View Full Version : Website Suggestion's from MongerVog

April 6th, 2013, 01:39 AM
From time to time Ill have suggestions for the site.
I have a few years experience with vBulletin 3.2 through 3.8 and I know with vBulletin all kinds of great things can be done.
So I only need one place really for my suggestions when I think of them, Hope VC Admins will read, reply, and approve of some of these request.

#1 Option to set Location to private, That way it doesnt show in post/reply templates

Might I add, I mean no offense by these request or suggestions. They are not meant to tell you how to run or design your community in any way.

April 6th, 2013, 01:40 AM
#2 Remove gender from post.reply templates

April 6th, 2013, 01:41 AM
#3 VC Member title has a default image instead of text

April 6th, 2013, 01:52 AM
Im not sure if it exist yet for this version of VB but in 3.8 there was a plugin download manager that had a feature for Download Times, It simply told everyone how many times the file(s) had been downloaded. That would be kinda nice to have on a site like this :)

#4 Download Manager that tells how many times item(s) have been downloaded

April 6th, 2013, 11:53 AM
Hi mate

well you can select not to show your gender in the UCP
if you go to the UCP an leave your location field blank it will not show
you can see how many times an attachment has been downloaded ether in the post of in the UCP under attachments

so we have most of them already

vbulletin is ok and easy to mod but phpbb3 is more flexible and can be configured and customized beyond VB both great software but i prefer open source over paid.

thanks for the suggestions :Smile:

Harvey Sewdin
April 6th, 2013, 02:16 PM
Good suggestions bud, but some people prefer the current way of going. Maybe you have missed it but certain points work different than you have thought of, don't get me wrong, i may be incorrect :peace:. The member title is actually the default "nickname/text" for everyusre, its changeable trough your control panel. And the download manager may work differently. Attachment uploaded and opened directly from this site does have a counter(look at some zip files users upload for downloading, it has a counter on the right), if that is what you mean. And good suggestions though :smile:

Dark Knight
April 6th, 2013, 02:49 PM
vbulletin is ok and easy to mod but phpbb3 is more flexible and can be configured and customized beyond VB both great software but i prefer open source over paid.

I agree Toady, Maybe if VBulletin offered some kind of trial version I would be more inclined to try and buy it but I can't really see dumping all that $$$ on something that I am really not that familiar with, plus phbb3 has come a long way and in my mind is easier to set up, use, configure and modify ...... and is more secure.

April 6th, 2013, 10:23 PM
I agree Toady, Maybe if VBulletin offered some kind of trial version I would be more inclined to try and buy it but I can't really see dumping all that $$$ on something that I am really not that familiar with, plus phbb3 has come a long way and in my mind is easier to set up, use, configure and modify ...... and is more secure.

Yes thats true

and if your code savvy then you can use the phpbb3 forum software and code a regular website buy creating custom single page templates, so its flexibility is beyond just forums.

April 7th, 2013, 07:52 AM
I suggested the location issue cause when I tried before posting it here, It said it was a required field. Same issue with Gender. Neither can be hidden at this time. If you try the revert back to last input

vBulletin Message

A required field called Gender is missing or has an invalid value.

The download times suggestion was for the thread so everyone could see.
Not sure how phpbb came into this, but anyways.

User titles are editable but very limited. I tried to apply VC Loyalist with a font color of red and using span or font tags I still can not due to character limits.
If someone wanted to use an image instead they wouldnt be able to due to the char limits.

April 7th, 2013, 07:55 AM
As for the suggestions and people wanting some to stay the same, The plugins suggested I know in vb3.6 + where optional. Meaning users could choose to show or not to show the info.
These where just simple user friendly suggestions that Some may like, like myself.

April 9th, 2013, 10:08 AM
If allowed here, Id like to request a sub-category please for Gamers Den

Sub Categories =
Addons, GUI's, and Mods