View Full Version : AdwCleaner By Xplode

Dark Knight
March 3rd, 2013, 12:56 PM
A few weeks to a month ago I was a victim of a drive by malware attack and I picked up the about:blank malware, if you've ever had it before you know what a pain in the ass it is to get rid of, you almost might as well reformat and reinstall, if you've never had it before believe me you don't want it. I don't think that I have tried an antivirus program or malware program that recognizes this malware yet. So to my friend Razorsedge THIS is the malware I was speaking of in another post that Bitdefender 2013 let in my system.

I searched the web tried everyone's suggestions, tried maleware software that "supposedly" cleans this malware ..... nothing worked. about:blank always found a way to replicate itself and come back, then about a week ago I found AdwCleaner by Xplode, I ran the program once, it detected the both the malware's folders in explorer and registry entries and deleted them. I have heard hide nor hare from about:blank since.

I am going to tell you this little stand alone program has been put in my security toolbox !

Download AdwCleaner by Xplode here for free: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/adwcleaner/

March 3rd, 2013, 11:45 PM
you do realize what that is right

that is a url browser hijack that only effects IE and chrome browsers not any others thats the reason it goes undetected in all av programs most common way to get it is by surfing crack sites which people should stay away from anyways as those are well known as virus central.

one of the most popular ways to get it is those ad's that pop up on torrent\warez sites ones that IE and chrome don't block.

the file is like a text file similar to a cookie but its based on the i love you virus in the way its able to hide and replicate itself the i love you virus was a vbs sript that was able to post as a txt file

the about:blank url hijack is an exe in the form of a .txt file and it hides through out your system no av's or malware apps can detect it or remove it very few can but only by detecting url hijacks on your browser homepage. common removal is manual search and destroy via registry and scanning folders

tho only affects chrome and IE but is harmless if you have good av program and don't use IE due to it mainly useing activX that IE has.

In your other post you said bit was not a good av program and were suggesting others but the point here is that this virus is deceted by no av program so it would not matter what one you used as no av can pick this up also no maleware scanners for how it hides itself as a text file.

March 3rd, 2013, 11:55 PM
Thanks Dark Knight-----

I just downloaded this myself. I use Chrome, and I do occasionally use torrent sites, so it might be in my best interest to have this proggy also!


I ran it, was found clean except for a few Registry keys that were left over from a PutLocker file I had gotten a while back, and a few other entries......
Good software.:tu: