View Full Version : If you are thinking of installing IE 10 .... think again!

Dark Knight
March 1st, 2013, 11:08 PM
For the past few days I have been trying to install IE 10 to get a look at Microsofts newest failure, I tried and tried to no avail, I kept getting an error message every time I rebooted after the install finished that said "ie4uinit.exe The application was unable to start correctly". After which Internet Explorer will not work at all until you uninstall IE 10 and revert back to the previous version.

I searched the web and the Microsoft knowledge base to no avail ....... no answers.

I come to find that on another custom theme / modding forum I am a member of that there are those getting the very same error message, come to find out it is because of the modified .dll files that custom themers must change in order to run custom themes and icons.
If you run sfc\ scannow to revert all modified dll files back to their default IE 10 installs and works fine. I'm sorry I am not going to run a vanilla Windows 7 JUST so I can have IE 10.

Microsoft can keep IE 10 and Windows 8 and shove them up that old dirt road where the sun never shines. :moon:

My new default browser has just become Chrome.

March 2nd, 2013, 11:26 AM
Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight), in one word NO. i installed ie10 final x64 yesterday without the slightest problem. so NO modified dll's for themes has nothing to do with it installing or not installing. now more likely something got corrupted that was either a modified file, or something corrupted a modified file and caused the problem.

Dark Knight
March 3rd, 2013, 01:43 PM
Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight), in one word NO. i installed ie10 final x64 yesterday without the slightest problem. so NO modified dll's for themes has nothing to do with it installing or not installing. now more likely something got corrupted that was either a modified file, or something corrupted a modified file and caused the problem.

Chucky, a quote from Windows 7 forums : "I am guessing this is just an initial glitch and will be ironed out eventually but like you im unwilling to sacrifice my custom themes and icons for a browser I don't use by default anyway. It is specifically the shell32.dll causing the issues."

March 3rd, 2013, 02:15 PM
Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight), you might want to do what i've had to do in the past, and that is to make your nontheme specific changes to your shell32.dll file(or files if you're running 64 bit windows)and copy it/them somewhere. i had a few programs that would mess them up and i would just simply replace them after installing those programs. your problem does explain the problem i had with sidepanels on the lsd theme i installed for a friend after i installed ie10 for her.

Dark Knight
March 3rd, 2013, 03:09 PM
Dark Knight (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/199178-Dark-Knight), you might want to do what i've had to do in the past, and that is to make your nontheme specific changes to your shell32.dll file(or files if you're running 64 bit windows)and copy it/them somewhere. i had a few programs that would mess them up and i would just simply replace them after installing those programs. your problem does explain the problem i had with sidepanels on the lsd theme i installed for a friend after i installed ie10 for her.

Chucky, the problem everyone (custom themers) are having is that you can bring everything back to default and IE 10 will install and work fine, the problem seems to be though on 64 bit systems, but once you install a custom theme or icon packs or anything that is going to modify the shell32.dll file Internet explorer 10 will not work and one must revert back to 9.

If you have found a work around for this , PLEASE enlighten me on how to get around it. I am not one to go messing with .dll files.:Fright:

March 3rd, 2013, 03:44 PM
if i figure out what i did different on my system versus what i did on my friends laptop i'll be more than happy to post it. at this point i don't know why my system isn't having the problem and here laptop is. i'm leaning towards the order i installed items in.

Dark Knight
March 6th, 2013, 12:35 AM
Ok, I've been playing around with this and it definitely is the shell32.dll file in the 7tsp custom icon pack(s) that causes the problem, has nothing to do with custom themes. I reverted the icon pack I had installed back to the Windows default using 7tsp, ran sfc /SCANNOW and rebooted, leaving my custom theme installed. Internet Explorer 10 installs and runs fine. My question is : What would the end result be if I just removed the shell32.dll from the 7tsp icon pack? If this can be done is there also a shell32.dll(x64) that needs to be removed also? :nerd:

Big V
March 6th, 2013, 01:09 AM
Yes you can remove the shell32 dll from the 7tsp pack you will just miss out on a few icons

The way 7tsp works it use the same res files for both 32 & 64 so removing the dll.res out of pack will also take care of syswow also

