MS can come up with for an OS.
It's totally not desktop user friendly at all. It might be a different story if I was using it on a phone or touch screen tablet, but as a desktop user it's a totally worthless OS to me.
I still have not figured out for the life of me why everyone is so gungho to jump on the 8 bandwagon, it totally ugly and all the hassle of having to have this app or that app to get it hack back to a useable os is nuts in my opinion. Then i see everyone complaining about having to rehack everything each time MS does an update would be another complete hassle i don't need or want.

January 30th, 2013, 11:53 PM
Well I never loved MS but now I don't even know if I like them, seems all they keep doing is removing features and making it less enjoyable to use, doesn't matter how good the modern apps are, if the OS is butt ugly then people are not going to want to use it.

lol one thing I did read in the articles is that Windows blue will be more customizable but.... and u know there is always a but lol only more customizable on metro design lol thats a big but lol

You will be able to change the colors of things and such a little more but in that lastest 2d windows 98 design mode of metro ui only lol

I have to find the article again from the tech guy I was reading earlier in the week where he had insider info about how much windows blue was gutted compared to win 8 Microsoft really wants to get money from their store and make sure the os is easily able to cross platform with tablets and phones with the exact same identical look of flat 2 d shapes and styles because phones and tablets can't handle the aero so they want it to be all the same, I mean seriously whats the point of powerful computers then or high end graphics cards that whole 4 mbs of ram u sacrifice for aero lmao

January 31st, 2013, 12:07 AM
I'll stick with 7 till it no longer works anymore if this is all MS can come up with for an OS.
It's totally not desktop user friendly at all. It might be a different story if I was using it on a phone or touch screen tablet, but as a desktop user it's a totally worthless OS to me.
I still have not figured out for the life of me why everyone is so gungho to jump on the 8 bandwagon, it totally ugly and all the hassle of having to have this app or that app to get it hack back to a useable os is nuts in my opinion. Then i see everyone complaining about having to rehack everything each time MS does an update would be another complete hassle i don't need or want.

Actually bud the bandwagon is not that big all articles have stated how poorly the windows 8 os is selling that's why with the new blue as I understand it will be even cheaper to start cause the word from ms's blog is they want to get " Everyone using this os " they don't want to suffer the same fate as they have had with xp and are experiencing now with win 7 where ppl will not let go of it. They have to keep support open like on xp till 2014 they want to get on this yearly os that you have to buy each time so they can stop supporting the last os they had out at the end of the year the new one comes out.

Basically forcing us into a never ending yearly upgrade of a new os and payment for upgrade if u look at how ms is doing it instead of have an os come out say every 3 or 4 years at 150-250 bucks they will do a yearly os you need to pay to upgrade to each time at the price of say between 20-50 bucks making them a huge cash grab since there is no ways to pirate activate the os lol

Then they double their cash flow influx with the windows store and buying apps this is ms's grand design the thing is will all of Joe public fall for it so far it has not worked with windows 8 which is why they are pushing this new approach as most articles say the next 2 years are going to be huge in what way microsoft will go. Will this way they are doing trick or con us as joe publics into their scheme or will ppl balk at what they are doing like they have so far with win 8 and force ms to go to another direction time will tell over the next couple of years lol

January 31st, 2013, 12:53 AM
Even though I personally am enjoying my Windows 8 setup, I do certainly have to agree with all you have pointed out about M$ strategy.......THEY ARE GREEDY PIGS.
And of course now they have jacked the price of Windows 8 waaay up; back to the regular $200 that previous versions have costed.
If they offer the Blue as a free upgrade to legit Windows 8 users, yes I'll more-than-likely grab it....BUT. I'm not going to be buying new versions of Win-doze every 6 months, or every year!


I truly am appalled at the way things are headed these days....not only in the computing-world, but in EVERYTHING. We are headed towards no privacy at all, total control of every inch of our lives.....at the hands of some awfully ruthless people my friends.
Thanks for this post bud. Very informative.:peace:

January 31st, 2013, 01:35 AM

January 31st, 2013, 01:56 AM
Well, Don, if sales do bottom-out that will definitely change the course of things with M$...it's the ONLY thing that will.
If I had not went out and paid good money for the Win8 disks for my families computers, I too would probably be back on Win7. But I'm not going to waste what money I did pay, you know? However, if they do stick with the new-os-every-year thing, Windows 8 will be my very LAST purchase from these criminals I assure you. I'd rather be totally without a computer than to be tied-in to something that's a never-ending chase. Not to mention something that invades my privacy so thoroughly.


