View Full Version : ExplorerFrame.dll not working?

Dark Knight
March 11th, 2013, 12:52 AM
I really don't know how long this has been but I just recently noticed that the custom navigation buttons in my installed themes are not working (custom images are not displaying).

The way I see it is that as long as you have Theme Resource Changer installed and the explorerframe.dll file for the custom theme is in the custom theme folder the custom theme, the navigation buttons should show ... correct? Theme Resource Changer is supposed to negate having to manually edit the explorerframe.dll file itself.

I have been trying to figure this out for a couple of hours now and it is probably something real simple, I do recall having this problem some time ago, just can't recall what I did to fix it. So before I go and mess something up I figured I would get a little help here ........ anyone know what's going on with my explorerframe.dll :icon_question:

Windows 7 Home Premium X64, SP1

And yes, I have already tried uninstalling and reinstalling Theme Resource Changer, also this is happening with all my themes not just one.

March 11th, 2013, 02:37 AM
bro i dont have a clue,sorry. but i did tag some people for you so you might get a quicker response.

March 11th, 2013, 02:38 AM
I really don't know how long this has been but I just recently noticed that the custom navigation buttons in my installed themes are not working (custom images are not displaying).

The way I see it is that as long as you have Theme Resource Changer installed and the explorerframe.dll file for the custom theme is in the custom theme folder the custom theme, the navigation buttons should show ... correct? Theme Resource Changer is supposed to negate having to manually edit the explorerframe.dll file itself.

I have been trying to figure this out for a couple of hours now and it is probably something real simple, I do recall having this problem some time ago, just can't recall what I did to fix it. So before I go and mess something up I figured I would get a little help here ........ anyone know what's going on with my explorerframe.dll :icon_question:

Windows 7 Home Premium X64, SP1

And yes, I have already tried uninstalling and reinstalling Theme Resource Changer, also this is happening with all my themes not just one.

Not sure if this will help but its worth a try. Another member here was having issue's getting his themes to work correctly. Try opening CMD prompt as administrator and type sfc/scannow let this run and then reboot. When you reboot your going to have to re patch your system to take 3rd party theme's and re install Theme Resource changer. But it should give you a fresh go at it. let me know if this helps.

March 11th, 2013, 03:12 AM
One thing that causes this to happen when you are using Theme Resource Changer is if "Launch folder windows in a seperate process "is checked
So I would suggest going to Folder option\View and making sure it is not checked

March 11th, 2013, 05:39 AM
One thing that causes this to happen when you are using Theme Resource Changer is if "Launch folder windows in a seperate process "is checked
So I would suggest going to Folder option\View and making sure it is not checked

i never had this problem with TRC i have seen problems when people patch explorerframe for custom background image.

March 11th, 2013, 05:42 AM
Besides what gsw953 said, check and make sure your DPI settings are at default.
Go to Control Panel>Display and make sure the radial button is set at 'Smaller - 100% (default)' ..

Also is TRC installed on the same drive as your Windows?

Dark Knight
March 11th, 2013, 08:44 AM
Pretty sure I have checked all of the suggestions above. I guess the only thing to do is to run sfcf /scannow. Going to give a a run later on this afternoon, off to work right now. I'll let you all know how it turns out later on.

March 11th, 2013, 12:56 PM
some people are running in to probs with the side panels after installing ie10. depend on the configuration of the comp though. i rebuilt a lappy for a friend and the side panels went south after installing ie10, but on mine they are stilling working fine after installing ie10.

March 11th, 2013, 01:57 PM
I really don't know how long this has been but I just recently noticed that the custom navigation buttons in my installed themes are not working (custom images are not displaying).

The way I see it is that as long as you have Theme Resource Changer installed and the explorerframe.dll file for the custom theme is in the custom theme folder the custom theme, the navigation buttons should show ... correct? Theme Resource Changer is supposed to negate having to manually edit the explorerframe.dll file itself.

I have been trying to figure this out for a couple of hours now and it is probably something real simple, I do recall having this problem some time ago, just can't recall what I did to fix it. So before I go and mess something up I figured I would get a little help here ........ anyone know what's going on with my explorerframe.dll :icon_question:

Windows 7 Home Premium X64, SP1

And yes, I have already tried uninstalling and reinstalling Theme Resource Changer, also this is happening with all my themes not just one.

Classic bro I had the exact same issue on my win7 *64 Home premium Packard Bell TM87. The problem occurs if you are using skin pack installer system, skin packs. And then you have also patched your system and are using Theme Resource Changer. Skin Pack Installer system installs like a .exe and then you have those nav buttons from a specific skin pack i.e full glass skin pack. Now, lets say you go and setup your visual in the theme resource changer method, you will have skin pack nav buttons and on top of those you will have theme resource changer nav buttons. Just uninstall all Skin Pack.exe's and use just theme resource changer. Or, alternatively use theme resource changer .visual styles and just delete the files for nav buttons. Hope this helps.

March 11th, 2013, 06:29 PM
When you say 'pretty sure' it sounds like your not sure.
These things above if not set properly can & will cause issues with TRC. You should be POSITIVE about these known areas before you move on.
Also can you verify that the images in the explorerframe.dll folder are .png format, and not .bmp format?
Plus I've heard of bad copies of TRC floating around out there. Do you remember where you downloaded it from? If from here, your good to go..
Let us know what happens.

March 11th, 2013, 07:14 PM
I agree with another member! Did you recently install IE 10? This seems to be causing issues....exspecilly 7tsp! If you didn't install IE 10 then I am sorry....I have no idea friend!

March 11th, 2013, 09:22 PM
Quite awhile ago, I had the same problem. The Bull answered it by giving the solution that HJ outlined above (settings to default). I had mine set to a smaller print, etc so I reset to default. Haven't had any issues since.

Dark Knight
March 12th, 2013, 12:43 AM
Ok, I'm back in buisness, had to uninstall TRC, unpatch Universal theme patcher, basically set everything back to default. Ran sfc /scannow, rebooted then reinstalled and repatched everything, now everything is back to normal. :happy:

I want to thank everyone for their input, don't know what I would do without you guys :Fright:

When you say 'pretty sure' it sounds like your not sure.
These things above if not set properly can & will cause issues with TRC. You should be POSITIVE about these known areas before you move on.
Also can you verify that the images in the explorerframe.dll folder are .png format, and not .bmp format?
Plus I've heard of bad copies of TRC floating around out there. Do you remember where you downloaded it from? If from here, your good to go..
Let us know what happens.

HJ, I didn't mean to sound so vague, you have to understand I wrote the reply at 4am in the morning running out the door to go to work and at 4am in the morning there are not too many things I am very sure of. :cheeky:
Everything as far as themeing goes I get from here and nowhere else but here. I knew the problem could be corrected but I guess I was looking for the quick fix and really did not want to go through the drawn out process of undoing everything just to re do it all over again. If it was over the weekend ..... no big thing, but after working 10 hours and driving an hour each way doing what I mentioned above can be a real pain if you know what I mean.

Again ..... THANKS GUYS!