Just extract the pack using 7zip remove that dll from the resource folder then rezip the pack in 7z format, just make sure the .ini is not inside a folder when you rezip it or it will not find the pack ini

You can try to manually edit that dll after you reapply the 7tsp pack, as i have one dll in my system that doesn't like 7tsp but will allow it to be edited manually

Dark Knight
March 7th, 2013, 11:34 PM
Ok, I removed the shell32.res from the 7tsp icon pack and installed, the installation went fine, I really didn't notice any icons missing and Internet Explorer 10 still works fine ..... BUT ...... now when I right click a file to "save target as" or just normally clicking a download link, when the download dialogue box pops up to choose where to save the file to I can see all the folders on the right hand side of the dialogue box but there are no icons such as My Computer, drives etc. at all, if you mouse over the area .... nothing, But if I do the same in Chrome or Waterfox everything is normal?. Does this have anything to do with the shell32.dll NOT being modified? I wish I was better at editing dll files so that maybe I could figure out the problem and get it to work with IE10. Going to uninstall the icon pack and restore icons back to default. I will give MS some credit, IE10 is a hell of a lot faster than 9.

Dark Knight
March 8th, 2013, 12:25 AM
How about this for a kick in the head ........ I installed one of Mr. Grim's older full glass icon packs with the old batch installer, IE 10 works normally ( download dialogue box too ) even with the shell32.dll file being modified. Looks like it must be something to do with the way 7tsp processes the shell32.dll file that prevents Internet Explorer 10 from functioning.

March 8th, 2013, 12:40 AM
I installed IE 10 and it it didnt work haha
It didnt matter since i did not use IE

March 8th, 2013, 03:55 AM
Dark Knight......you are right! I had the same problem and, is was indeed the 7tsp causing the problem. I restored back to windows 7 default and tried to install again........and no problems, it installed perfectly! They say that everyone will have the update for IE 10 in windows update within 2 weeks.....so we have no choice but to install it! I really don't know why 7tsp causes a problem but, I sure hope there is a fix for this cause I miss having my icon packs installed! :(

March 8th, 2013, 11:56 AM
How about this for a kick in the head ........ I installed one of Mr. Grim's older full glass icon packs with the old batch installer, IE 10 works normally ( download dialogue box too ) even with the shell32.dll file being modified. Looks like it must be something to do with the way 7tsp processes the shell32.dll file that prevents Internet Explorer 10 from functioning.

does the same for outlook 2013. two microsour programs tells me microsour did something.

March 21st, 2013, 08:32 AM
Thanks for posting this thread. I just updated my theme and sure enough IE10 wouldn't launch. I restored the modified files in 7tsp and now it works fine. Dark knight could you post the link to the glass icon pack you're using? i'd rather not have default icons if I had a choice. thanks.

Dark Knight
March 21st, 2013, 01:13 PM
Thanks for posting this thread. I just updated my theme and sure enough IE10 wouldn't launch. I restored the modified files in 7tsp and now it works fine. Dark knight could you post the link to the glass icon pack you're using? i'd rather not have default icons if I had a choice. thanks.

Jabuki - I really do not know where in the forum I downloaded them from, I have had the icons stored on my storage drive for quite some time and it is quite possible I downloaded them from the old site but you could try to look here to start: http://virtualcustoms.net/forumdisplay.php/784-Custom-Icons

Dark Knight......you are right! I had the same problem and, is was indeed the 7tsp causing the problem. I restored back to windows 7 default and tried to install again........and no problems, it installed perfectly! They say that everyone will have the update for IE 10 in windows update within 2 weeks.....so we have no choice but to install it!

If you are set for automatic installation of Windows Updates yes IE10 will automatically be installed, I have Windows notify me so that I can pick and choose the updates I want, so unless they straighten out IE 10 I don't think I'll ever be reinstalling it.