Big V
January 31st, 2013, 02:17 AM
My question is Jimmy that hard earn cash you already shelled out for a piece of crap OS worth the cost of your privacy in the mean time.
Myself if I thought I was jeopardizing my privacy it a no brainer, no matter how much $$ I have already shelled out it's gone.

January 31st, 2013, 02:29 AM
Even though I personally am enjoying my Windows 8 setup, I do certainly have to agree with all you have pointed out about M$ strategy.......THEY ARE GREEDY PIGS.
And of course now they have jacked the price of Windows 8 waaay up; back to the regular $200 that previous versions have costed.
If they offer the Blue as a free upgrade to legit Windows 8 users, yes I'll more-than-likely grab it....BUT. I'm not going to be buying new versions of Win-doze every 6 months, or every year!


I truly am appalled at the way things are headed these days....not only in the computing-world, but in EVERYTHING. We are headed towards no privacy at all, total control of every inch of our lives.....at the hands of some awfully ruthless people my friends.
Thanks for this post bud. Very informative.:peace:

No problem at all bud u know me I normally make fun when it comes to win 8 and such but I have been keeping my eyes on it and reading up whatever I can to keep informed cause I have not thought of a switch to win 8 but I did know that ms was speeding up their release schedule.

I had hoped that they were going to iron out things but also give us choices of what we can do or use. I mean I already did not like the fact ms built in a browser, media player, mediacenter and all these other things now with big bro and they have even built in their av just adding to the bloat. Seriously though computers we use the os's on we pay a lot of money for in most cases why take away the ability to customize an os to our specifications how we like it or want it. What brain dead ms ppl think everyone in the world is alike in tastes or what they use or how they want to use it. I thought the people there at ms were supposed to be innovative thinkers more like dictators if u ask me lmao

January 31st, 2013, 04:17 AM
Well, Don, if sales do bottom-out that will definitely change the course of things with M$...it's the ONLY thing that will.
If I had not went out and paid good money for the Win8 disks for my families computers, I too would probably be back on Win7. But I'm not going to waste what money I did pay, you know? However, if they do stick with the new-os-every-year thing, Windows 8 will be my very LAST purchase from these criminals I assure you. I'd rather be totally without a computer than to be tied-in to something that's a never-ending chase. Not to mention something that invades my privacy so thoroughly.

linux jimmy will be the go soon plus it needs good themes and customizing apps

January 31st, 2013, 05:14 AM
...And oh yes, that might just be my next move.:Peace:

linux jimmy will be the go soon plus it needs good themes and customizing apps

January 31st, 2013, 05:34 AM
Well, I see your point bro---I should have put "...something that has the potential to invade my privacy so thoroughly" rather in my last post. That's what I meant.---But I'm a pretty smart cookie, when it comes to computers....so I have mine and my family's systems pretty air-tight. To be honest, even Win7 and XP for that matter aren't private. You have to hack and configure ALL of them to some degree.

I'm not mad that I spent the $$$....But I'm not going to keep spending $$$ on new versions each year, you know?

Like I said, I'll keep running what I have, and yes, take a free upgrade to 'Blue' if that's an option. I'm just not going to keep upgrading and upgrading, year after year, chasing a carrot on a stick.

My question is Jimmy that hard earn cash you already shelled out for a piece of crap OS worth the cost of your privacy in the mean time.
Myself if I thought I was jeopardizing my privacy it a no brainer, no matter how much $$ I have already shelled out it's gone.

January 31st, 2013, 05:47 AM
My complaint with Win8 so far is that they haven't released an 'Ultimate' version....one with all the old games, gadgets, etc. (of course I do have all that, but I had to hack) As for the built-in browser, they have had IE for years. No surprise there. I like the apps, some are very cool and useful.
I don't like having to sync to a MS email. That can be avoided, but it's still potentially invasive.
The looks? Win8 can be made to look badass, just like any of the other os.....You just gotta hack it. Again, just like the others. Windows 7 looks FUGLY until you hack it, right? So did XP. And Vista. They all do.

