View Full Version : SFC /SCANNOW Question

March 21st, 2013, 06:24 PM
I am very fond of the custom themes I have installed from here. On occasion I will have a minor issue and the most common advice from trouble-shooters is to run this command. I understand that this function will play havoc with custom themes. So far, I have avoided doing this and have found alternative solutions. I may have to use it now. My question is what will happen to my themes if I run this? And is there a tutorial or a simple process to restore my custom themes in this scenario? I am not very savy and it took me some effort to get the custom themes working and would not look forward to doing it all over again. My os is W7 w/SP1 64-bit Home premium and my issue is IE10 will not start after installation. I class this as a minor issue since IE9 and all else runs fine right now.


March 21st, 2013, 06:32 PM
Not sure Why installing custom themes effects your IE10. But sfc /scannow. Running this is safe and all it does is revert your windows system files to default. When you install custom themes you have to patch certain system files to allow custom themes. and when running sfc /scannow you will have to repatch your system. But doing this is easy. If you feel you need to run sfc /scannow. Just run it reboot and then patch your sytem again install your theme and install your icon pack via 7tsp or whatever. Its actually very simple once you get use to it. I run that command whenever I put on a complete new theme just to make sure everything is fresh.

March 21st, 2013, 06:59 PM
Not sure Why installing custom themes effects your IE10. ...Thnx for the quick reply. However, you got it backwards. Custom themes already present. It's installing IE10 that's the issue and the reason sfc is being suggested. Anyways, I confess that I myself did not install the custom themes, a friend who is no longer available did, thus my request for a 'for-dummies' process. So, how does a 'repatch' get done?


Big V
March 21st, 2013, 07:19 PM
As far as themeing goes sfc will only effect modified system files that you have changed, it will not delete a theme, it will remove icons thou so you will need to redo any icons you have changed plus you will need to repatch your system to wear 3rd party themes again. Other than those two things you shouldn't notice a big change as far as appearance wise

Edit: You can find the theme patcher and if you need it depending on what theme you are running you can also find theme resource changer if you already don't have it installed as most of our themes here require it for them to work here http://virtualcustoms.net/forumdisplay.php/896-Theme-Patchers

March 21st, 2013, 07:47 PM
I noticed that he mentioned he was installing internet explorer 10..I think i saw that same problem in this thread>> http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/54953-If-you-are-thinking-of-installing-IE-10-think-again%21?highlight=internet+explorer. correct me if im wrong or out of place.It just seems like the same problem.

March 22nd, 2013, 01:29 AM
I noticed that he mentioned he was installing internet explorer 10..I think i saw that same problem in this thread>> http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/54953-If-you-are-thinking-of-installing-IE-10-think-again!?highlight=internet+explorer. correct me if im wrong or out of place.It just seems like the same problem.It is the exact same problem. What's the fix?

March 22nd, 2013, 01:45 AM
I am not sure what the outcome was for the fix,but if yah read the whole thread you could probably make more sense of it then i can..lol. I personally would ask "BIG V" or "Dark Night" to see how they applied the fix.sorry i couldnt help,just thought i would point yah in the right direction.good luck.

March 22nd, 2013, 01:49 AM
I am not sure what the outcome was for the fix,but if yah read the whole thread you could probably make more sense of it then i can..lol. I personally would ask "BIG V" or "Dark Night" to see how they applied the fix.sorry i couldnt help,just thought i would point yah in the right direction.good luck.Thnx for the reply and that link. Dark Knight's initial post is my situation. I have posted in that topic. So, I suppose the focus of this thread should center on my requested 'for dummies' procedure to restore customizations in the event that 'other' circumstances necessitate the running of the sfc command.