Big V
March 21st, 2013, 03:15 PM
Ok just a suggestion and i'm not 100% sure which one of dll's in the 7tsp pack actually controls IE as I dont use IE

What you may need to do is make a new set of resfile for your 7tsp pack of the dll's that are affected by the IE10 upgrade and replace the old ones. The problem could be something as simple a single icon or bitmap thats not needed anymore fouling it up. The resfile are pretty easy to create using restorator and tucker has a nice tut in extras & setup tuts on how to do it http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/35929-How-to-create-res-files-to-be-used-in-7tsp-packs if you need more help let me know

March 22nd, 2013, 01:44 AM
I experience the same problem as the original Dark Knight post. I am struggling to comprehend this discussion. Is a resolution still pending or did I miss it as it went by over my head?

March 22nd, 2013, 11:03 AM
basically it happens when you use 7tsp icon or theme packs and have ie10 and or office 2013 installed. i've been avoiding 7tsp packages cause i do not want to have to open one up and figure out which file is the culprit.

March 22nd, 2013, 03:00 PM
Can the people who are having the problems state which 7tsp packs they have had problems with, I have recently found that some of the res files in the 7tsp packs are corrupted and contain stray icons from older packs, also seen in the shell32.dll, this seems to happen if you replace icons in a res file instead of creating a new res file from a system file, this could mean I have to go through every 7tsp pack and recreate every res file using a default system file to make sure no stray icons are introduced, I have only noticed this problem so far in any of the 7tsp packs after Blade, also be aware if anyone is using the Blade 7tsp packs or earlier that include the ieframe.dll.res then you will need to remove it as it will cause problems with IE 10.

I am using IE10 as well but I don't seem to be having any of the problems your having, this is why I would like to know what 7tsp packs you have the problems with so I can test them myself and maybe find out for sure what the problem is.

March 22nd, 2013, 03:45 PM
Just doing some Testing with BigV and we think it may also be a problem with some of the icons having the wrong size formats, I have tested with my new updated icon packs and so far so good. I will upload the new packs soon, I also have an updated Machine to go in the shop, I will send out an email to let you know when the update is available to download.

March 22nd, 2013, 05:43 PM
OK here are updated Icon packs for the latest Green Red and Blue Hud Icons







Try them out and see how you go, I tested all 3 packs and IE 10 works with all of them.

March 22nd, 2013, 05:50 PM
Edit: All Packs fixed

March 22nd, 2013, 05:55 PM
GRiM (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/1-Mr-GRiM), i honesty don't remember which pack(s) were giving me the problem. sorry wish i could of been more help.

Big V
March 22nd, 2013, 06:14 PM
Well after testing with mark a bit earlier it seem the major problem with IE10 not running is related to shell32.dll and can be worked around by restoring that dll file back to default using sfc you will only lose out on a handfull of icons
I'm gonna do a few more test and see if i can find a fix by making a new resfile from the updated shell32.dll after IE10 install for my 7tsp pack and see what I can figure out

March 22nd, 2013, 06:51 PM
Sorry guys just had to edit the setup files a bit, I tested the packs out with the themes and they all worked fine and I thought all the extras packs were OK as well but I had not updated a few bits, I checked them all out now though and they should all work great, all work and IE 10 works without problems.

March 22nd, 2013, 07:01 PM
A big thnx to all involved with this.

Before being informed of this thread I posted this : http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/56291-SFC-SCANNOW-Question

The initial trouble-shooting advice given me for my failed IE10 installation did not take these customizations into consideration and, hopefully, may now be shelved due to what I am learning here. So, for now, I would like to confirm that what is happening here is indeed why my IE10 install will not launch. Correct me if my proposed process is incorrect :

1. Create a restore point.
2. run sfc /scannow
3. Install IE10 via Windows Update

If IE10 launches and runs good & fine.

4. uninstall IE10.
5. do a Sys restore

will these steps get me back to where I am now?

thank you.

March 22nd, 2013, 07:08 PM
A big thnx to all involved with this.

Before being informed of this thread I posted this : http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/56291-SFC-SCANNOW-Question

The initial trouble-shooting advice given me for my failed IE10 installation did not take these customizations into consideration and, hopefully, may now be shelved due to what I am learning here. So, for now, I would like to confirm that what is happening here is indeed why my IE10 install will not launch. Correct me if my proposed process is incorrect :

1. Create a restore point.
2. run sfc /scannow
3. Install IE10 via Windows Update

If IE10 launches and runs good & fine.