No problem at all bud u know me I normally make fun when it comes to win 8 and such but I have been keeping my eyes on it and reading up whatever I can to keep informed cause I have not thought of a switch to win 8 but I did know that ms was speeding up their release schedule.

I had hoped that they were going to iron out things but also give us choices of what we can do or use. I mean I already did not like the fact ms built in a browser, media player, mediacenter and all these other things now with big bro and they have even built in their av just adding to the bloat. Seriously though computers we use the os's on we pay a lot of money for in most cases why take away the ability to customize an os to our specifications how we like it or want it. What brain dead ms ppl think everyone in the world is alike in tastes or what they use or how they want to use it. I thought the people there at ms were supposed to be innovative thinkers more like dictators if u ask me lmao

January 31st, 2013, 05:20 PM
My complaint with Win8 so far is that they haven't released an 'Ultimate' version....one with all the old games, gadgets, etc. (of course I do have all that, but I had to hack) As for the built-in browser, they have had IE for years. No surprise there. I like the apps, some are very cool and useful.
I don't like having to sync to a MS email. That can be avoided, but it's still potentially invasive.
The looks? Win8 can be made to look badass, just like any of the other os.....You just gotta hack it. Again, just like the others. Windows 7 looks FUGLY until you hack it, right? So did XP. And Vista. They all do.

Well you see bud that's what I was saying though that is the difference between xp, 7 and win 8. With win 7 u patch your system to run 3rd party themes and add theme resource changer both of which are just patches and don't run in the background. Xp was also just patch your system to run 3rd party themes .

Win 8 you have to hack and patch and run apps in the background and yet still most of those solutions are very buggy it's no longer easy to just customize anymore where as 7 or xp was just a couple of patches win 8 you have to patch and hack the crap outta the os to do stuff most of which are also killed off every mth when ms releases updates and you have to re-hack all over again lol

The point I was making is they are not making it easier to customize the os to the way you want it but harder. As referenced by the new windows Blue that I mentioned in the first post they are now removing even more as ms has said clearly in their blogs. They want the os to cross platform with tablets and windows phones to all look the same. They want everyone to use their os the same way and have everyone's os look the same way.

It's not diffcult to give the end user choices as say when ur installing the os having an options window would you like to install ie, would u like to install wmp or mediacenter or as the case with aero have a menu option to turn it off or on at your choice, well I have already made an option for that in win 7 that gives you the start or stop drm in your right click menu I can do it but microsoft can't lmao. MS just does not consider the end user or consumer they just want you to have looks or use an os the way they think it should be used or look like instead of just giving the end users who pay for it the option of choice that's what my main point is lol

Not to be an ass here as well but I would take the basic xp theme or the base windows 7 aero theme anyday over that fugly metro ui lmao. I mean at least xp has shading and such to give 3d looks not win 98 style 2d flat colors and square panels for everything lol

January 31st, 2013, 08:13 PM
lmao what i find funny is the xbox console is going to take a huge hit also as it was a testing ground for some of win 8s features with the xbox 720 coming sometime in the next year or 2

and with MS win 8 plans i feel sorry for any PC gamer or software developer.

oh wait i think MS forgot to include the End User in there update plans Bummer lmao

January 31st, 2013, 08:58 PM
Both you guys do have great points......In fact, y'all have me re-considering several things......

To be honest, I am about ready to switch back to 7 again myself, or better yet go to Linux......Mainly to 1) save power (less things running in the background), 2) I want my FULLY customized computer back, 3) I want the gadgets and games back, without having to hack, and 3) I'm considering deleting my MS account (along with my Skype account). In light of several recent events here in the US, I'm getting more and more worried about the times in which we are living.

If I do that again, quit Win8, it really will be permanent. I've used Windows 8 now for a few solid months, plenty of time for me to really get to know the os inside-and-out. As I've said before, I do like several of the things about it, but I have to admit there are just too many negatives......

