View Full Version : Yay for first posts and noobie questions!

March 26th, 2013, 09:59 AM
First off, I'd like to say "Hello!" to everybody here at VC.... Pretty much been a fanboy of the whole team since i stumbled across this wonderful place. Since I'm in charge of "theme-ing" my households computers... (my laptop <Win8>, my wives laptop <Win8>, and our shared desktop <Win7>) this place has been almost like a sanctuary too me... BUT i digress... lets move on shall we.

So my question is basically on Windows 7 Home Premium, is it possible to duo-theme between 2 different User Accounts. Whatever the stipulations may be to making this work. The wife and I sorta have a little bet going on, on if it does or doesn't :P.
Personally, I'm pretty sure it works like that... But i've never tried myself, nor have I even thought of doing it. But since she doesn't want to use razors brand spankin new and very very beautiful, 1st place winning theme.... "Rise of the Primes".... awesome job btw Razors....................... I was figuring I could find her something either a little more minimalistic, or even girlie... or w/e shes going to want(for Win7, suggestions for girl themes welcome... I'm a guy, i dont know if girl themes even exist :P)

So anyways. I then had the genius idea of "dual-theme-ing". Why wouldn't it work? 2 different user accounts, 2 different sets of .dll files, and cursor files, and backgrounds, and blah blah blah to work with.... I don't see why it wouldn't.
But she seems to think, because everything is installed onto the HDD to be shared, and not onto the User Account itself then it doesn't work like that.
So I came to the pro's of the industry to ask this question... Hoping somebody here can help me out.

*****-_Is It Possible?!?! 2 Different Themes, 2 Different User Accounts, 1 Theme Per_-*****

That is basically it, any answers are welcome. Oh and please please please, if somebody knows of a good "girly" theme, please suggest away.
So I don't have to look at "My Little Ponies" themes all the time coming from my "Media Center Hub" lolololol

March 26th, 2013, 10:54 AM
First off glad you enjoy the site. and feel free to join in anywhere you want. this community is just awesome. The artist here are second to none.

To answer your question you should take that bet. Because you can have two different user accounts and a different theme on both accounts.

For girl themes you should look at Gor's Sufferance Pink Theme, You can find that one Here....


If that one is too dark for her you can also try GSW953's Theme called Sweet Harmony. You can find here....


and You can check out Faizalotai's Theme ADVOC PURPLE.. You can get that here...


Big V
March 27th, 2013, 03:47 PM
Welcome to the site and yes you can do 2 separate themes on your OS, I hope you made that bet interesting lol:devil:

if she really wanting something girlie girlie check out Mr Grims - Pixie Dust theme http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/28957-Pixie-Dust