View Full Version : Colby Richmond / Web Design / Portfolio / Whatever Else :P

April 1st, 2013, 04:44 AM
Well, first off,
I'm not advertising here. I ill not be linking any of my or anyone else's websites.
Ill be sharing screenshots of work I've done and sharing ideas of work I may or may not do.
Its just a place for me to share my mind and hang out with others of the same interest.
If you'd like to contribute on some of my current or past projects please feel free to PM me.
Feel free to share your opinions but please be polite....

More or less, this thread is just a place for my random mind to share what Ive been up to when it comes t design or coding.
Anyway Hope you enjoy my thread.

April 1st, 2013, 05:03 AM
This is a Adobe Air script I wrote for my website's old radio broadcast.
Everything was server side and It ran at about 19k kbps on resources (pc stats at the time where dual core cpu with 2gb memory).
If ya know much, An external networking application with live streaming, thats very very low in usage.
I originally created it for myself cause at the time I had a crappy computer that couldn't handle much while I was gaming.

April 1st, 2013, 05:09 AM
Its been a project in the making for awhile, still unfinished.
Anyway Its a media player that Ive been working on.
The first script worked without issues but the visual design coding was unfinished.
Then I decided to start rewriting it adding addition features that would also work with pc hardware and so on.
The second script worked as well but I kepted having issues with a few minor things. Eventually when Its finished and everything is working Ill build a new website that runs off my media player.


April 1st, 2013, 06:00 AM
Sounds cool man. Look forward to seeing your work.

April 1st, 2013, 09:29 AM
Started back up on my media player.
Imma use less images and more coding.
I want to make it run as smooth as I can without using hardly any resources.
The current screenshot has some elements still included.
I plan to remove the sharing, add to playlist and buy links.
Imma build an all new user system thats more efficient than the current media player.
Anyway, The new controls and video call backs are running smoother.


Looks like crap right now, but fixing to really pimp it out with more 3D looking sections. I plan to make sections look more like widgets and then scroll bars go bye bye. lol forgot to disable them in visual basic lol

April 1st, 2013, 11:48 AM
My Progress :)
Coming along super fast.
Video Seasrch Unlimited now fully operational, No issues with callbacks to youtube, Means no video ads and no bullshit saying
"ThisVideoContains content from BlahhBlahh.It is restricted from playback on certain sites"
Found a way to work around the bullcrap and So I have, all without breaking youtube/googles terms of service :)
Next plan to add a nice footer section the the player with navigation to additional functions.

April 1st, 2013, 01:31 PM
Great work my friend! Hope to see some more of your work :)

April 1st, 2013, 01:54 PM
Just updated the controls in the header and the footer section.
Also created a new Window/Fullscreen tab. Created the window fullscreen to set the player apart cause controls section is gonna be pumped up some more.
Not to mention when videos display larger its harder on html5 and adobe to render the larger video. The site currently even runs smoothly on a netbook with a single core and 1gb ramm. Staying around 25k kbps and the cache autodump mod is finally working :)


The fullscreen tab makes video fullscreen and back to reg size video in the window without restarting video, and the speaker next to volume slider mutes and unmutes.

April 1st, 2013, 03:01 PM
Here is a better screeny.

April 2nd, 2013, 12:10 PM
Started back up on my media player.
Imma use less images and more coding.
I want to make it run as smooth as I can without using hardly any resources.
The current screenshot has some elements still included.
I plan to remove the sharing, add to playlist and buy links.
Imma build an all new user system thats more efficient than the current media player.
Anyway, The new controls and video call backs are running smoother.


Looks like crap right now, but fixing to really pimp it out with more 3D looking sections. I plan to make sections look more like widgets and then scroll bars go bye bye. lol forgot to disable them in visual basic lol

very cool Colby Richmond :Smile:

what theme is this you are using?

is for windows 7?

April 3rd, 2013, 01:47 AM
very cool Colby Richmond :Smile:

what theme is this you are using?

is for windows 7?

Im not using windows 7. Windows 8.
Im using Poison theme by GRIM with HUD Apocalypse Sounds and a few elements from designfjotten's Re-Digitized win7 Theme.
Thats the theme colab Im using on my PC.