Plus, lately I've been doing a LOT of reading, watching videos, researching, etc., on various "Big Brother" aspects within all the so-called 'smart-technology' (you know, apps that call home, backdoors in your os, even apps which connect to the Web in the new smart-appliances like refrigerators and such!)....and it scares the hell outa me to be honest. I'm a person who has NEVER trusted most technology anyway----especially 'smart' technology----, and I think there isn't any separation between Big Brother and huge companies (I believe many have been government fronts for a long time in fact, including MS and Google to name a couple)....It's all seriously concerning me. I mean, yes, I consider myself fairly intelligent, tech-savvy, but hell I'm no Eisenstein! I can say, well I've disabled this and that, deleted this or that source-code, I think I'm fairly secure (meaning my computer), but in all honesty I KNOW I'm not as smart as the egg-heads who CREATE these computers or os, right?!---If they put a back-door thing within the os, something that spies on you through your webcam, mic, etc....or sends info about you, records your keystrokes to some server, how the heck is the average so-so tech savvy guy or woman going to know it? These people are not just tech savvy and smart, they are SUPER HELLACIOUS DIABOLICAL SMART!!! As far as I know, the powers-that-be see and hear EVERYTHING 24/7.

The risk can be minimized though by running an os that has simpler and clearer source-code. Linux?

So yea, I may be uninstalling Win8 from not only my computer, but those of my wife and her Dad as well. If they'll let me! LOL! Yvonne really likes her Win8 install, all her game-apps, her mag-apps, etc. Her Dad not so much. He's an XP guy and likes XP better than all the others. He won't mind.

I'll keep y'all updated if you want. Tonight is a good night for me to re-install, and I just may do it.

You guys, go to my DA page and watch some of the Infowars stuff I put there. I've watched Alex Jones for a long time. Some think he's nuts, but I think he's dead-on. I've studied in some way or another the stuff he talks about for many years. I was even a MEMBER of a so-called major 'secret-society' for a few years (The Rosicrucian Brotherhood).....long enough to know that there are MANY big officials and company-heads involved in these types of groups, and long enough to know that they have NOTHING to do with any god or mysticism teachings......They are power-freaks, all about global dominion. Also using technology and stealth against the populace.

So y'all see there are scores of things that I'm thinking about right now, not just computers.

Thanks again my friends for your input. I know I didn't touch on the customization aspects of what you Razor were saying (which I agree with you about).....My mind is just racing in several directions right now.


January 31st, 2013, 09:40 PM
Both you guys do have great points......In fact, y'all have me re-considering several things......

To be honest, I am about ready to switch back to 7 again myself......Mainly to 1) save power (less things running in the background), 2) I want my FULLY customized computer back, 3) I want the gadgets and games back, without having to hack, and 3) I'm considering deleting my MS account. I don't trust MS one damned bit.

If I do that again, go back to Win7, it really will be permanent. I've used Windows 8 now for a few solid months, plenty of time for me to really get to know the os inside-and-out. As I've said before, I do like several of the things about it, but I have to admit there are just too many negatives......

Plus, lately I've been doing a LOT of reading, watching videos, researching, etc., on various "Big Brother" aspects within all the so-called 'smart-technology' (you know, apps that call home, backdoors in your os, even apps which connect to the Web in the new smart-appliances like refrigerators and such!)....and it scares the hell outa me to be honest. I'm a person who has NEVER trusted most technology anyway----especially 'smart' technology----, and I think there isn't any separation between Big Brother and huge companies (I believe many have been government fronts for a long time in fact, including MS and Google to name a couple)....It's all seriously concerning me. I mean, yes, I consider myself fairly intelligent, tech-savvy, but hell I'm no Eisenstein! I can say, well I've disabled this and that, deleted this or that source-code, I think I'm fairly secure (meaning my computer), but in all honesty I KNOW I'm not as smart as the egg-heads who CREATE these computers or os, right?!---If they put a back-door thing within the os, something that spies on you through your webcam, mic, etc....or sends info about you, records your keystrokes to some server, how the heck is the average so-so tech savvy guy or woman going to know it? These people are not just tech savvy and smart, they are SUPER HELLACIOUS DIABOLICAL SMART!!! As far as I know, the powers-that-be see and hear EVERYTHING 24/7.

The risk can be minimized though by running an os that has simpler and clearer source-code. Ubuntu, older Windows os.

So yea, I may be uninstalling Win8 from not only my computer, but those of my wife and her Dad as well. If they'll let me! LOL! Yvonne really likes her Win8 install, all her game-apps, her mag-apps, etc. Her Dad not so much. He's an XP guy and likes XP better than all the others. He won't mind.

