View Full Version : Address Band / Breadcrumb background change

April 12th, 2013, 01:07 AM
I would like to get some help changing the background of the address band/breadcrumb.

I would like to use this image...

I added it in here...

But it doesn't work. I keep playing with the sizing trying to get it right so it doesn't stretch the ends but it just won't work right. I'm trying to make it look like the tabs on a mac folder.

Can anyone help??


April 12th, 2013, 04:37 AM
I would like to get some help changing the background of the address band/breadcrumb.

I would like to use this image...

I added it in here...

But it doesn't work. I keep playing with the sizing trying to get it right so it doesn't stretch the ends but it just won't work right. I'm trying to make it look like the tabs on a mac folder.

Can anyone help??


Hi Bud any chance you can post a screen of how it loks when u click test as you say it's messing up so I can see it and get a better idea of whats hapening to be able to help you or if u like pass the msstyle to me through a pm on the site and I will fix it, a bit hard to give you any info here unless I can see how the image is showing up to know whats wrong with the settings :)