4. uninstall IE10.
5. do a Sys restore

will these steps get me back to where I am now?

thank you.

All you will need to do is run sfc /scannow or sfc /scanfile=%windir%\system32\shell32.dll to restore a single file and it should work fine then, or if you want you could use one of my HUD icon packs I just posted that are working with the shell32.dll modifications.

I would like to know though, what 7tsp pack are you using so we can warn others or try to make a fix for it?

March 22nd, 2013, 07:22 PM
as stated I had a friend do this for me. I have checked the folder where I think all this was d/l to and have found these :



sorry, wish I could be of more help.

edit : just found a folder in Programs(x86) titled '7tsp' and inside a subfolder called 'Packs' with : 7tsp_Mr.Grims_Glass_Blue_Folder_Icons_Pack_v0.1.7z

March 22nd, 2013, 08:32 PM
Well after testing with mark a bit earlier it seem the major problem with IE10 not running is related to shell32.dll and can be worked around by restoring that dll file back to default using sfc you will only lose out on a handfull of icons
I'm gonna do a few more test and see if i can find a fix by making a new resfile from the updated shell32.dll after IE10 install for my 7tsp pack and see what I can figure out

have to agree. cause now that you mention it after i put my custom shell32.dll in i had no more probs. there is still a one off prob with outlook 2013, but from what i'm seeing on my end it's more than 7tsp icon packs causing that prob.

March 22nd, 2013, 09:46 PM
A big thnx to all involved with this.

Before being informed of this thread I posted this : http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/56291-SFC-SCANNOW-Question

The initial trouble-shooting advice given me for my failed IE10 installation did not take these customizations into consideration and, hopefully, may now be shelved due to what I am learning here. So, for now, I would like to confirm that what is happening here is indeed why my IE10 install will not launch. Correct me if my proposed process is incorrect :

1. Create a restore point.
2. run sfc /scannow
3. Install IE10 via Windows Update

If IE10 launches and runs good & fine.

4. uninstall IE10.
5. do a Sys restore

will these steps get me back to where I am now?

thank you.... or if you want you could use one of my HUD icon packs I just posted that are working with the shell32.dll modifications.I am confused. do you mean I can use this pack and then install IE10 and it should work?

ps - I wish to avoid the loss of "a handful of icons" (see above), if at all possible.

March 22nd, 2013, 11:11 PM
I am confused. do you mean I can use this pack and then install IE10 and it should work?

ps - I wish to avoid the loss of "a handful of icons" (see above), if at all possible.

You can install my icon pack before or after, it doesn't matter, IE 10 will still install and work fine, sorry I don't know what icons you are talking about, you have not posted a screen of any yet or told us what icons you installed, but yes my icon pack will most likely replace any of the custom ones you have.

March 22nd, 2013, 11:37 PM
You can install my icon pack before or after, it doesn't matter, IE 10 will still install and work fine, sorry I don't know what icons you are talking about, you have not posted a screen of any yet or told us what icons you installed, but yes my icon pack will most likely replace any of the custom ones you have.thnx - I was referring to post #24 by Big V, and the phrase "you will only lose out on a handful of icons".

Big V
March 22nd, 2013, 11:48 PM
ok mourningstar i was not referring to the hud icon packs that Mr GRiM post in this thread earlier today, i was referencing older and previously made 7tsp packs in general.

March 23rd, 2013, 01:39 AM
OK - Looks like I'm good to go. IE10 on-line. All seems well now. My gratitude to all.

Larmes de Crocodile
March 23rd, 2013, 06:04 PM
I'm having the same problem, but my icons are not created by Mr GRiM (Token IconPack). However, I'm not going to run SFC /scannow command. Internet Explorer is not worth this. Firefox and Opera are the best browsers.

March 26th, 2013, 01:41 AM
Edit: All Packs fixedawesome! question. are these the only self-install icon packs modded for IE10? If others, where? -thnx.

March 26th, 2013, 03:51 AM
No these are the only installers like this so far.

March 26th, 2013, 04:17 AM
No these are the only installers like this so far.ok, thnx - what would be the process for rotating (manually, I assume) the red, green and blue packs? Also, are the logon screens for these available here as an image d/l? I would like to add them to my logon screen rotator app. A link for any other logon screens is most welcome too.