I'll keep y'all updated if you want. Tonight is a good night for me to re-install, and I just may do it.

You guys, go to my DA page and watch some of the Infowars stuff I put there. I've watched Alex Jones for a long time. Some think he's nuts, but I think he's dead-on. I've studied in some way or another the stuff he talks about for many years. I was even a MEMBER of a so-called major 'secret-society' for a few years (The Rosicrucian Brotherhood).....long enough to know that there are MANY big officials and company-heads involved in these types of groups, and long enough to know that they have NOTHING to do with any god or mysticism teachings......They are power-freaks, all about global dominion. Also using technology and stealth against the populace.

So y'all see there are scores of things that I'm thinking about right now, not just computers.

Thanks again my friends for your input. I know I didn't touch on the customization aspects of what you Razor were saying (which I agree with you about).....My mind is just racing in several directions right now.

lol bud hey don't switch unless you want to like I am not posting to try and get you to switch back or anything the os everyone uses is their choice we are just discussing several happenings with ms in this thread lol

That big brother thing you pointed out as well is one thing I have not gone into much here either and is one big reason for me not installing that os your dead on by saying how much info do we really know is embeded into the os we can all hack and tweak and do whatever but breaking down exe's or dlls to see what each and every part does oh hell no I would be lost as well lol

The one thing I will point out the most that bothers me is what MS is doing to developers of the apps especially that are running on their systems. I know ms needs good apps to take over a big chunk of the market with the windows store but let's look into whats going on and could be the motive here. They just released the windows 8 sdk for developers when win 8 came out now there is still quite a many apps that do not work properly on win 8 that people have been waiting for to be compatible but hold on a sec..... MS has said with the release of blue coming in the mid mths of this year they will no longer be accepting and applications that have been developed for windows 8 the developers have to start from scratch again with the new windows blue sdk WTF lol

So ppl that have bought and gone through the trenches with win 8 now and patiently waiting for stuff to come drivers, apps are what now just plain ( excuse my french ) Fuc*ed lol cause developers are stopping progress on developing any windows 8 apps as even if they did microsoft would not accept them anyways and the poor win 8 ppl are what oh ya forced to upgrade yet again if they wanna get stuff working on their os I am just get dizzy talking of this.

But wait what could be MS's grand scheme here humm lets look at what they are doing first no more big os bang releases with a hefty price tag so u get a yearly upgrade fee that u will have to do for each new os and mark my words I bet this is how it will go windows blue cheap lets say 10 - 30 bucks, next year windows whatever 10 30-50 bucks then from that point on a standard 60-90 buck yearly fee for upgrading I bet u anything thats what happens cash grab anyone lol. Then lets look at the windows store lol another cash grab but wait developers are getting screwed around by new sdks every year and will have issues keeping up or just get the door slammed right in their face like with win 8 all of a sudden about 6 to 7 mths after its out nope we wont take anymore windows 8 apps u must start again using the new sdk to maybe try and get them selves a monolopy of getting a ton of apps out there done by ms only so they rake in all the cash think about it not that far fetched if u consider knowing MS the way we all do lol

But don't change os's unless u want to I mean for me u know I will sacrifice a bit of performance for looks I have a quad core 8 gigs or ram with another 16 gigs here I got for xmas I have not even put in yet lmao my machine can handle it without being any slower then win 8 running with metro I have benchmarked them and there is no diff even that fast boot sure seems fast at the start but just wait till u install all ur apps and such u have things running on start up and so forth it's no faster then win 7 is lol just a nice big marketing ploy by ms to make u think it's faster lol

I am about graphics so for me I will take the os that is the most easy to customize and lets me do what I want it to do cause hey hell it's my computer my os dam u microsoft for trying to tell me what I should be doing lol

January 31st, 2013, 09:57 PM
No Razor, believe me when I say ....Your points are good and valid, but I have my own reasons and suspicions going on. Y'all's points are food-for-thought, but I've already been thinking about it for a month or two.
I agree with you 100% about the drug-dealer-like marketing ploy; you give them their 1st hit for free--or very cheap--then you jack the price when they get jacked! No surprise there. That's the old shot-in-the-arm routine big business has used for years. And for-pay apps...yep, big $$$ is made of little dimes and nickles.
And yea, it's F--ked up bigtime. But it works for most things, right?

