View Full Version : Call Of Duty xp 1million Dollar Tournament Going on right now

April 5th, 2013, 11:34 PM
Just to let you gamers know there is a million dollar tournament going on right now and all weekend. good gaming from all around the world, Taking place in Los Angeles California.

You can watch these COD Tournements On


GO to Browse games and choose Black Ops 2

The Archiver
April 6th, 2013, 12:02 AM
call of what ? :P

April 6th, 2013, 12:17 AM
HA HA ya I know your all into the BF3. To tell ya the truth I like all the FPS Games I dont have a favorite. Just thought I would Let you all know. Its intense watching these pro's play. and Its teams from all around the world.

April 6th, 2013, 02:14 PM
i dont do COD games any more esp not after MW3 i snapped the game disks in half and threw them away BO2 aint much chop any way. BF4 will be the next game title i get after i play the beta.

May 6th, 2013, 02:11 AM
The reasons I dislike COD are as follows:
1. You don't need any real skill to play cod, all you need to do is see and shoot the enemie first.
2. It is nearly the exact same every game now, Black Ops 2 is different but then I go to my first reason.
3. The online community of COD consists of: Everyone trolling, whinging and just being stupid.. the COD pros are cool but in reality, CS:S and CS:GO pro's would wipe the floor with them.
4. No decent single player experience, doesn't even last long either.
EDIT: 6. Almost all guns have no recoil, apart from snipers... oh wait, they go back to the starting position anyway so its semi recoil.

I'm not going to pay $70+ Australian dollars for a game that can't deliver, that millions of casual gamers play because they suck at every other FPS, then say its crap.

EDIT: I haven't played BF games so I might try one out, I play CS:GO and Arma III.

May 6th, 2013, 04:51 AM
WWWHHHOOOOAAA! Sure wish I was a durn gamer right now! LOL Thanks for the info though :)