March 26th, 2013, 04:29 PM
ok, thnx - what would be the process for rotating (manually, I assume) the red, green and blue packs? Also, are the logon screens for these available here as an image d/l? I would like to add them to my logon screen rotator app. A link for any other logon screens is most welcome too.
You can just install one pack over another as all the same icons should be changed in each pack although I still recommend to install fresh each time just to avoid and possible problems, as for the log on backgrounds, they are only provided with these installers, you can still easily save them though after install by going to C:\Windows\System32\oobe\Info\backgrounds and making a copy of them.

March 26th, 2013, 05:45 PM
You can just install one pack over another as all the same icons should be changed in each pack although I still recommend to install fresh each time just to avoid and possible problems, ...thank you.

April 3rd, 2013, 07:52 AM
hi Dark Knight
I am also facing same problem while installing IE on PC. I always become hang and I am not able to installed it. :angry3:

April 3rd, 2013, 01:16 PM
I installed without any issues 32bit and 64bit.
I did some research myself and I ran into other suggestions on MS Support services and it also leads to some users that its a over/rewrite issue when making updates to files and then it dont match up to system registry.

I might be wrong, Who Knows, But thought I might also share some insight.
I know I had issues at first with win8 recognizing my video card even tho supported, I had to bypass and manually config pc and a few drivers to make it fix.

Big V
April 3rd, 2013, 10:08 PM
I just recently did a reformat and noticed that in the past when I have selected not to install any of the IE updates and have hidden them from showing up again I never seen them again, Not anymore it seem MS is trying to force us to make the switch to using IE as every time I checked for more updates the ones I had just hidden where offered back up again and can not be completely hidden as it has been in the past. I'm really getting tired of MS trying to force me to use their garbage I'm seriously leaning toward saying the hell with windows and make the switch to linux base OS

April 4th, 2013, 01:53 PM
Well MS can kiss my butt. I dont use IE, dont like it.
I need FF for my secure web development and then I use GC for media and social.

Dark Knight
May 14th, 2013, 01:50 AM
OK here are updated Icon packs for the latest Green Red and Blue Hud Icons


https://virtualcustoms.net/files/public-docs/VC Uploads/HUD Machine Icons %26 Extras Setup.exe


https://virtualcustoms.net/files/public-docs/VC Uploads/HUD Machine Blue Icons %26 Extras Setup.exe


https://virtualcustoms.net/files/public-docs/VC Uploads/HUD Machine Red Icons %26 Extras Setup.exe

Try them out and see how you go, I tested all 3 packs and IE 10 works with all of them.

I downloaded and installed the blue pack and it works fine, the problem is that it downloaded as an .exe and there is no or at least I see no uninstaller included, how do you go about changing packs or reverting back to Windows default? Do I have to run sfc /SCANNOW to change packs?

May 14th, 2013, 06:43 AM
I downloaded and installed the blue pack and it works fine, the problem is that it downloaded as an .exe and there is no or at least I see no uninstaller included, how do you go about changing packs or reverting back to Windows default? Do I have to run sfc /SCANNOW to change packs?

Yes that's right mate, you can install another pack on top of the previous one with those though as they all should change the same resources, but it's the same with any custom icon packs, you will always have to restore your files using sfc /scannow if you want to safely remove them, there are post install options to restore all or a single system file if you want to use them as well.

May 15th, 2013, 01:40 PM
I don't know if this has been said before or not but Be Very Careful of the Updates from Microsoft concerning IE 10...here a couple months ago Microsoft Dropped KB2670383 on the world and it caused all kinds of havoc including not being able to play a .mp4 some games would crash, and over on the ROG Forums it was reported the on Intel Systems it would cause BSODS....Microsoft pulled the update from Required to Recommended and the Pulled it altogether until about two weeks ago when it Forced Pushed it as KB2670838 and all of the Problems Started again...At this Point I compared KB2670383 to KB2670838 in IDA PRO and found that both are Identical and then looking at it it does have a Little to do with a DX11.1 update but more of it is to force you into Windows 8 by turning off a lot of Media Compatibility like turning off .mp4, .avi, a couple Processor Extensions for the AMD FX line and turn on 2 TCP/IP Sockets in Stealth Mode.