I'm more concerned with the Big Brother aspect of things----not only with Windows 8 and MS, but some things that are popping up everywhere right now in America and the rest of the world. I just don't feel safe anymore about several things man.....And that's nothing new to me, no big news. I've always been distrustful of the set order of things in the world, you know, business, technology, government. It's just that things seem to be accelerating right now towards some extremely scary sh-t.

I don't believe in conspiracy-theories. Most are conspiracy-FACTS. I don't mean bigfoot or ufo's. I mean socialist police-state programs going on by stealth. IT'S REAL.

So, computers are just a very tiny part of my concerns.....Windows 7, Windows 8, XP.....But, to stay on topic, I am probably going to do several things soon to get myself a little more off-the-grid so to speak. Like moving off of Windows altogether. Using my computer less.

February 3rd, 2013, 08:24 AM
I think if the OS' they make improve CPU performance and take up less RAM i would switch, not matter what it looks like.

Dark Knight
February 3rd, 2013, 01:05 PM
IMO I think Windows 8 was all Steve Ballmer, 8 is his baby and no matter how bad it sucks he is not going to let it go. Sales are still down an yet they cram those Microsoft TV commercials in your face every chance they get.
Steve Balmer is the epitome of a modern day **** CEO, just think about how many have left or been cut loose from Microsoft under his tenure, it's his way or the highway which IMO is going to be his downfall, I certainly hope Bill see's this before it's too late.

I was in the store last night and passed the software section and saw Windows 8 Pro for $199 .... I just giggled my ass off and kept right on walking:laughing:
Someone over at Microsoft must be doing crack!

February 4th, 2013, 12:51 AM
Yea, I've decided to go ahead and keep mine, hell I got it at the cheap price---along with the free "upgrade"---anyway, but I've configured all mine and my family's computers to all look cool and have the least amount of impact on our privacy...

Like Dark Knight said, $199 for it is a JOKE. Hell, the $70 I paid was too much, if ya want to be honest! But it's done now, I can't return it....

I personally don't care for either Ballmer OR Gates. Both are globalist-supporters, both are crooks. I think that MS will just keep pushing this "new" computing platform, keep monopolizing, and eventually FORCE most people into the box. It's just sad.
I really do see myself going over to Linux maybe before the year is over.

February 5th, 2013, 11:33 AM
I think if the OS' they make improve CPU performance and take up less RAM i would switch, not matter what it looks like.

In Windows 7 head to the Control Panel's Performance Information and Tools section, and choose Adjust Visual Effects.
Select "Adjust for best performance" and you got your self Windows 8 look and feel. lol
And it's free of charge.:cheeky:

February 8th, 2014, 08:20 AM
well it all sucks for sure Im just getting setteled after my 7 burned up.But I gotta say I hated the hell out of 8 and 8.1when My wife got me this new computer.BUT, after a few months running 8.1 and learning it and how to make it act right,Id not want 7 back anymore mine now is like running a super 7 mostly, hell I keep forgetting I even have the metro app area cause never use or see it.and honestly as far as 8 compared to 7,now,Ill take 8.1 anyday cause its like a ramped up 7 with whole lot of extra reasons and benefits.Just had to get used to it and learn how to bully I around some. like the ribbon I make all mine black and transparent le themes cause I love the accessability it gives me to so many things,so easily.one of the best improvments to me.hell with disabeling it.I get lost now without it and cant remember how to do a lot of stuff on my wifes 7 without it.Truly went from avid hater to lovin it.What can I say except I think anyone who uses it a while will change their mind,I did and REALLY hated having to use it,but I had too what I really hate most still is the way they shove the live account and constant connect stuff with also the skydrive shitola.well I totally toasted and shut down the skydrive crap.tried to dual boot and put 7 back on and have ran dual a few times linux ect.well after A message box that said pretty much I wasn't allowed to run the older 7 and not to try for real,it destroyed my whole sytem were I had to reinstall 8 then 8.1 from the store to fix it all. and rebuilding pcs is what I do mostly for people.So I went to one of my sites and got me hard copys of hirens boot,active boot disc, 7, 8, 8.1 and theyre on disk and usb, screw em.and you might be able to make 7 look like 8 but truely its not even close as someone running 8 a while would know,just like going from shista (had it for couple years)to 7.man I hit the 7 beta an R.C. Q U I C K.So,-But I still like 8.1 now.. just cant stand microsluff,what a musclehead.:(

February 8th, 2014, 08:48 AM
I to hated Win8 at first but after getting used to it's navigation and using it for a while i discovered it's far superior to it's predecessor 7, it's faster, more reliable and that Metro crap is easily forgotten about. Win8.1 rules!!!

