View Full Version : Just wondering...

April 10th, 2013, 06:41 PM
Hey guys I have Been using object dock for years as a game dock for my pc games. I use custom icons usually found on DA for all the games and it looks great... but it bothers me that the max pixel size object dock will display is 256X256... I wish I could go bigger to show off those sweet icons more is there a dock that can display bigger??? the size of most of these icons is 512X512.. thanks if you have any input.

April 11th, 2013, 10:29 AM
Hey guys I have Been using object dock for years as a game dock for my pc games. I use custom icons usually found on DA for all the games and it looks great... but it bothers me that the max pixel size object dock will display is 256X256... I wish I could go bigger to show off those sweet icons more is there a dock that can display bigger??? the size of most of these icons is 512X512.. thanks if you have any input.

i believe nexus will, but i'm not sure.


April 11th, 2013, 02:56 PM
i believe nexus will, but i'm not sure.


Yeah I kind of remembered that when I tried it previously... I also remember that I hated it... It seemed really counter intuitive and hard to configure as compared to object dock. Guess I will reinstall my copy and give it another shot. thanks for the help.

Edit: Nope... It has a max of 255 pixels....bummer. I think its a fruitless endeavor.

April 11th, 2013, 04:09 PM
killjoy (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/171900-killjoy), i've been using the full suite of winstep products(winstep xtreme) for years and love it. counter intuitive isn't the word i'd use. winstep products have a bit of a learning curve byt once you're use to the settings it's sweet. if you need any help with it just holler. fyi though i do not use the gadgets. personal preference cause i like a clean desktop.

April 11th, 2013, 04:27 PM
you could try this: XWindows dock


from what i under stand it will show icons up to the size you want.