View Full Version : Help with a custom logo

March 4th, 2013, 04:30 AM
hey guys, ive been trying to start a website that would be for coding and gaming. mainly the things i personally do as i am a computer engineering major in college and am an avid gamer in a few clans/guilds/groups with friends. the name of the site will be gizmo tech but i am not very artistically inclined DX , so i am asking you guys to help me out with the design of the website and logo. i know pretty much what i need to as far as the coding goes, but i cant seem to make anything work like i want it to as far as design. i have drawn a rough sketch of the logo i would like to use


i would like to use the GT as a logo and the actual gizmo tech part as a banner. any help i get will be greatly appreciated and will be mentioned on my site when it is up and running. i will also have a link to this site to help increase traffic for this amazing site (btw i cant draw worth a damn XD)

March 4th, 2013, 01:05 PM
first of all you may be breaking the rules of this forum, but I am not admin or mod so I will not grab the ban hammer:P
*some forum have a no website promoting policy, this might fall in that category*

since I am always willing to help and I am not here to judge I will help you.
I don't know if you have Photoshop or any 3d applications but this is what I would do.
I would import that sketch into Photoshop, grab the pen tool and make a path of it.
In Photoshop you are able to export a path or several at once.*export the letters one by one, on parts where one letter overlaps the other make the letter whole*
Next import this into your favorite 3d program*I know this can be done in c4d the rest I don't know*
I will continue in c4d terms hope you can convert it to your own program.
Place the path's in the right manner and place them inside of an extrude NURBS object*each letter inside one*
Extrude your letter's trow some materials on top, render it out.
give it a final touch in photoshop and done!
*my logo is done with this manner*

I would do the design I had time but I am busy with my own massive project