February 8th, 2014, 09:00 AM
I totally agree and till I can figure out how to run android 4.0 ice cream sandwich,instead Im sticken with my 8.1.:) Imagine that AND get to use next 3d launcher on my big screen :) wowsers

February 8th, 2014, 10:40 AM
Oh gosh, just ask anyone here, I'm the King of the Win7-Win8 flip-flop! I've went back-n-forth so many times even I've lost count!
What I'm doing right now is dual-booting both 7 and 8.1. Thataway I can still enjoy some of the things which are unique to Win7, while also having the benefit of keeping up with the latest developments in the new os. Plus, certain things just don't seem to work right, except on either-or. Like Restorator...works right on 7, but buggy on 8 and 8.1. But now Camtasia Studio, for me, works better on 8 and 8.1 than on 7. My computer isn't very much above factory specs, nothing super, so Camtasia has a tendency to play havoc on my graphics in 7, whereas on 8 and 8.1 I have no issues due to the fact that the new os uses less in terms of graphics resources.

So----dual-booting is working fine for me. I even back up my dual-boot configuration, using the "disk-mode" setting in Acronis True Image, thataway I can rescue both partitions (including System Reserved) from whichever os I'm using atm.
I can make logon-screens for 7, plus tinker with my new theme (maybe I'll finish it by the time Win15 comes out, LOL), and I can make stuff for Win8 like lock-screens and play around with WSB in 8.

If Win8+ had a "Windows 7 Mode" built-in, where we could just put a tick in some box in the ui, without having to hack the hell out of everything, that would be sooooo cool. Maybe have a full "Windows 7 Mode", and also a "Windows 7 Mode With Charms" so that we could still access the start-screen and other metro components via the charms-bar. To me, that would be awesome, and an answer to the desktop-users' gripes with 8 and 8.1.
Overall, both os have their advantages and dis advantages.

Now Vista, there's a real piece of crap! I installed Vista Ultimate a few days ago, trying to customize it and tweak it out, and was ready to PUNCH my monitor within an hour after setup!!! Man, what a LOUSY excuse for an os Vista was. It was pretty in many ways, but very un-user-friendly in most ways. I hated the folder-structuring in Vista, the explorer navigation-pane I guess it's called? Hated it. And quicklaunch....what an eyesore, along with the system-properties area. Needless to say, I re-installed my Win7/8.1 dual-boot from my Acronis backup and vowed to NEVER fool with Vista again!

well it all sucks for sure Im just getting setteled after my 7 burned up.But I gotta say I hated the hell out of 8 and 8.1when My wife got me this new computer.BUT, after a few months running 8.1 and learning it and how to make it act right,Id not want 7 back anymore mine now is like running a super 7 mostly, hell I keep forgetting I even have the metro app area cause never use or see it.and honestly as far as 8 compared to 7,now,Ill take 8.1 anyday cause its like a ramped up 7 with whole lot of extra reasons and benefits.Just had to get used to it and learn how to bully I around some. like the ribbon I make all mine black and transparent le themes cause I love the accessability it gives me to so many things,so easily.one of the best improvments to me.hell with disabeling it.I get lost now without it and cant remember how to do a lot of stuff on my wifes 7 without it.Truly went from avid hater to lovin it.What can I say except I think anyone who uses it a while will change their mind,I did and REALLY hated having to use it,but I had too what I really hate most still is the way they shove the live account and constant connect stuff with also the skydrive shitola.well I totally toasted and shut down the skydrive crap.tried to dual boot and put 7 back on and have ran dual a few times linux ect.well after A message box that said pretty much I wasn't allowed to run the older 7 and not to try for real,it destroyed my whole sytem were I had to reinstall 8 then 8.1 from the store to fix it all. and rebuilding pcs is what I do mostly for people.So I went to one of my sites and got me hard copys of hirens boot,active boot disc, 7, 8, 8.1 and theyre on disk and usb, screw em.and you might be able to make 7 look like 8 but truely its not even close as someone running 8 a while would know,just like going from shista (had it for couple years)to 7.man I hit the 7 beta an R.C. Q U I C K.So,-But I still like 8.1 now.. just cant stand microsluff,what a musclehead.:(

Dark Knight
February 8th, 2014, 02:56 PM
BUT, after a few months running 8.1 and learning it and how to make it act right,Id not want 7 back anymore .......

