View Full Version : Help me seniours...

March 17th, 2013, 12:18 PM
hello allz actualy my english is very weak bt em trying to best my self.. experts help me em usging windows 7 and me wants ..windows 8 copy pasters software .. plz any h,ve send me plz plz

March 17th, 2013, 01:07 PM
insp_ire (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/234783-insp_ire)

im really not sure what your looking for here my friend. but it sounds like you are looking for a copy of windows 8,if this is the case i am sorry we do not support pirated or cracked software here. this is illegal and not cool.
now if you are looking for a way to transform windows 7 to windows 8 you can check out this : http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/50218-8-Skin-Pack-Final?highlight=Transform+Windows+windows.
i hope this helps my friend and have a great day.