View Full Version : AddressBand white-to-transparent gradient problem.

April 9th, 2013, 11:04 AM
Guys, please help me!
I'm crackin my head on this problem for weeks, and now i'm totally out of ideas.
I was trying to make adressband with white-to-transparent gradient, here's my problem:
To the left - photoshop, how ti should be, to the right - screenshot of how it is. question is - WTF IS GOING ON with transparent white on the edges??
I've made a screenshoot using truesize, to exclude any sizing problems...

This is easy to test, make anthing with white-to-transparent gradient anywhere in your theme or default aero, it's ain't something adressband specific, it's everywhere...

What's going on?
Please, anyone.

April 10th, 2013, 04:16 AM
Guys, please help me!
I'm crackin my head on this problem for weeks, and now i'm totally out of ideas.
I was trying to make adressband with white-to-transparent gradient, here's my problem:
To the left - photoshop, how ti should be, to the right - screenshot of how it is. question is - WTF IS GOING ON with transparent white on the edges??
I've made a screenshoot using truesize, to exclude any sizing problems...

This is easy to test, make anthing with white-to-transparent gradient anywhere in your theme or default aero, it's ain't something adressband specific, it's everywhere...

What's going on?
Please, anyone.

Hi bud just to let u know a few things when it comes to wsb it's not the most perfect of programs more so its ms that is not so perfect with the msstyles and making of their os.

You will notice in a lot of places especially with things to do that are on the farmes of the windows the sizing properties are not always great as in take the side's of the windows frames for example even when u enter sizing properties for them windows if u make the image small say 4 or 5 pixels it wont matter what u do on the properties it stretches the image right from the middle of it can be quite annoying at times and you have to play around to work around it. Thats not the only one just an example to give you an idea.

Another issue that comes up a lot is when making images in photoshop and them importing them into wsb they are not always being ported into the app just as it looked in photoshop they have an app to try and correct some of those issues called Alpha Converter that you can use to import the images into wsb so u can correct those issues.

Another word of note is for things of this nature especially on the frames but pretty well applies to all places as you will encounter the same problem every where its a good idea that around the image u make u leave a 1 pixel blank boarder on all 4 sides of the image meaning 1 pixel all the way around your image blank as for some reason when the msstyle is applied the last pixel line if you have it right on the edge of the image without the blank boarder around it will 99% of the time be messed up this is just a default that cannot be fixed :)

April 10th, 2013, 09:37 AM
razorsedge (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/148478-razorsedge)
Thank you for an answer!
Yes, i already noticed that thing that you've said about windows frames, that made me think that Windows 7 markup was made by blind monkeys in a dark room :D

Another issue that comes up a lot is when making images in photoshop and them importing them into wsb they are not always being ported into the app just as it looked in photoshop they have an app to try and correct some of those issues called Alpha Converter that you can use to import the images into wsb so u can correct those issues.
Where can i get this Alpha converter? Or you mean that it's built-in wsb already?

I'm concerned mainly about the color problems, for example 10% alpha white actually become 10% grey after applying theme...Which make it almost impossible to edit complex white shapes...
There are no universal workaround about color correction?
As i understand, wsb convert .png into .bmp with alpha channel?
If so, than in this process there must be some color-sheme shift or ICC corrections...