View Full Version : wallpaper(series) anouncment

February 24th, 2013, 01:14 PM
Normally I would not announce a wallpaper(series) but since it has been very long since my last graphic it seems like the right thing.
First of all the reason why I did not make graphics is cause I did not have time for it, now I have time so I started again.

At this moment I can not guarantee this wallpaper(series) will ever get done.
The reason is very simple, I am trying something*until now with extream success* that I have never done before.
The idea is to make a model in sketch-up render it out in c4d and then do textures and so on in Photoshop*just to have more control*
In the end I want to give it a concept art feel to it.
The part I fear most for is the Photoshop part, I have never tried it and I am no master with the brush*as you might have noticed I mostly do photo manipulations*

But further with the concept:
basically I am modeling a orbital defense turret, for those who have played halo reach, something like the mac turrets in the space mission.*this one is going to have one massive cannon*
Further more it is going to be inspired by dead space 2, think about those small tunnels you have to crawl thought.
This is also where the wallpaper series idea comes in.
I want to make one epic space battle wallpaper with several of these turrets.
some concept paintings, of its interiors and exteriors.

At this moment I am busy modeling this puppy, I hope I am soon able to show some pictures of the model.
It will probably take weeks or even months before this is done, since I will get it busy within a few weeks time so if it is not done before then it will be delayed.
But a few weeks after that I have like 24/7 time to work on it so it will probably be done soon.

Just tell what you think about the concept.

modeling is going great:D
I give a quick shot at filling it in with Photoshop, that seems to be harder then I first thought so I might end up creating photo-realistic pic's using vray.
back to the modeling part I am not very far, about a 1/5th, but it will be done some dayXD.

just be patient and wait till you see something sick.

first of all, it is going to take more time then I aspected mostely cause I am changing things all the time, just to make it perfect.
but with this update I have something special: some quick sketches of the concept.
These are the sketches of how the concept evoled in my mind, I am not this far so massive changes can and will still be made.
Basically I have like 90% of all the machanics of the reloading system, I am doing most of the time the interior.
But there still should be done a lot of mechanics of the ammo storage and how to reload the ammo storage.*btw I am talking about ammo witch is 4,4m in diameter*
But doing alle these machanical systems really makes it feel a lot more realistic and is by far the most work.

At this moment I am like half done with the interiors of the main compartment, so still a lot of work has to be done.
But the shapes just look sick, lots of open spaces witch makes is a lot harder cause cheating somewhere by just not modeling it is not an option, cause it will probably be visible from another angle.
I am really getting an idea of what the final model will look like and how everything sticks together, now I hope I can squeeze everything in an decent amount of space.

I am getting close to finisch the model, I would say 60% done! Only spend something like 30 hours into it!

At this moment I do not have a lot of time to work on it, and it will probally be a month or so before I have a lot of time again so excpect a lot a delay.