As to IE 10, I allo0wed it to install on my Backup System, a Re-boxed and Heavily Upgraded Dell 531s and IE 10 Constantly Crashed and had Major trouble just viewing any website. So when I finally got a new CPU for my Crosshair and finished rebuilding it I've refused both of the KB updates mentioned earlier and IE 10 being installed.

Just thought all of you would like to know.

May 15th, 2013, 02:40 PM
I don't know if this has been said before or not but Be Very Careful of the Updates from Microsoft concerning IE 10...here a couple months ago Microsoft Dropped KB2670383 on the world and it caused all kinds of havoc including not being able to play a .mp4 some games would crash, and over on the ROG Forums it was reported the on Intel Systems it would cause BSODS....Microsoft pulled the update from Required to Recommended and the Pulled it altogether until about two weeks ago when it Forced Pushed it as KB2670838 and all of the Problems Started again...At this Point I compared KB2670383 to KB2670838 in IDA PRO and found that both are Identical and then looking at it it does have a Little to do with a DX11.1 update but more of it is to force you into Windows 8 by turning off a lot of Media Compatibility like turning off .mp4, .avi, a couple Processor Extensions for the AMD FX line and turn on 2 TCP/IP Sockets in Stealth Mode.

As to IE 10, I allo0wed it to install on my Backup System, a Re-boxed and Heavily Upgraded Dell 531s and IE 10 Constantly Crashed and had Major trouble just viewing any website. So when I finally got a new CPU for my Crosshair and finished rebuilding it I've refused both of the KB updates mentioned earlier and IE 10 being installed.

Just thought all of you would like to know.

they didn't turn anything off to force peeps to 8. i have a intel machine and my roommate has amd, and neither one of us has notice anything including video formats that we regularly use disabled, mor anything turn on in stealth mode. the one update microsour pulled was the first one in a long, long time, and to be honest i'll give them credit they pulled it before having to be told about it. i can remember the days where every patch tuesday you were gambling installing the updates. i would wait at least a week before installing them to see if anyone had problems. as fore ie10 yes it's still as ugly and clumsy as ever but it is stable and fast compare to the past.

May 15th, 2013, 03:43 PM
Sorry to hear all of that ChuckysChild, but if you were watching back in February Microsoft had been told about it and there was an upset over this patch then on the Microsoft Support Forums, but Microsoft's responses were try this or try that it couldn't be the patch even when people started uninstalling the patch and the problems went away. I even had trouble with the patch because I do use a lot of .mp4 formats on an AMD System and they all worked prior to the patch and it took me a Week to find out why all of a sudden half of my games and none of my .mp4, .mkv's and .avi's stopped suddenly working and even my FinalCut kept crashing at loadup of one of those file types. After I uninstalled KB2670383 everything started working again and this also happened with KB2670838 but with that patch I was kinda ready and had an Idea what was going on before I started to search.

Present system:
Asus Crosshair V Formula/Thunderbolt
old CPU: AMD Phenom II x6 1100T, New CPU AMD Phenom II x4 965
8gigs 2x4gigs Patriot Signature 1600's
ATI HD 5870 1gig
System 500gig Seagate Momentus, Data 1.5t Seagate 7200 HD
LG BD Drive and LG DVDR
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
As you can see there's nothing special about my system other than it seems to be working a lot better since I rebuilt everything with my new CPU. Hell I'm getting ready to try and see if I can finally use Themes, as you remember I had great difficulty with them before.

Dark Knight
May 15th, 2013, 04:26 PM
Seems to be working fine for me at the moment, one thing I DID do is to turn off automatic updates for IE10 and had to download the latest version of flash. The only reason I am giving it a run is because I was reading an independent firm ran a test and the results were that IE10 stopped more malware than all the other competitors, see here : http://www.infoworld.com/t/web-security/internet-explorer-10-beats-chrome-and-firefox-blocking-malware-downloads-218560 , gonna see if it lives up to what they say.

May 15th, 2013, 05:49 PM
i guess everyones experience is going to be different depending on their configuration. both software and hardware. i never had a problem with the update.