It just takes a little getting used to, I use StartIsBack with Windows 8.1 and other that the Start Screen and missing some Aero perks 8.1 really does not feel any different than 7 to me, I don't like the fact that there are not a whole lot of themes for it and it is a lot harder to customize than 7 but it actually is a pretty good running OS.

Don't know if i'd agree with you on not wanting 7 back anymore, THAT is pushing it a little, I think 7 is probably the BEST os Microsoft had built to date.

I too have it dual booted with 7 on one of my machines, the only thing that I dislike about the dual booting of these two systems is that you must reboot in order to switch OS's.

February 8th, 2014, 03:54 PM
There's a fix for that, bro! Read here: http://www.askvg.com/how-to-disable-new-metro-boot-loader-and-bring-back-windows-vista-and-7-style-boot-loader-in-windows-8/

Basically, you just have to set the Win7 bootloader as default, which doesn't pre-load an os at the choices screen. Windows 8+ pre-loads itself at the metro version of that screen, then causes you to need to restart to use the Win7 partition. So using the Win7 bootloader solves that issue entirely, enabling you to, at the point of the choices menu, boot directly into whichever os you choose with no re-start. Because there's no os pre-loaded.

I too have it dual booted with 7 on one of my machines, the only thing that I dislike about the dual booting of these two systems is that you must reboot in order to switch OS's.

Dark Knight
February 8th, 2014, 05:37 PM
There's a fix for that, bro! Read here: http://www.askvg.com/how-to-disable-new-metro-boot-loader-and-bring-back-windows-vista-and-7-style-boot-loader-in-windows-8/

Basically, you just have to set the Win7 bootloader as default, which doesn't pre-load an os at the choices screen. Windows 8+ pre-loads itself at the metro version of that screen, then causes you to need to restart to use the Win7 partition. So using the Win7 bootloader solves that issue entirely, enabling you to, at the point of the choices menu, boot directly into whichever os you choose with no re-start. Because there's no os pre-loaded.

Basically all it looks like it's doing to me is doing away with the Windows 8 boot choice screen and changes it back the original (default) Windows boot choice screen with a registry hack. It doesn't look like it solves the problem of seamlessly going back and forth between OS's without having to reboot the machine.

The only software that I see (Which by the way I use) that gets around this issue is a small piece of software called Reboot-To made by a company called Sysfunctions (http://sysfunctions.com/shop/reboot-to/)

Although when starting my machine "fresh" I really do not mind the Windows 8 boot choice screen, this way I get into the OS that I actually want first thing in the morning.

February 8th, 2014, 10:08 PM
Of course you have to restart from whatever os your booted into in order to boot into the other partition, bro. But, with Win8, you have to restart twice if you use the loader from 8. Because 8 pre-loads itself at the bootloader. 7 doesn't. From the Win7 bootloader, you then boot into 7 or 8, without needing that 2nd restart.

My Bitdefender is tripping on that Sysfunctions link!


I'm turning off my antimalware filter for a minute though in order to check it out.......Looks pretty cool. Guess it would save a little time. But even with that, you still restart; you just don't have to go to the bootloader and choose an os.


Basically all it looks like it's doing to me is doing away with the Windows 8 boot choice screen and changes it back the original (default) Windows boot choice screen with a registry hack. It doesn't look like it solves the problem of seamlessly going back and forth between OS's without having to reboot the machine.

The only software that I see (Which by the way I use) that gets around this issue is a small piece of software called Reboot-To made by a company called Sysfunctions (http://sysfunctions.com/shop/reboot-to/)

Although when starting my machine "fresh" I really do not mind the Windows 8 boot choice screen, this way I get into the OS that I actually want first thing in the morning.