View Full Version : Total newb would like a little help with HUD Blue Skin Pack

February 10th, 2013, 10:25 PM
Hi Guys,
I am totally new to skins/customizations so don't be afraid to speak to me like I am an idiot and use small words :)

I downloaded and installed the HUD Blue skin pack from skinpacks and I love it. Great work! I wish I had discovered this years ago.
I have never installed one before but the installer seemed to work fine as everything works great. I did nothing else but run the installer.
I am using Windows 7 Pro x64.

There are a couple of things I would like to change though and I would ask for someone to point me in the right direction.
1. How can I change or remove a sound? ( I hate minimize & maximize sounds) I tried in the windows theme dialog but that didn't work.
2. On some windows the text is hard to read with a dark grey with light grey text, How can I change the text color?

If this is not a simple answer then could you point me in the direction of a tutorial that will help me out?


February 10th, 2013, 10:39 PM
First of all welcome to Virtual Customs.

The First Image is how you put the windows default sound back on instead of the Theme Sound Scheme.

Control Panel/ Sound / Sound/ in the drop Down Menu at the bottom click on Windows Default and apply. OK.

Second Images. Because the text color is all ready in the theme you can play around with this but make sure you try 1 at a time and test them out.

Right Click desktop / Personalize/ Window Color / Advanced Setting/ Use the Drop down menu. Im not sure the location your having trouble seeing the text but you can go through the list and 1 by 1 try and find that location. Its not fullproof but its the only way unless you have windows style builder but thats another tutorial. !Hope this helps.


February 10th, 2013, 10:54 PM
Thanks for the welcome and the help. I do now officially feel like an idiot. When I couldn't change the individual sounds I thought I had to do something special and went no further.
Same for the text, I thought if I did it through the windows dialog I would screw something up. LOL oh well, live and learn.

Is there a beginners tutorial somewhere you could recommend that would show me the basics of creating and modifying themes/skins? You mentioned a Windows style builder.
Once I play around with it maybe I'll have some intelligent questions and I'll understand more what people are talking about in these forums :)

Thanks again, my eyes and ears thank you too.

February 10th, 2013, 11:12 PM
Thanks for the welcome and the help. I do now officially feel like an idiot. When I couldn't change the individual sounds I thought I had to do something special and went no further.
Same for the text, I thought if I did it through the windows dialog I would screw something up. LOL oh well, live and learn.

Is there a beginners tutorial somewhere you could recommend that would show me the basics of creating and modifying themes/skins? You mentioned a Windows style builder.
Once I play around with it maybe I'll have some intelligent questions and I'll understand more what people are talking about in these forums :)

Thanks again, my eyes and ears thank you too.

Dont Feel Discouraged my friend. It takes time. Just be willing to make mistakes along the way, But learn from them. Here are some good tutorials for applying themes and general customization.......

This is a good starting Point if your new to customization!