April 3rd, 2013, 01:51 AM
Started another web design ealier. Been tinkering with it for the last hour or so. Background image will be a custom creation eventually. For now I googled something relative to the color I wanted while it also falling into the Techy area.
Anyway The base is done.
Now I plan to add a bunch of sweet tweaks.
So far the first tweak in mind is an ajax anchorbox then making tweak it up some more and maybe convert them template into a media template for portfolios and band websites.
Not sure.
Looking for suggestions, Any one got any?


April 3rd, 2013, 04:09 AM
Man, I could have probably lined you up some work last week.....I had this fellow contact me at deviantART who wanted me to design a website for him, wanted a spacy, Tron-meets-Matrix type of look and feel he said.
He gave me his identity as a Mike McCarson, said his company was H-Resources or something like that...., told me he was a Christian, was looking for a designer (artist) who also knew something about site coding. Wanted a
cool design for this site he had called "UniONverse", a site he was setting up to unite Christians financially or some such mess.
I had to shine him on, mainly because I didn't want to have to sign a NDA and do other stuff that would require him knowing my real, full name and address. I know that's paranoid, but I'm super-private with things on the www.
I'm going to school currently for website design, and taking some good digital-art courses, and really hated to pass on the opportunity. It might have been some good experience for me. And someday I'll have to get myself truly
out there in the public-eye (with my real name, etc.) if I plan on getting $$$ for my developing talents......I know this, and am cool with that. But, I've had a couple of enemies try to attack me on the Internet, trying to cause
chaos, due to the fact that I'm a fan of VC (and MrGrim) and prominent here and at CreativX. Believe me, some of the guys who've been here a while remember how me, MrGrim, RazorsEdge, BigCyco, and a few others were
being harassed at deviantART some months ago. Someone who had been banned from here, more than likely, or from CTX (or from both sites!), who wanted to try and slander us all. Long story short, I don't trust most people on
the www.......So (http://www.......So), this guy who wanted me to build a site for him? He sounded legit, but he hadn't been at DA long, had barely set up his profile there, had no Friends, no Watchers, was Watching no one....and, according to his
"Recent Activity" at DA (deviantART), had visited my page (only) and sent me this note about wanting me to contact him, as soon as he created the DA account! So I e-mailed him several times, back-and-forth from my YourNumbr1Fan
outlook mail, to his email that he gave me, then finally just told him I didn't want to get involved with anything right now. Just seemed fishy.

He might have been straight-up. But also he might have been some a-hole, trying to find out who I actually am so he could try to cause drama...something I don't like at all.

If I'd known you were around, I might have sent him your way.
Good tidings my friend, welcome to VC, and may you prosper!

April 3rd, 2013, 04:19 AM
I know how the drama thing goes. I had to shut down one of my old sites and let it expire things got so bad.
Web design isnt my priority but I do love it.
Im more networking and networking security.
I love modding scripts and I like to see what I can do. I can code a website no prob and mod the hell out of almost any script.
When I get to coding smaller scripts like the one right now they are just for fun or someone looking for a simple css/html template to integrate into there cms.
Anyway I focus mostly on Web Hosting Services, and Web Management.
Not many web hosting services provide Managed Site Hosting. Meaning I not only get paid for the web hosting but I get paid if they want me to update there site or run it fully.
A lot of new website owners out there and most dont know how to get there site off the ground properly. Thats where I come in :D
Building the site, Hosting the site, then run the site for them :)
It pays my bills and Ive been doing it sense 2006 when I graduated college.
And Prob wouldnt of been able to help your friend last week lol. My butt was in the hospital.

Here is the background I made for the template.
And here the the link to the template for preview purposes.

April 3rd, 2013, 04:30 AM
That looks pretty cool man. Maybe I didn't read you op here thoroughly, sorry about that bro-------I tend to scan, and my eyes aren't what they once were! I'm almost 46, going downhill fast! LOL!

