View Full Version : Chameleon for 8

February 10th, 2013, 10:22 PM
Hey everyone,here is a Chameleon style theme for Windows 8
Just like the Win 7 version you will be able to change the main Explorer
background,Start Menu(StartIsBack),Taskbar and a few other things
by simply adjusting the color from the Control Panel\Personalize\Color window!

The theme will load as a black theme,if you run Areo Glass for Win8 v0.3 (http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/161788-aero-glass-for-win8-v03/)
and Black Glass Enhanced (http://curiouso9.deviantart.com/art/Black-Glass-Enhanced-v0-5-156752713) you will get full transparency with blur.


Now if you go to Control Panel\Personalize\Color you can choose a new color.The stock Windows colors
are pretty light so you will probably need to open the Advanced Mixer and adjust the color.
If you don't want transparency but still want a custom color turn off Aero Glass but leave Black Glass Enhanced on.


You will notice some items in the Ribbons didn't get themed or aren't transparent,so I normally use Ribbon Disabler (http://hb860.deviantart.com/art/Ribbon-Disabler-for-Windows-8-298650780)
and go back to the Win 7 style no ribbon.


I also included some 64 bit system files,for the clock,wmp12,etc
The wmploc.dll files gives your WMP the same abilities as the theme that is it will also
change color and be transparent if you want.


I think that's it-instructions,previews and links are included in the download

Chameleon for 8-v2 (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?d7zvz229nd3mc9a)

February 11th, 2013, 12:07 AM
Awesome work my friend!!!!!! Love all your work :-D

February 11th, 2013, 12:12 AM
good work bud..+10

February 11th, 2013, 01:20 PM
wow thank you nice theme for Windows 8

February 12th, 2013, 03:40 PM
Hello x I can not make glass windows as in your desk uffaaaaa
is possible and a real video guide of how to do since I'm a beginner and do not understand much?

Hey everyone,here is a Chameleon style theme for Windows 8
Just like the Win 7 version you will be able to change the main Explorer
background,Start Menu(StartIsBack),Taskbar and a few other things
by simply adjusting the color from the Control Panel\Personalize\Color window!

The theme will load as a black theme,if you run Areo Glass for Win8 v0.3 (http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/161788-aero-glass-for-win8-v03/)
and Black Glass Enhanced (http://curiouso9.deviantart.com/art/Black-Glass-Enhanced-v0-5-156752713) you will get full transparency with blur.


Now if you go to Control Panel\Personalize\Color you can choose a new color.The stock Windows colors
are pretty light so you will probably need to open the Advanced Mixer and adjust the color.
If you don't want transparency but still want a custom color turn off Aero Glass but leave Black Glass Enhanced on.


You will notice some items in the Ribbons didn't get themed or aren't transparent,so I normally use Ribbon Disabler (http://hb860.deviantart.com/art/Ribbon-Disabler-for-Windows-8-298650780)
and go back to the Win 7 style no ribbon.


I also included some 64 bit system files,for the clock,wmp12,etc
The wmploc.dll files gives your WMP the same abilities as the theme that is it will also
change color and be transparent if you want.


I think that's it-instructions,previews and links are included in the download

Chameleon for 8-v2 (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?d7zvz229nd3mc9a)

February 13th, 2013, 02:36 AM
Hello x I can not make glass windows as in your desk uffaaaaa
is possible and a real video guide of how to do since I'm a beginner and do not understand much?
A video is being made this week I will send you a link when it gets posted

February 13th, 2013, 03:10 PM
Thank you very much I'll wait patiently

February 15th, 2013, 12:23 PM
:flirt: fantastic work Greg :tu:

February 15th, 2013, 09:23 PM
Hi, Love ur stuff and also Beginner, I have done everythink u said, also the ribbon disabler, I get the new Interface, but only with White Background, and cant Change colour, only for Frame, be lovly if u send me the Link too.
A video is being made this week I will send you a link when it gets posted

March 9th, 2013, 07:52 AM
Theme is very great! Thank you so much!

November 26th, 2013, 11:18 AM
nice job

November 29th, 2013, 02:04 PM
Sweeeeeeeet!! Thanks Greg!! :Smile:


November 29th, 2013, 02:26 PM
theme very gorgeous my friend ... loved it thanks :loving::loving:

November 29th, 2013, 02:50 PM
I really like the theme man,great work on this one.:Smile:

November 30th, 2013, 01:09 PM
Sweeeeeeeet!! Thanks Greg!! :Smile:

Looking good man
Oh and as for your question on DA,I am testing Eurostile Extended now!

November 30th, 2013, 02:25 PM
Awesome!! I'll keep an eye out to see if it worked!
The transparency I told you about worked with "System Transparency" by Prisioner. :happy:

November 30th, 2013, 02:51 PM
I thought I would never say this but.... I'm loving my Windows 8 now!! :laughing:

December 1st, 2013, 07:05 PM
thank you very mutch with windows i missed full glass