I wish you the best, and hope you continue to prosper in any endeavor you set yourself to! I'm going to send you a Friend thingy here, hope you'll accept! Nice to meet you bud, and maybe you and Toady might get acquainted soon if you haven't already. He has a knack for coding, has a new site......unsure if he needs the services you can provide though. You've surely already met him? I've been MIA here for a while.


April 3rd, 2013, 11:19 AM
Dont think I've come a crossed toady yet.
I provide many services online, but thats not what Im here for. I enjoy VC, nice staff, nice members and lots of creativity to get this lump on my shoulders going. lol

April 3rd, 2013, 11:35 AM
Good deal mate. Have fun here, enjoy the forum! VC is a great place. :tu:

Dont think I've come a crossed toady yet.
I provide many services online, but thats not what Im here for. I enjoy VC, nice staff, nice members and lots of creativity to get this lump on my shoulders going. lol

April 3rd, 2013, 01:02 PM
New Avatar

New Sig / Profile Photo

Im satisfied with them :D

April 3rd, 2013, 06:33 PM
Im not using windows 7. Windows 8.
Im using Poison theme by GRIM with HUD Apocalypse Sounds and a few elements from designfjotten's Re-Digitized win7 Theme.
Thats the theme colab Im using on my PC.

thanks for the quick response my friend :Smile:

April 3rd, 2013, 11:58 PM
No prob, I was on here on and off for the majority of the day yesterday.

April 11th, 2013, 01:17 AM
Giving up on Win8 App creation for now.
Going another route that I know will work all the same sort to speak.

Using my sites current template design for the time being just to make sure functionality and all works well.
Only have run into 1 bug and thats an issue when minimizing full screen video.
Other than that I now get to work on the new visual design and going to give it a more Appy look.
Menu and other primary functions already finished. and the scripts have been integrated.
Just the long road of endless hours coding an all new theme :D

Anyway here is a screenshot.

This is a fullscreen startmenu and desktop app.

June 1st, 2013, 12:37 PM
Took a diablo theme for wordpress and been revamping it to work as a video game portfolio blog.
So far so awesome and getting close to 300 visitors a day now :D

Optimizing this theme was a pain. Cleaned up a buttload of code to get it user friendly and automated, plus loading speed.
Still looking to add more. Id like to turn the large banner rotator into a plugin that auto turns into my twitch.tv broadcast when im broadcasting.

June 1st, 2013, 12:45 PM
I had a few messages askin where I been and what Ive been up too.
Well, I busted tail last year working any job I could get.
I finally spent my tax returns on a project I hope brings some cash.
I bought 2 large web servers and spent quite some time getting all my licenses and other various docs and paperwork needed to legally start an online business.
4months of work and now making some cash :D
Not to mention a redesign of thew business website :)

June 1st, 2013, 12:59 PM
Spent Last Night Updating the visual appearance of my music sites profile on another social scene website.
This was the outcome with a flash header "Continue to Website" box.

Plan to add more elements but this is the first draft of the template. Not super flashy but very easy to understand and organised :)


The original design of user profile on this site are just cluttered with crap and so much stuff. I like customising the look of my pages if I can and this is what I did :D
The design without my editing is as fallows.


June 7th, 2013, 05:47 AM
I finished creating the new API that is up-to-date with google/youtubes api terms and conditions.
I decided to also go ahead and redesign the website.
I wanted a new look and so here it is. :D
Any change suggestions are welcome.


June 7th, 2013, 05:51 AM
Very nice design mate :Smile:

June 7th, 2013, 06:49 AM
Looks good. Clean and stylish my friend.

June 7th, 2013, 11:28 AM
Still trying to get the media player finished update.
For some reason that I cant think of, Its wanting to use the sites primary search rather than the predefined media player search
Being a pain in my butt right now.
Might rebuild the media player completely and remove profile and community functions.
Basically a standalone video search engine app.

August 31st, 2013, 10:18 AM
Media Player is up to date, Not sure Imma keep it as it is now tho. Thinking about creating an all new better looking one.
Think I might start up my original design but vamp it up a bit and see if I can optimize it hardcore to improve visual appearance without using a lot of resources....